This book deals with air-ground aeronautical communications. The main goal is to give the reader a survey of the currently deployed, emerging and future communications systems dedicated to digital data communications between the aircraft and the ground, namely the data link. Those communication systems show specific properties relatively to those commonly used for terrestrial communications. In this book, the system architectures are more specifically considered from the access to the application layers as radio and physical functionalities have already been addressed in detail in others books. The first part is an introduction to aeronautical communications, their specific concepts, properties, requirements and terminology. The second part presents the currently used systems for air ground communications in continental and oceanic area. The third part enlightens the reader on the emerging and future communication systems and some leading research projects focused on this scope. Finally, before the conclusion, the fourth part gives several main challenges and research directions currently under investigation.
The design, implementation and validation of avionics and aeronautical systems have become extremely complex tasks due to the increase of functionalities that are deployed in current avionics systems and the need to be able certify them before putting them into production. This book proposes a methodology to enable the rapid prototyping of such a system by considering from the start the certification aspects of the solution produced. This method takes advantage of the model-based design approaches as well as the use of formal methods for the validation of these systems. Furthermore, the use of automatic software code generation tools using models makes it possible to reduce the development phase as well as the final solution testing. This book presents, firstly, an overview of the model-based design approaches such as those used in the field of aeronautical software engineering. Secondly, an original methodology that is perfectly adapted to the field of aeronautical embedded systems is introduced. Finally, the authors illustrate the use of this method using a case study for the design, implementation and testing of a new generation aeronautical router.
The focus of this book is risk assessment methodologies for network architecture design. The main goal is to present and illustrate an innovative risk propagation-based quantitative assessment tool. This original approach aims to help network designers and security administrators to design and build more robust and secure network topologies. As an implementation case study, the authors consider an aeronautical network based on AeroMACS (Aeronautical Mobile Airport Communications System) technology. AeroMACS has been identified as the wireless access network for airport surface communications that will soon be deployed in European and American airports mainly for communications between aircraft and airlines. It is based on the IEEE 802.16-2009 standard, also known as WiMAX. The book begins with an introduction to the information system security risk management process, before moving on to present the different risk management methodologies that can be currently used (quantitative and qualitative). In the third part of the book, the authors’ original quantitative network risk assessment model based on risk propagation is introduced. Finally, a network case study of the future airport AeroMACS system is presented. This example illustrates how the authors’ quantitative risk assessment proposal can provide help to network security designers for the decision-making process and how the security of the entire network may thus be improved. Contents Part 1. Network Security Risk Assessment 1. Introduction to Information System Security Risk Management Process. 2. System Security Risk Management Background. 3. A Quantitative Network Risk Management Methodology Based on Risk Propagation. Part 2. Application to Airport Communication Network Design 4. The AeroMACS Communication System in the SESAR Project. 5. Aeronautical Network Case Study. About the Authors Mohamed Slim Ben Mahmoud is a research engineer for the research group ResCo at the TELECOM laboratory of ENAC, the French national institution for civil aviation. Nicolas Larrieu is a teacher and researcher at the research group ResCo at the TELECOM laboratory of ENAC. Alain Pirovano is a teacher and researcher and head of the research group ResCo at the TELECOM laboratory of ENAC.