Reflecting a growing interest in phased array antenna systems, stemming from radar, radio astronomy, mobile communications and satellite broadcasting, Array and Phased Array Antenna Basics introduces the principles of array and phased array antennas. Packed with first-hand practical experience and worked-out examples, this is a valuable learning tool and reference source for those wishing to improve their understanding of basic array antenna systems without relying heavily on a thorough knowledge of electromagnetics or antenna theory. Features a general introduction to antennas and explains the array antenna principle through discussion of the physical characteristics rather than the theory Explores topics often not covered in antenna textbooks, such as active element pattern, array feeding, means of phase changing, array antenna characterisation, sequential rotation techniques and reactively loaded arrays Guides the reader through the necessary mathematics, allowing them to move onto specialist books on array and phased array antennas with a greater understanding of the topic Supported by a companion website on which instructors and lecturers can find electronic versions of the figures An ideal introduction for those without a background in antennas, this clear, concise volume will appeal to technicians, researchers and managers working in academia, government, telecommunications and radio astronomy. It will also be a valuable resource for professionals and postgraduates with some antenna knowledge.
This comprehensive text on antenna theory explains the origin of radiation and discusses antenna parameters in-depth This book offers an in-depth coverage of fundamental antenna theory, and shows how to apply this in practice. The author discusses electromagnetic radiation and antenna characteristics such as impedance, radiation pattern, polarization, gain and efficiency. In addition, the book provides readers with the necessary tools for analyzing complex antennas and for designing new ones. Furthermore, a refresher chapter on vector algebra, including gradient, divergence and curl operation is included. Throughout the book ample examples of employing the derived theory are given and all chapters are concluded with problems, giving the reader the opportunity to test his/her acquired knowledge. Key Features: Covers the mathematical and physical background that is needed to understand electromagnetic radiation and antennas Discusses the origin of radiation and provides an in-depth explanation of antenna parameters Explores all the necessary steps in antenna analysis allowing the reader to understand and analyze new antenna structures Contains a chapter on vector algebra, which is often a stumbling block for learners in this field Includes examples and a list of problems at the end of each chapter Accompanied by a website containing solutions to the problems (for instructors) and CST modeling files ( This book will serve as an invaluable reference for advanced (last year Bsc, Msc) students in antenna and RF engineering, wireless communications, electrical engineering, radio engineers and other professionals needing a reference on antenna theory. It will also be of interest to advanced/senior radio engineers, designers and developers.
This step-by-step guide provides the reader with a detailed and thorough introduction to practical antenna design and model implementation In this book, Hubregt J. Visser provides an introduction to the fundamentals of antenna design and the implementation of design models. A variety of antennas for wireless applications and communications systems are explained, and the real-life use of the antennas is demonstrated through extensive use of application examples. The author includes discussions on the design process of several antennas, such as intravascular MR Antennas, PCB antennas, RFID antennas, rectennas etc. Furthermore, emphasis is placed on Computer Aided Design (CAD) using approximated models. Key Features Includes coverage on intravascular MR Antennas, PCB antennas, RFID antennas, rectennas, etc Comprehensively details the application areas, modeling, analysis, and validation processes for individual antennas Discusses the use of equivalent dipole antennas, equivalent transmission line networks and electrostatics Introduces many antennas and models that have not been covered in previous publications (such as MRI Antennas, for example) This book will be of interest to microwave and antenna engineers. Graduate and post-graduate antennas students studying BSc and MSc courses, as well as research assistants will also find this book insightful.