Don Pendleton

Список книг автора Don Pendleton

    Death Gamble

    Don Pendleton

    MISFORTUNES OF WARNightwind, the military's best-kept secret, is the most lethal anti-missile aircraft in America's arsenal. Its solid-state laser system and advanced optics make it virtually indestructible and infinitely lethal. But, willing to barter his secrets to enemies of the Western world, the scientist who created it has sold out. The blueprints for Nightwind are going on the auction block in exchange for cold hard cash.Brokering the deal is an ex-KGB killer with traitors on his payroll. Nikolai Kursk's vision is limited only by his capacity for power. Not only has he put the scientist and the system plans on the market, he's about to up the ante by stealing the plane itself.His buyers are dealing because they want to see America burn. And their blood money suits Kursk just fine. But that kind of currency carries a price–soon to be collected in full by the Executioner.

    Cartel Clash

    Don Pendleton

    Tensions are high after a powerful Mexican drug cartel kills an undercover DEA agent in a declaration of war against the United States. A shipment of missiles is bound for the region, and Washington's hands are tied with red tape.With the border beyond American control, only Mack Bolan can get in and stop the destruction before innocent blood is shed.With no backup, no government protection and hired killers tracking his every move, death and destruction are about to strike. The law may not be able to touch the cartel, but Bolan isn't the law–he's the Executioner.

    Throw Down

    Don Pendleton

    Dead man's switchArmed with weapons of mass destruction, three anti-American groups prepare to unleash a deadly war against the United States. Mack Bolan is sent in to stop the attack before the killing can begin. And he knows every second counts. There's only one problem: the weapons are hidden in different locations around the world.With millions of innocent lives at stake, Bolan has no choice but to accept the help of an ex-Hezbollah member who claims to have insight into the terrorists' plans. Keeping one eye on the informant and the other on disarming the threat, the Executioner knows it's time for him to do some massive destruction of his own.


    Don Pendleton

    RAINING HELLFIREA deadly series of lightning strikes confounds experts and pits Mack Bolan against a new kind of terror that comes out of the sky. The death toll spreads as a plane loaded with innocent victims is blown apart, an office building ignites, killing hundreds, and refinery and munitions factories burst into fireballs. Whoever's responsible leaves no fingerprint. And the strikes continue–unpredictable, undetectable and unstoppable.Posing as the front man of a rival terrorist organization claiming responsibility for the attacks, Bolan lures the enemy–Iraq's Republican Guard–out of the shadows. And by coaxing them to put this latest lethal incendiary weapon on the black-market auction block, traitorous old friends and reformed enemies converge…right into the center of Bolan's crosshairs.

    Unified Action

    Don Pendleton

    When a situation calls for an immediate response and an enemy must be found and neutralized, a team of special operators under presidential directive moves in. Stony Man cyber specialists stay close to ground events in real time, while direct action units engage the combatants with precision and lethal force.Two red-hot situations a world apart put the Stony Man strike teams on separate hunter-killer operations in unstable regions. In the urban hellgrounds of Domincan Republic, Able Team follows the blood trail of mysterious military contractors. Across the globe in Kyrgyzstan, Phoenix Force stalks a group of dangerous extremists with terrorist connections. But a stunning link between the two operations puts the Stony Man teams on the hunt for a ruthless financier who is plotting a massive wave of terror for profit.

    Capital Offensive

    Don Pendleton

    Dedicated to a seek-and-destroy mandate when presidential directive sends them into the heat of battle, the cyber and commando teams of Stony Man hit hard and fast to remove threats of global magnitude.Now a secret terrorist organization has hacked its way into defence satellites–opening a trapdoor to Hell… America stands virtually defenceless as global security is compromised and nations prepare for the final conflagration that will end civilization. Stony Man gets a lead on a rogue Argentinean general and his twisted vision of a scorched and reborn planet Earth, but tracking the technology and the masters of destruction is a race where seconds count…and the loser will be humanity itself.

    War Everlasting

    Don Pendleton

    KILLER COUNTDOWNA flight carrying military service personnel goes down in the Bering Sea, and the rescue team vanishes without a trace. Called in to investigate, Mack Bolan goes undercover in an Alaskan fishing city and hones in on a criminal empire fronted by a ruthless union boss. Bolan targets their prime operations one by one, and goes up against their army of criminals.On a desolate ring of islands, Bolan discovers that an active volcano isn’t the only force about to blow. A Russian mercenary and his group of fanatics are working to destroy America’s network of military bases and kill unsuspecting soldiers. But the Executioner is going to turn up the heat on this frozen hell and obliterate this lethal plot with pure molten payback.

    Desperate Cargo

    Don Pendleton

    Infiltrating a Dutch human trafficking organization turns deadly when two undercover agents are tortured and shot. Protected by a complex infrastructure and ruthless lawyers, the businessmen behind the crime are untouchable under international law. But Mack Bolan isn't about to play by their rules.Entering Holland alone, Bolan heads to Rotterdam where he is prepared to seek out his target and destroy the corrupt organization piece by piece. The leaders of the group think they are invincible, but with the lives of women and children at stake, they are about to learn what it's like to be hunted by the Executioner.

    Dark Alliance

    Don Pendleton

    From the lazy heat of Miami to the steamy Colombian jungles, Mack Bolan is on the trail of a missing American journalist. The woman was close to exposing the key players in a dangerous drug cartel, and Bolan figures they snatched her to protect their illicit empire.Each step pulls him further into an unforgiving world of guns and violence until he himself is captured.The vicious drug czar responsible for Bolan's plight reveals a carefully planned conspiracy that could topple a government…and an entire nation. Tortured and beaten, Bolan is only seconds away from escape…or death. His only advantage: the enemy isn't banking on the unrelenting force known as The Executioner.

    Killing Trade

    Don Pendleton

    A shell-shocked cityA new type of ammunition has Mack Bolan fighting a deadly war. But this time the battleground is New York City. Bolan has to uncover the source of the devastating new ammunition. The explosive, high-penetration bullets not only slice through armored vehicles with ease, but are the hottest item on the small-arms market.Not everyone wants these bullets destroyed. Having had a taste of their destructive power, those involved are willing to kill to keep their supply moving. With the Big Apple at stake and the city's toughest thugs and paid assassins wanting him dead, the Executioner must destroy the source–before he becomes the target.