A multidisciplinary reference of engineering measurement tools, techniques, and applications «When you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meager and unsatisfactory kind; it may be the beginning of knowledge, but you have scarcely in your thoughts advanced to the stage of science.» – Lord Kelvin Measurement is at the heart of any engineering and scientific discipline and job function. Whether engineers and scientists are attempting to state requirements quantitatively and demonstrate compliance; to track progress and predict results; or to analyze costs and benefits, they must use the right tools and techniques to produce meaningful data. The Handbook of Measurement in Science and Engineering is the most comprehensive, up-to-date reference set on engineering and scientific measurements—beyond anything on the market today. Encyclopedic in scope, Volume 3 covers measurements in physics, electrical engineering and chemistry: Laser Measurement Techniques Magnetic Force Images using Capacitive Coupling Effect Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Measurement of Light and Color The Detection and Measurement of Ionizing Radiation Measuring Time and Comparing Clocks Laboratory-Based Gravity Measurement Cryogenic Measurements Temperature-Dependent Fluorescence Measurements Voltage and Current Transducers for Power Systems Electric Power and Energy Measurement Chemometrics for the Engineering and Measurement Sciences Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectroscopy Measurements of Nitrotyrosine-Containing Proteins Fluorescence Spectroscopy X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy Near Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy Nanomaterials Properties Chemical Sensing Vital for engineers, scientists, and technical managers in industry and government, Handbook of Measurement in Science and Engineering will also prove ideal for academics and researchers at universities and laboratories.
A multidisciplinary reference of engineering measurement tools, techniques, and applications—Volume 2 «When you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meager and unsatisfactory kind; it may be the beginning of knowledge, but you have scarcely in your thoughts advanced to the stage of science.» – Lord Kelvin Measurement falls at the heart of any engineering discipline and job function. Whether engineers are attempting to state requirements quantitatively and demonstrate compliance; to track progress and predict results; or to analyze costs and benefits, they must use the right tools and techniques to produce meaningful, useful data. The Handbook of Measurement in Science and Engineering is the most comprehensive, up-to-date reference set on engineering measurements—beyond anything on the market today. Encyclopedic in scope, Volume 2 spans several disciplines—Materials Properties and Testing, Instrumentation, and Measurement Standards—and covers: Viscosity Measurement Corrosion Monitoring Thermal Conductivity of Engineering Materials Optical Methods for the Measurement of Thermal Conductivity Properties of Metals and Alloys Electrical Properties of Polymers Testing of Metallic Materials Testing and Instrumental Analysis for Plastics Processing Analytical Tools for Estimation of ParticulateComposite Material Properties Input and Output Characteristics Measurement Standards and Accuracy Tribology Measurements Surface Properties Measurement Plastics Testing Mechanical Properties of Polymers Nondestructive Inspection Ceramics Testing Instrument Statics Signal Processing Bridge Transducers Units and Standards Measurement Uncertainty Data Acquisition and Display Systems Vital for engineers, scientists, and technical managers in industry and government, Handbook of Measurement in Science and Engineering will also prove ideal for members of major engineering associations and academics and researchers at universities and laboratories.
A multidisciplinary reference of engineering measurement tools, techniques, and applications—Volume 1 «When you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meager and unsatisfactory kind; it may be the beginning of knowledge, but you have scarcely in your thoughts advanced to the stage of science.» – Lord Kelvin Measurement falls at the heart of any engineering discipline and job function. Whether engineers are attempting to state requirements quantitatively and demonstrate compliance; to track progress and predict results; or to analyze costs and benefits, they must use the right tools and techniques to produce meaningful, useful data. The Handbook of Measurement in Science and Engineering is the most comprehensive, up-to-date reference set on engineering measurements—beyond anything on the market today. Encyclopedic in scope, Volume 1 spans several disciplines—Civil and Environmental Engineering, Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering, and Industrial Engineering—and covers: New Measurement Techniques in Structural Health Monitoring Traffic Congestion Management Measurements in Environmental Engineering Dimensions, Surfaces, and Their Measurement Luminescent Method for Pressure Measurement Vibration Measurement Temperature Measurement Force Measurement Heat Transfer Measurements for Non-Boiling Two-Phase Flow Solar Energy Measurements Human Movement Measurements Physiological Flow Measurements GIS and Computer Mapping Seismic Testing of Highway Bridges Hydrology Measurements Mobile Source Emissions Testing Mass Properties Measurement Resistive Strain Measurement Devices Acoustics Measurements Pressure and Velocity Measurements Heat Flux Measurement Wind Energy Measurements Flow Measurement Statistical Quality Control Industrial Energy Efficiency Industrial Waste Auditing Vital for engineers, scientists, and technical managers in industry and government, Handbook of Measurement in Science and Engineering will also prove ideal for members of major engineering associations and academics and researchers at universities and laboratories.
Full coverage of manufacturing and management in mechanical engineering Mechanical Engineers' Handbook, Fourth Edition provides a quick guide to specialized areas that engineers may encounter in their work, providing access to the basics of each and pointing toward trusted resources for further reading, if needed. The book's accessible information offers discussions, examples, and analyses of the topics covered, rather than the straight data, formulas, and calculations found in other handbooks. No single engineer can be a specialist in all areas that they are called upon to work in. It's a discipline that covers a broad range of topics that are used as the building blocks for specialized areas, including aerospace, chemical, materials, nuclear, electrical, and general engineering. This third volume of Mechanical Engineers' Handbook covers Manufacturing & Management, and provides accessible and in-depth access to the topics encountered regularly in the discipline: environmentally benign manufacturing, production planning, production processes and equipment, manufacturing systems evaluation, coatings and surface engineering, physical vapor deposition, mechanical fasteners, seal technology, statistical quality control, nondestructive inspection, intelligent control of material handling systems, and much more. Presents the most comprehensive coverage of the entire discipline of Mechanical Engineering Focuses on the explanation and analysis of the concepts presented as opposed to a straight listing of formulas and data found in other handbooks Offers the option of being purchased as a four-book set or as single books Comes in a subscription format through the Wiley Online Library and in electronic and other custom formats Engineers at all levels of industry, government, or private consulting practice will find Mechanical Engineers' Handbook, Volume 3 an «off-the-shelf» reference they'll turn to again and again.
