Fairy tale “miracle-boy” is the story of a little boy who went on a journey to different planets. Having flown on the air ship to Earth, the miracle-boy has met with Lusei and her friends and all children has invited to the native planet the heat. There, in distant space, young travelers had an interesting acquaintance with a distant planet. As friends have spent time, what they had to endure away from the earth and their unusual return home to you, dear my young readers, to find out.
In the last century, many well-known creative people were able to share love for three. Such love for them was considered absolutely normal phenomenon. And it was not a fleeting connection, but a relationship that lasted for years. “Love for three” was not uncommon. The poet Zinaida Hippius even bragled the fact that her husband Dmitry Merezhkovsky gets along under one roof with her lover – Dmitry Philosophov.
«Wow, I’ve never heard about it!» Perhaps someone will want to study someone’s biography or creativity after reading the book, and someone will be interested in specific historical facts. It doesn’t matter what the reason you have, in any case, reading this book you will get interest and pleasure, as well as be able to enrich your knowledge.Well, enjoy good reading!