A modern communication network can be described as a large, complex, distributed system composed by higher interoperating, smaller sub-systems. Today, the proliferation and convergence of different types of wired, wireless, and mobile networks are crucial for the success of the next generation networking. However, these networks can hardly meet the requirements of future integrated-service networks, and are expected to carry multimedia traffic with various Quality of Experience (QoE) and Quality of Service (QoS) requirements. Providing all relevant QoS/QoE issues in these heterogeneous networks is then an important challenge for telecommunication operators, manufacturers, and companies. The impressive emergence and the important demand of the rising generation of real-time Multi-service (such as Data, Voice VoD, Video-Conference, etc.) over communication heterogeneous networks, require scalability while considering a continuous QoS. This book presents and explains all the techniques in new generation networks which integrate efficient global control mechanisms in two directions: (1) maintain QoS requirements in order to maximize network resources utilization, and minimize operational costs on all the types of wired-wireless-mobile networks used to transport traffic, and (2) mix the QoS associated with home, access, and core networks in order to provide Quality of Service/Quality of Experience expected by users of new services.
Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs) play a key role to develop Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) aiming to achieve road safety and to guaranty needs of drivers and passengers, in addition to improve the transportation productivity. One of the most important challenges of this kind of networks is the data routing between VANET nodes which should be routed with high level of Quality of Service (QoS) to ensure receiving messages in the time. Then, the driver can take the appropriate decision to improve the road safety. In the literature, there are several routing protocols for VANETs which are more or less reliable to reach safety requirements. In this book, we start by describing all VANET basic concepts such as VANET definition, VANET versus Mobile ad-Hoc Network (MANET), architectures, routing definition and steps, Quality of Service (QoS) for VANET Routing, Metrics of evaluation, Experimentation, and simulation of VANETs, mobility patterns of VANET etc. Moreover, different routing protocols for routing in VANETs will be described. We propose two main categories to be presented: classical routing and bio-inspired routing. Concerning classical VANET, main principles and all phases will be overviewed, as well as, their two sub-categories which are topological and geographical protocols. After that, we propose a new category called bio-inspired routing which is inspired by natural phenomenon such as Ant colony, Bee life, Genetic operators etc. We present also, some referential protocols as example of each category. In this book, we focus on the idea of how to apply bio-inspired principle into VANET routing to improve road safety, and to ensure QoS of vehicular applications.
Resource allocation and power optimization is a new challenge in multimedia services in cellular communication systems. To provide a better end-user experience, the fourth generation (4G) standard Long Term Evolution/Long Term Evolution-Advanced (LTE/LTE-Advanced) has been developed for high-bandwidth mobile access to accommodate today’s data-heavy applications. LTE/LTE-Advanced has adopted discontinuous reception (DRX) to extend the user equipment’s battery lifetime, thereby further supporting various services and large amounts of data transmissions. By introducing the basics of mathematical analysis and performance evaluation of power-saving mechanisms in 3rd generation partnership project (3GPP) LTE and LTE-Advanced networks, the authors of this book aim to describe novel algorithms which could have better performance capabilities than previous methods. Chapter 1 gives the basic theory description of the 3GPP LTE network and 3GPP DRX power saving mechanism, empirical measurements of LTE network traffic and an overview of the basic LTE DRX model in the field of power saving techniques. Chapter 2 provides steps for deriving a 2-state analytical model up to a 4-state DRX model. The third and final chapter summarizes alternative methods for the implementation of LTE DRX. Contents 1. Basic Theory. 2. Analytical Semi-Markov Power-Saving Models. 3. Other Approaches for LTE Power Saving. About the Authors Scott A. Fowler is Associate Professor at Linköping University, Sweden, working with the Mobile Telecommunication (MT) group. He has served on several IEEE conferences/workshops as TPC to Chair, including Special Interest Groups coordinator for IEEE Communications Software (CommSoft) Technical Committee since 2012. His research interests include Quality of Service (QoS) support over heterogeneous networks, computer networks (wired, wireless), energy management, mobile computing, pervasive/ubiquitous, performance evaluation of networks and security. Abdelhamid Mellouk is Full Professor at the University of Paris-Est Créteil VdM (UPEC, ex. Paris 12), Networks & Telecommunications (N&T) Department (IUT C/V) and LiSSi Laboratory in France. He is a founder of the Network Control Research activity with extensive international academic and industrial collaborations. His general area of research is in adaptive real-time control for high-speed new generation dynamic wired/wireless networking in order to maintain acceptable Quality of Service/Experience for added-value services. Naomi Yamada is a research associate at Linköping University, Sweden.
Based on a convergence of network technologies, the Next Generation Network (NGN) is being deployed to carry high quality video and voice data. In fact, the convergence of network technologies has been driven by the converging needs of end-users. The perceived end-to-end quality is one of the main goals required by users that must be guaranteed by the network operators and the Internet Service Providers, through manufacturer equipment. This is referred to as the notion of Quality of Experience (QoE) and is becoming commonly used to represent user perception. The QoE is not a technical metric, but rather a concept consisting of all elements of a user's perception of the network services. The authors of this book focus on the idea of how to integrate the QoE into a control-command chain in order to construct an adaptive network system. More precisely, in the context of Content-Oriented Networks used to redesign the current Internet architecture to accommodate content-oriented applications and services, they aim to describe an end-to-end QoE model applied to a Content Distribution Network architecture. About the Authors Abdelhamid Mellouk is Full Professor at University of Paris-Est C-VdM (UPEC), Networks & Telecommunications (N&T) Department and LiSSi Laboratory, France. Head of several executive national and international positions, he was the founder of the Network Control Research activity at UPEC with extensive international academic and industrial collaborations. His general area of research is in adaptive real-time control for high-speed new generation dynamic wired/wireless networks in order to maintain acceptable Quality of Service/Experience for added-value services. He is an active member of the IEEE Communications Society and has held several offices including leadership positions in IEEE Communications Society Technical Committees. Said Hoceini is Associate Professor at University of Paris-Est C-VdM (UPEC), Networks & Telecommunications (N&T) Department and LiSSi Laboratory, France. His research focuses on routing algorithms, quality of service, quality of experience, and wireless sensor networks, as well as bio-inspired artificial intelligence approaches. His work has been published in several international conferences and journals and he serves on several TPCs. Hai Anh Tran is Associate Professor at the Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST), Vietnam. His research focuses on QoE aspects, QoS adaptive control/command mechanisms, wired routing, as well as bio-inspired artificial intelligence approaches.