Süleyman'ın Kral Davut'un doğrudan halefi olduğuna inanılıyor. Hem iktidardaki soyluların hem de tüm halkın rızasıyla iktidara geldi. Kral Süleyman'ın taç giyme töreninden önce üç yıl süren kanlı bir iç savaşın ve Kral Absalom'un devrilmesinin gerçekleştiği unutuldu. Kitap bu etkinliğe ithaf edilmiştir. Büyük Bulgar krallarının ve Osmanlı padişahlarının tarihinde tarihin en küçük ayrıntısına kadar tekerrür ettiğini gösteriyor. Resim ve haritalar A.G. Vinogradov’un “Absalom, Solomon ve Mehmed Fatih” (Авессалом, Соломон и Мехмед Фатих) kitabının ilk baskısından alınmıştır.
Modern sources write that Solomon (Shelomo, Suleiman) is the third and greatest king of the Kingdom of Israel and Judah. The tenth son of David and the second son of David by Bathsheba (Virsaviya). The name of Solomon was given to him by his parents, the prophet Nathan gave him another name – Edidya («God's favorite, Bohumil» -Shmuel I 12, 25). Some believe that this was his real name, and «Shlomo» – a nickname («peacemaker»). Since the name of Simeon, as the king of the Bulgarians, is known in 886 and 985, most likely this throne name is a title, and the king could have been called differently. He had a rank and could take another name. The book of A. G. Vinogradov «Tsar Solomon and the „Golden Age“ of Tsar Simeon» are devoted to the era of kings named «Golden Age» in the history of every nation -the Romans, Israelis and Bulgarians. Their common origin and development.
Modern sources write that Solomon (Shelomo, Suleiman) is the third and greatest king of the Kingdom of Israel and Judah. The tenth son of David and the second son of David by Bathsheba. The name of Solomon was given to him by his parents, the prophet Nathan, named him Edidya (Beloved by God). Some believe that this was his real name, and Shlomo was a nickname (peacemaker). The book of A.G.Vinogradov «Tsar Solomon and the Russian kingdom» tells about the epic Russian history of Tsar Solomon, its connection with the Russian church. Opens new pages of history. Connects the past and the present.
The book of A.G. Vinogradov «King Solomon. Rome and Ethiopia» tells of the Ethiopian version of the history of King Solomon, its connection with the history of the formation of the Holy Roman Empire and the Russian Church. Opens new pages of history. Connects the past and the present.
The book is an outstanding researcher A.G.Vinogradov «Chronology of Ancient Egypt" is devoted to the study of the history of Egypt. The researcher of ancient history, in particular the second millennium BC, correlate the history of the Ancient East, the Egyptian times scale. Kings and dynasties, legal and construction activity, war and peace treaties empires and kingdoms located in the centuries in accordance with the rules of Egyptian chronology. This work includes a system of Egyptian chronology, as in ancient times, and in the 17-19 centuries, and in the present time. Based on the application of mathematical analysis to the study of history.
В настоящей книге приведены имена рек и озер (и их варианты) в соответствии с источниками 16-20 веков. В основном имеющиеся источники были обработаны в 1985-91 г. В более позднее время добавились материалы «государственного водного реестра» 2012 г. Указано около 17000 гидронимов. В данную работу включены гидронимы губерний окружающих полукольцом земли русского Севера в бассейне Ледовитого океана, по Земному Поясу, кроме гидронимов Финляндии, которые описаны финскими учеными.
Книга выдающегося ученого А. .Г. Виноградова посвящена проблеме решения некоторых неопределенных уравнений. Известно, что в настоящее время поиск элементарного решения Великой теоремы Ферма оказался безуспешным и не может считаться выполненным. Данная работа отвечает на такой вопрос. В книге приведены сделанные исследователями возможные доказательства.
Настоящая книга показывает неопубликованные полные материалы, той части книги «Происхождение индоевропейцев», которая посвящена прообразу Атлантиды – древней стране Гиперборее, именовавшейся Патала и ее обитателям Нагам.