Helmut Greim

Список книг автора Helmut Greim

    Toxicology and Risk Assessment

    Helmut Greim

    This new book, written by two outstanding scientists in the field, describes the basic principles of toxic mechanisms and organ toxicity, providing detailed information on specific mechanisms or chemicals for exemplification. The goal is to provide sufficient information that the reader becomes familiar with the basic concepts in toxicology to enable him or her to understand the basic principles in toxicology and to evaluate the risks at given exposures. With this basic understanding the reader also will be able to critically evaluate the available information on a chemical and to identify data gaps. In addition to the introductory chapters the book will offer the following systematic information, presented in six special sections: Principles in Toxicology Organ Toxicology Methods in Toxicology Risk Assessment Risk Management Toxicity of Chemicals Fulfilling a demand for such a book, this will be a welcomed introductory text for students and non-experts alike to focus on and understand the principles of hazard identification and risk assessment of toxicants. Relevant to all those studying toxicology, biochemistry, biology, medicine and chemistry, as well as toxicologists in hospitals, universities and in industry.

    Das Toxikologiebuch. Grundlagen, Verfahren, Bewertung

    Helmut Greim

    Ein internationales Expertenteam unter Leitung eines der renommiertesten deutschen Toxikologen beschreibt die Toxikologie in ihrer gesamten Breite, von grundlegenden Aspekten der molekularen Wirkung von Toxinen uber die Wechselwirkung des menschlichen Organismus mit Fremdstoffen bis hin zu Fragen des Schutzes vor und der Risikobewertung von Schadstoffen. Der toxikologische Dreiklang von Stoff, Organismus und Untersuchungsmethode wird in drei gro?en Teilen mit zahlreichen Querverweisen umfassend und systematisch dargestellt. Der Abchnitt «Regulatorische Toxikologie» erlautert die nationalen und internationalen Rechtsgrundlagen fur die Untersuchung, Bewertung und Kontrolle toxischer Stoffe. Aktuelle methodische Entwicklungen, etwa im Bereich der Hochdurchsatzverfahren und der Alternativmethoden zum klassichen Tierversuch werden ebenso beschrieben wie neuere Forschungsergebnisse zur Toxizitat von Nanomaterialien, Duftstoffen und Abbauprodukten von Medikamenten in der Umwelt. Dieses Handbuch ist ein zuverlassiger Begleiter fur alle toxikologischen Fragestellungen in Ausbildung, Lehre und beruflicher Praxis.

    Toxicology and Risk Assessment. A Comprehensive Introduction

    Helmut Greim

    Provides a complete understanding of how our bodies respond to toxicants, and the principles used to assess the health risks of specific exposure scenarios Toxicology and Risk Assessment: A Comprehensive Introduction, Second Edition reflects recent advances in science and technology, and provides the scientific background and methodological issues to enable the reader to understand the basic principles in toxicology and to evaluate the health risks of specific exposure scenarios. Completely updated with the latest information, this book offers a concise introduction to the subject. It is divided into five sections: Principles in Toxicology, Organ Toxicology, Methods in Toxicology, Regulatory Toxicology, and Specific Toxicity. The 2nd Edition adds new chapters that cover recent scientific and technological advances and current topics including the endocrine system, alternatives to animal testing, risk assessment and thresholds for carcinogens, European and international regulation, nanomaterials, fuels, fragrances, and agrochemicals. Concentrates on the basic concepts of toxicology and provides sufficient information for the reader to become familiar with them in order to understand the principles and to evaluate the risks at given exposures 30% new chapters cover recent scientific and technological advances including alternatives to animal testing; genotoxic carcinogens; REACH regulations; nanomaterials; fuels; fragrances; PAHs; and agrochemicals Written by a team of international specialists, and edited by two outstanding scientists in the field Fully updated and expanded, Toxicology and Risk Assessment: A Comprehensive Introduction, Second Edition is an essential text for any student or researcher with an interest in toxicology and related risk assessments.