Elizabeth Lane

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    Amor salvaje

    Elizabeth Lane

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    Elizabeth Lane

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    Elizabeth Lane

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    Elizabeth Lane


    Elizabeth Lane

    THE WAR WAS OVER BUT THE BATTLE HAD JUST BEGUN Sarah Parker had tried to escape her past in a dusty mining town. But any hope of redemption was lost once Donovan Cole arrived, carrying battle-seared memories and a bellyful of hate – all for the woman she'd been during a time she'd hoped to forget!"The Angel of Miner's Gulch," they called her. Fallen angel, more likely, Donovan swore. For the «sainted» Miss Sarah had been a lying, coldhearted Yankee spy who knew how to capture a man and make him her own – forever!

    Wyoming Woman

    Elizabeth Lane

    She Hated Him On SightCattleman's daughter Rachel Tolliver believed that sheep ranchers like Luke Vincente had no business out on the open range. Yet despite his troubled past, he was an honorable man, driven by a passion for the West–and for her. But the range war brewing would surely forbid any declaration of their wildfire love!Luke Vincente had little use for rich men's daughters, and Rachel Tolliver's blood ran royal blue with cattle-baron cash. And yet, for all she was «the enemy,» he could see them taking on all comers…together. But could she truly make the hard choice to face an uncertain future in his arms?

    Shawnee Bride

    Elizabeth Lane

    English Heart, Shawnee Soul Wolf Heart had long since accepted his path in life.Born of one world, raised in another, he'd known the pain and loneliness of being different for as long as he could remember. Until he discovered Clarissa Rogers fighting for survival in a savage land and claimed her for his bride.Torn from a life of comfort, Clarissa had braved the brutal gauntlet and won the right to live among her captors as an equal. But the future was up to her. Would she choose to return to a world of privilege or embrace the freedom of her new life – and accept the love of the warrior who had claimed her heart… ?