This book addresses those involved in research or R&D. It introduces the principles of eco-innovation and the importance of the impact of their activity. This topic is considered in the context of natural and digital ecosystems powered by intelligent assistants (technology). Chapter 1 positions the innovation as a process and component of ecosystems including research, enterprises, technology (digital ecosystems) and environment. Sustainable success is a condition of survival and an expectation of those who invest in innovation. Chapter 2 describes the main elements to consider and gives some tips. Chapter 3 presents some selected initiatives at the national and European level and provides a way of measuring success.
With innovation fast becoming omnipresent and part of strategic matters, there is a growing need to understand how to jumpstart the innovation process. This book introduces the concept of «e-co-innovation,» which fosters the successful transition from idea to reality and ultimate value. It provides a global and system overview of the subject and presents various aspects of innovation from different angles and perspectives, leading to an understanding of all ecosystem components, their metamorphoses, cross-influences and possible impacts on the balanced development of people, businesses, regions and countries.