The engineer's ready reference for mechanical power and heat Mechanical Engineer's Handbook provides the most comprehensive coverage of the entire discipline, with a focus on explanation and analysis. Packaged as a modular approach, these books are designed to be used either individually or as a set, providing engineers with a thorough, detailed, ready reference on topics that may fall outside their scope of expertise. Each book provides discussion and examples as opposed to straight data and calculations, giving readers the immediate background they need while pointing them toward more in-depth information as necessary. Volume 4: Energy and Power covers the essentials of fluids, thermodynamics, entropy, and heat, with chapters dedicated to individual applications such as air heating, cryogenic engineering, indoor environmental control, and more. Readers will find detailed guidance toward fuel sources and their technologies, as well as a general overview of the mechanics of combustion. No single engineer can be a specialist in all areas that they are called on to work in the diverse industries and job functions they occupy. This book gives them a resource for finding the information they need, with a focus on topics related to the productions, transmission, and use of mechanical power and heat. Understand the nature of energy and its proper measurement and analysis Learn how the mechanics of energy apply to furnaces, refrigeration, thermal systems, and more Examine the and pros and cons of petroleum, coal, biofuel, solar, wind, and geothermal power Review the mechanical parts that generate, transmit, and store different types of power, and the applicable guidelines Engineers must frequently refer to data tables, standards, and other list-type references, but this book is different; instead of just providing the answer, it explains why the answer is what it is. Engineers will appreciate this approach, and come to find Volume 4: Energy and Power an invaluable reference.
Full coverage of materials and mechanical design in engineering Mechanical Engineers' Handbook, Fourth Edition provides a quick guide to specialized areas you may encounter in your work, giving you access to the basics of each and pointing you toward trusted resources for further reading, if needed. The accessible information inside offers discussions, examples, and analyses of the topics covered. This first volume covers materials and mechanical design, giving you accessible and in-depth access to the most common topics you'll encounter in the discipline: carbon and alloy steels, stainless steels, aluminum alloys, copper and copper alloys, titanium alloys for design, nickel and its alloys, magnesium and its alloys, superalloys for design, composite materials, smart materials, electronic materials, viscosity measurement, and much more. Presents comprehensive coverage of materials and mechanical design Offers the option of being purchased as a four-book set or as single books, depending on your needs Comes in a subscription format through the Wiley Online Library and in electronic and custom formats Engineers at all levels of industry, government, or private consulting practice will find Mechanical Engineers' Handbook, Volume 1 a great resource they'll turn to repeatedly as a reference on the basics of materials and mechanical design.
Full coverage of electronics, MEMS, and instrumentation and control in mechanical engineering This second volume of Mechanical Engineers' Handbook covers electronics, MEMS, and instrumentation and control, giving you accessible and in-depth access to the topics you'll encounter in the discipline: computer-aided design, product design for manufacturing and assembly, design optimization, total quality management in mechanical system design, reliability in the mechanical design process for sustainability, life-cycle design, design for remanufacturing processes, signal processing, data acquisition and display systems, and much more. The book provides a quick guide to specialized areas you may encounter in your work, giving you access to the basics of each and pointing you toward trusted resources for further reading, if needed. The accessible information inside offers discussions, examples, and analyses of the topics covered, rather than the straight data, formulas, and calculations you'll find in other handbooks. Presents the most comprehensive coverage of the entire discipline of Mechanical Engineering anywhere in four interrelated books Offers the option of being purchased as a four-book set or as single books Comes in a subscription format through the Wiley Online Library and in electronic and custom formats Engineers at all levels will find Mechanical Engineers' Handbook, Volume 2 an excellent resource they can turn to for the basics of electronics, MEMS, and instrumentation and control.
A comprehensive guide for both fundamentals and real-world applications of environmental engineering Written by noted experts, Handbook of Environmental Engineering offers a comprehensive guide to environmental engineers who desire to contribute to mitigating problems, such as flooding, caused by extreme weather events, protecting populations in coastal areas threatened by rising sea levels, reducing illnesses caused by polluted air, soil, and water from improperly regulated industrial and transportation activities, promoting the safety of the food supply. Contributors not only cover such timely environmental topics related to soils, water, and air, minimizing pollution created by industrial plants and processes, and managing wastewater, hazardous, solid, and other industrial wastes, but also treat such vital topics as porous pavement design, aerosol measurements, noise pollution control, and industrial waste auditing. This important handbook: Enables environmental engineers to treat problems in systematic ways Discusses climate issues in ways useful for environmental engineers Covers up-to-date measurement techniques important in environmental engineering Reviews current developments in environmental law for environmental engineers Includes information on water quality and wastewater engineering Informs environmental engineers about methods of dealing with industrial and municipal waste, including hazardous waste Designed for use by practitioners, students, and researchers, Handbook of Environmental Engineering contains the most recent information to enable a clear understanding of major environmental issues.