"There is nothing like it on the market…no others are as encyclopedic…the writing is exemplary: simple, direct, and competent." —George W. Cobb, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics and Statistics, Mount Holyoke College Written in a direct and clear manner, Classic Topics on the History of Modern Mathematical Statistics: From Laplace to More Recent Times presents a comprehensive guide to the history of mathematical statistics and details the major results and crucial developments over a 200-year period. Presented in chronological order, the book features an account of the classical and modern works that are essential to understanding the applications of mathematical statistics. Divided into three parts, the book begins with extensive coverage of the probabilistic works of Laplace, who laid much of the foundations of later developments in statistical theory. Subsequently, the second part introduces 20th century statistical developments including work from Karl Pearson, Student, Fisher, and Neyman. Lastly, the author addresses post-Fisherian developments. Classic Topics on the History of Modern Mathematical Statistics: From Laplace to More Recent Times also features: A detailed account of Galton's discovery of regression and correlation as well as the subsequent development of Karl Pearson's X2 and Student's t A comprehensive treatment of the permeating influence of Fisher in all aspects of modern statistics beginning with his work in 1912 Significant coverage of Neyman–Pearson theory, which includes a discussion of the differences to Fisher’s works Discussions on key historical developments as well as the various disagreements, contrasting information, and alternative theories in the history of modern mathematical statistics in an effort to provide a thorough historical treatment Classic Topics on the History of Modern Mathematical Statistics: From Laplace to More Recent Times is an excellent reference for academicians with a mathematical background who are teaching or studying the history or philosophical controversies of mathematics and statistics. The book is also a useful guide for readers with a general interest in statistical inference.
Winner of the 2012 PROSE Award for Mathematics from The American Publishers Awards for Professional and Scholarly Excellence. «A great book, one that I will certainly add to my personal library.» —Paul J. Nahin, Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering, University of New Hampshire Classic Problems of Probability presents a lively account of the most intriguing aspects of statistics. The book features a large collection of more than thirty classic probability problems which have been carefully selected for their interesting history, the way they have shaped the field, and their counterintuitive nature. From Cardano's 1564 Games of Chance to Jacob Bernoulli's 1713 Golden Theorem to Parrondo's 1996 Perplexing Paradox, the book clearly outlines the puzzles and problems of probability, interweaving the discussion with rich historical detail and the story of how the mathematicians involved arrived at their solutions. Each problem is given an in-depth treatment, including detailed and rigorous mathematical proofs as needed. Some of the fascinating topics discussed by the author include: Buffon's Needle problem and its ingenious treatment by Joseph Barbier, culminating into a discussion of invariance Various paradoxes raised by Joseph Bertrand Classic problems in decision theory, including Pascal's Wager, Kraitchik's Neckties, and Newcomb's problem The Bayesian paradigm and various philosophies of probability Coverage of both elementary and more complex problems, including the Chevalier de Méré problems, Fisher and the lady testing tea, the birthday problem and its various extensions, and the Borel-Kolmogorov paradox Classic Problems of Probability is an eye-opening, one-of-a-kind reference for researchers and professionals interested in the history of probability and the varied problem-solving strategies employed throughout the ages. The book also serves as an insightful supplement for courses on mathematical probability and introductory probability and statistics at the undergraduate level.