Kevin J. Anderson

Список книг автора Kevin J. Anderson


    Kevin J. Anderson

    Vampire hunter or serial killer? That depends on whether vampires exist . . . Simon Helsing believes the only way to stop a bad guy with fangs is a good guy with a stake. He has devoted his life to ridding the world of vampires. He hunts them, finds their daytime lairs, and pounds a stake through their hearts. Lexi Tarada wants to believe. She's desperate to prove that the strange and impossible can be real. She runs a website for the unexplained and tries to sift through the crazy conspiracy theories to find out what is – or might be – real. Detective Todd Carrow is a skeptic. Haunted by visions of brutal killings from a previous case, he sees the latest gruesome murders as nothing more than the actions of a madman targeting innocents. Helsing is convinced he's doing good, but what if vampires aren't real and Carrow is right?


    Kevin J. Anderson

    Stunning psychic science thriller by the bestselling author of X-Files: Ground Zero and X-Files: Ruins.Atlas is a struggling colony on an untamable world, a fragile society held together by Truthsayers. Trained from birth as the sole users of Veritas – a telepathy virus that lets them read the souls of the guilty – Truthsayers are justice. Infallible. Beyond appeal.Troy Boren is falsely accused of murder. He put his trust in the young Truthsayer Kalliana, until, impossibly, she convicts him. Her power is fading and nobody can work it out.A conspiracy is taking place that threatens to destroy their world from within. For without truth and justice, Atlas will certainly fall.

    Climbing Olympus

    Kevin J. Anderson