"…die Gegend, die in der Volkssprache Ostarrîchi heißt…" wird erstmals so genannt in einer Urkunde Kaiser Ottos III. für das Erzbistum Freising. Sie trägt das Datum 1. November 996 und liegt heute im Hauptstaatsarchiv in München. Wegen dieser Urkunde feierte Österreich im Jahr 1996 ein Millennium. Dabei hat sich der geographische und politische Raum, der seit 996 so genannt wurde, dramatisch wie kein anderes europäisches Territorium geändert: Er hat sich bis 1918 kontinuierlich vergrößert bis zum österreichisch-ungarischen Vielvölkerstaat, um dann schlagartig auf etwa das heutige Staatsgebiet reduziert zu werden. In dieser neuen «Geschichte Österreichs» schreiben fünf ausgewiesene Spezialisten über die großen Epochen und die Zäsuren der Geschichte Österreichs, mitsamt einem Prolog über das Land in den Zeiten, als es seinen Namen noch nicht hatte, also in Antike und Frühmittelalter. Eine so fundierte und ausführliche Geschichte Österreichs hat es lange nicht mehr gegeben.
Humanity’s ever-increasing hunger for mineral raw materials, caused by a growing global population and ever increasing standards of living, has resulted in economic geology becoming a subject of urgent importance. This book provides a broad panorama of mineral deposits, covering their origin and geological characteristics, the principles of the search for ores and minerals, and the investigation of newly found deposits. Practical and environmental issues that arise during the life cycle of a mine and after its closure are addressed, with an emphasis on sustainable and «green» mining. The central scientific theme of the book is to place the extraordinary variability of mineral deposits in the frame of fundamental geological processes. The book is written for earth science students and practicing geologists worldwide. Professionals in administration, resource development, mining, mine reclamation, metallurgy, and mineral economics will also find the text valuable. Economic Geology is a fully revised translation of the the fifth edition of the German language text Mineralische und Energie-Rohstoffe. Additional resources for this book can be found at: www.wiley.com/go/pohl/geology. The author's website can be found at: http://www.walter-pohl.com.
Humanity’s ever-increasing hunger for mineral raw materials, caused by a growing global population and ever increasing standards of living, has resulted in economic geology becoming a subject of urgent importance. This book provides a broad panorama of mineral deposits, covering their origin and geological characteristics, the principles of the search for ores and minerals, and the investigation of newly found deposits. Practical and environmental issues that arise during the life cycle of a mine and after its closure are addressed, with an emphasis on sustainable and «green» mining. The central scientific theme of the book is to place the extraordinary variability of mineral deposits in the frame of fundamental geological processes. The book is written for earth science students and practicing geologists worldwide. Professionals in administration, resource development, mining, mine reclamation, metallurgy, and mineral economics will also find the text valuable. Economic Geology is a fully revised translation of the the fifth edition of the German language text Mineralische und Energie-Rohstoffe. Additional resources for this book can be found at: www.wiley.com/go/pohl/geology. The author's website can be found at: http://www.walter-pohl.com.