Sami Franssila

Список книг автора Sami Franssila

    Introduction to Microfabrication

    Sami Franssila

    Microfabrication is the key technology behind integrated circuits, microsensors, photonic crystals, ink jet printers, solar cells and flat panel displays. Microsystems can be complex, but the basic microstructures and processes of microfabrication are fairly simple. Introduction to Microfabrication shows how the common microfabrication concepts can be applied over and over again to create devices with a wide variety of structures and functions. Featuring: * A comprehensive presentation of basic fabrication processes * An emphasis on materials and microstructures, rather than device physics * In-depth discussion on process integration showing how processes, materials and devices interact * A wealth of examples of both conceptual and real devices Introduction to Microfabrication includes 250 homework problems for students to familiarise themselves with micro-scale materials, dimensions, measurements, costs and scaling trends. Both research and manufacturing topics are covered, with an emphasis on silicon, which is the workhorse of microfabrication. This book will serve as an excellent first text for electrical engineers, chemists, physicists and materials scientists who wish to learn about microstructures and microfabrication techniques, whether in MEMS, microelectronics or emerging applications.

    Introduction to Microfabrication

    Sami Franssila

    This accessible text is now fully revised and updated, providing an overview of fabrication technologies and materials needed to realize modern microdevices. It demonstrates how common microfabrication principles can be applied in different applications, to create devices ranging from nanometer probe tips to meter scale solar cells, and a host of microelectronic, mechanical, optical and fluidic devices in between. Latest developments in wafer engineering, patterning, thin films, surface preparation and bonding are covered. This second edition includes: expanded sections on MEMS and microfluidics related fabrication issues new chapters on polymer and glass microprocessing, as well as serial processing techniques 200 completely new and 200 modified figures more coverage of imprinting techniques, process integration and economics of microfabrication 300 homework exercises including conceptual thinking assignments, order of magnitude estimates, standard calculations, and device design and process analysis problems solutions to homework problems on the complementary website, as well as PDF slides of the figures and tables within the book With clear sections separating basic principles from more advanced material, this is a valuable textbook for senior undergraduate and beginning graduate students wanting to understand the fundamentals of microfabrication. The book also serves as a handy desk reference for practicing electrical engineers, materials scientists, chemists and physicists alike.