Learning to LoveElizabeth Gentry put all her passion into her students. Educating them, encouraging them, reaching them—that was easy. It was the living that was hard. After the betrayal, the grief and the pain, there was a kind of peace in giving away her heart to her pupils. That was what made Todd Lewis so dangerous.With his dogged determination and rugged handsomeness, he had slowly staked his own claim on her heart and made her feel again. Made her want to hope and dream. But her hopes, her dreams, her heart—were so fragile. Could she entrust them to him? Or would he destroy them for good?“Sherryl Woods…writes with a very special warmth, wit, charm and intelligence.” —New York Times bestselling author Heather Graham BONUS BOOK INCLUDED IN THIS VOLUME Home on the Ranch by bestselling author Allison Leigh Rancher Cage Buchanan would do anything to help his daughter—even if it meant enlisting the aid of Belle Day, his family’s enemy.
BESTSELLING AUTHOR COLLECTIONClassic romances in collectible volumes from our bestselling authors.HOME SWEET HOMERiver Glen was at the edge of nowhere—a tiny, sleepy town nestled on the shores of the Potomac. It was perfect for Dana Brantley, who, after a rocky couple of years, was looking for a peaceful place to start over. But the townspeople had other ideas for the new librarian. They thought she was perfect for their most eligible bachelor, Nick Verone. So did Nick’s ten-year-old son, Tony. And so did Nick, himself.He was intrigued by the mysterious Dana, and determined to find a way through her reserve. But what he discovers is a wounded and fragile soul. It will take more than his usual charm to convince her that in River Glen—and with him—she has found the edge of forever.“Sherryl Woods writes emotionally satisfying novels about family, friendship and home. Truly feel-great reads!” —#1 New York Times bestselling author Debbie Macomber
Mõnda asja teavad pereliikmed vahel kõige paremini… Karm ärimagnaat Richard Carlton kahtlustab, et tema tädil Destinyl ei mõlgu mõttes üksnes äriasjad, kui ta nõuab, et vennapoeg kohtuks käpardist suhtekorraldaja Melanie Hartiga. Melanie võib olla tark ja ilus, kuid Richard keeldub oma südant ühelegi naisele avamast, kui tahes kiiresti too ka seda põksuma ei pane. Ja ometi, kui ajakirjandusse satub ekslik uudis, et nad on paar, veenab Richard Melaniet teesklema, et nad on kihlatud – selle eesmärk on oma head mainet kaitsta ja kosjasobitajakalduvusega tädile korralik õppetund anda. Aga kas nende suhe on tõepoolest üksnes näitemäng või võivad vastandid ikkagi tõmbuda – kusjuures jäädavalt?
Armastuse leidmisest ootamatus paigas… Karismaatiline naistekütt Mack Carlton oskas iga toa – isegi haiglapalati – enneolematult särama panna. Doktor Beth Browning oli sunnitud möönma, et Macki külaskäigud mõjusid tema noorele patsiendile turgutavalt, kuid naise enda reaktsioon oli märksa segasem… Ehkki Beth ei küsinud enda ja Macki tuleviku kohta kellegi arvamust, oli mehe tädil Destinyl talle ennustus varuks – nad abielluvad. Kui võtta arvesse Macki senist kirevat eraelu ja Bethi ettevaatlikkust seoses varasemate kaotustega, siis ei saanud ta kuidagi nõustuda, ent kõik märgid viitasid sellele, et ta on armunud! Vaata ka: Rikkuse lummus Armastusega hoitud
Carltonite perekonna saaga jätkub looga sellest, kuidas uuesti armuda. Hoolimata oma tähelepanuväärse perekonna jõukusest ja mõjuvõimust redutab Ben Carlton Virginia osariigi maapiirkonnas, kaaslaseks üksnes kunstianne ja häirivad mälestused. Aga kui ta kohtub kosjasobitamiskalduvusega tädi Destiny utsitamisel kauni galeriiomaniku Kathleen Duganiga, hakkab tema haavatud süda jälle avanema – kuid ometi ei suuda ta traagilisi minevikusündmusi täielikult unustada. Elavat ja ambitsioonikat Kathleeni ei paelu üksnes Beni maalid, vaid ka nende nägus salapärane autor. Kas Beni haavad on selleks liiga sügavad, et Kathleen suudaks neid parandada… või ühendab Destiny järjekordselt täiusliku paari? Eelmised raamatud: Rikkuse lummus. Esimene raamat Hindamatu. Teine raamat
She was beautiful, intelligent…and possibly a corporate spy! Yet the more Jeb Delacourt «investigated» geologist Brianna O'Ryan, the more he felt her secret was not professional but personal…and the faster she made his pulse race.Her daughter was all that mattered to Brianna. And unnervingly sexy Jeb was getting too close to uncovering what the single mom had tried to keep hidden. But stolen kisses and midnight embraces soon had Brianna wondering if it was time to risk everything for love…
THE SAILOR WAS EDGY, STUBBORN…AND THE LOVE OF HER LIFE.For years, Kelly Andrews had waited for her big brother's best friend to notice her. Now navy SEAL Michael Devaney was back in Boston–as her bitter physical therapy patient…but still every inch her hero. She vowed he could be whole again–with a little help from his family and her healing touch.Broken in body and spirit, Michael seemed determined to defy Kelly and his reunited kin. Although he finally gazed at her with the passion she'd always craved, Michael held himself back, saying he was only half a man. How could Kelly convince her lifelong beloved that he was all the man she would ever need?