John Voeller G.

Список книг автора John Voeller G.

    Food Safety and Food Security

    John Voeller G.

    Food Safety and Food Security features articles from the Wiley Handbook of Science and Technology for Homeland Security covering topics related to processing and packaging methods to protect food supply against contamination and to mitigate the consequences of contaminated foods. It discusses related detection systems as well as decontamination and disposal of contaminated foods.

    Communications and Information Infrastructure Security

    John Voeller G.

    Communication and Information Systems Security features articles from the Wiley Handbook of Science and Technology for Homeland Security covering strategies for protecting the telecommunications sector, wireless security, advanced web based technology for emergency situations. Science and technology for critical infrastructure consequence mitigation are also discussed.

    Cyber Security

    John Voeller G.

    Cyber Security features articles from the Wiley Handbook of Science and Technology for Homeland Security covering topics related to cyber security metrics and measure and related technologies that meet security needs. Specific applications to web services, the banking and the finance sector, and industrial process control systems are discussed.

    Transportation Security

    John Voeller G.

    Transportation Security features articles from the Wiley Handbook of Science and Technology for Homeland Security covering topics related to security challenge of transportation systems in the USA and elsewhere, performance measures, including coverage of critical supply chain protection and emergency evacuation.

    Energy Systems Security

    John Voeller G.

    Energy Systems Security features articles from the Wiley Handbook of Science and Technology for Homeland Security covering topics related to electricity transmission grids and their protection, risk assessment of energy systems, analysis of interdependent energy networks. Methods to manage electricity transmission disturbances so as to avoid blackouts are discussed, and self-healing energy system and a nano-enabled power source are presented.

    Detection and Intelligent Systems for Homeland Security

    John Voeller G.

    Detection and Intelligent Systems for Homeland Security features articles from the Wiley Handbook of Science and Technology for Homeland Security covering advanced technology for image and video interpretation systems used for surveillance, which help in solving such problems as identifying faces from live streaming or stored videos. Biometrics for human identification, including eye retinas and irises, and facial patterns are also presented. The book then provides information on sensors for detection of explosive and radioactive materials and methods for sensing chemical and biological agents in urban environments.

    Water Safety and Water Infrastructure Security

    John Voeller G.

    Water Safety and Water Infrastructure Security features articles from the Wiley Handbook of Science and Technology for Homeland Security covering topics related to contamination of drinking water, prevention, monitoring, and decontamination. Emergency response planning for drinking water and wastewater systems are also discussed.

    Social and Behavioral Research for Homeland Security

    John Voeller G.

    Social and Behavioral Research for Homeland Security features articles from the Wiley Handbook of Science and Technology for Homeland Security covering social and psychological aspects of terrorism and counterterrorism efforts from different perspectives. First, it examines the roots of terrorism; second, it explores the consequences of terrorism; then communication, training, and learning development of responders and the public in situations of terror attacks, are discussed.