CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety)
This book provides guidance to those with responsibility for scheduling and executing a Pre-Startup Safety Review (PSSR). It outlines a protocol and tool for use by project or turnaround teams, to effectively and efficiently schedule and execute a PSSR. Integrates PSSR throughout the project/turnaround phases, with a verification check at the traditional PSSR step Supports a «right first time» and «check only once» project philosophy to eliminate surprises Features how-to checklists, hazard assessment, batch and continuous processes, validation, and documentation Includes a CD with PSSR checklists and PSSR management system examples. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety)
This book explains the decision-making processes for the management of instrumented protective systems (IPS) throughout a project's life cycle. It uses the new IEC 61511 standard as a basis for the work processes used to achieve safe and reliable process operation. By walking the reader through a project's life cycle, engineering, maintenance, and operations, the information allows users to easily focus on their responsibilities and duties. Using this approach, the book is useful as a primer, guidelines reference, and resource manual. Examples provide the added «real-world» experience applications.
CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety)
Powders and bulk solids, handled widely in the chemical, pharmaceutical, agriculture, smelting, and other industries present unique fire, explosion, and toxicity hazards. Indeed, substances which are practically inert in consolidated form may become quite hazardous when converted to powders and granules. The U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board is currently investigating dust explosions that occured in 2003 at WestPharma, CTA Acoustics, and Hayes-Lemmerz, and is likely to recommend that companies that handle powders or whose operations produce dust pay more attention to understanding the hazards that may exist at their facility. This new CCPS guidelines book will discuss the types of hazards that can occur in a wide range of process equipment and with a wide range of substances, and will present measures to address these hazards.
CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety)
Familiarizes the student or an engineer new to process safety with the concept of process safety management Serves as a comprehensive reference for Process Safety topics for student chemical engineers and newly graduate engineers Acts as a reference material for either a stand-alone process safety course or as supplemental materials for existing curricula Includes the evaluation of SACHE courses for application of process safety principles throughout the standard Ch.E. curricula in addition to, or as an alternative to, adding a new specific process safety course Gives examples of process safety in design
CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety)
This Guideline presents the framework of process safety knowledge and expertise versus the desired competency level in a «super-matrix» format, vertically and diagonally. The matrix references for potential remedies/required training may be tailored to a company's internally developed training, reference externally available training, or some combination of the two. Chapters include: Identify Process Safety Roles & Competency Needs; Process Safety Competency Matrix; Individual and Corporate Process Safety Competencies; Conduct Assessments vs. Needs; Develop Gap Closure Plans; and Sustaining Competencies.
CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety)
Providing in-depth guidance on how to design and rate emergency pressure relief systems, Guidelines for Pressure Relief and Effluent Handling Systems incorporates the current best designs from the Design Institute for Emergency Relief Systems as well as American Petroleum Institute (API) standards. Presenting a methodology that helps properly size all the components in a pressure relief system, the book includes a CD with the CCFlow suite of design tools and the new Superchems for DIERS Lite software, making this an essential resource for engineers designing chemical plants, refineries, and similar facilities. Access to Software Access the Guidelines for Pressure Relief and Effluent Handling Software and documents using a web browser at: Each folder will have a readme file and installation instructions for the program. After downloading SuperChems™ for DIERS Lite the purchaser of this book must contact the AIChE Customer Service with the numeric code supplied within the book. The purchaser will then be supplied with a license code to be able to install and run SuperChems™ for DIERS Lite. Only one license per purchaser will be issued.
CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety)
An essential guide that offers an understanding of and the practices needed to assess and strengthen process safety culture Essential Practices for Developing, Strengthening and Implementing Process Safety Culture presents a much-needed guide for understanding an organization's working culture and contains information on why a good culture is essential for safe, cost-effective, and high-quality operations. The text defines process safety culture and offers information on a safety culture’s history, organizational impact and benefits, and the role that leadership plays at all levels of an organization. In addition, the book outlines the core principles needed to assess and strengthen process safety culture such as: maintain a sense of vulnerability; combat normalization of deviance; establish an imperative for safety; perform valid, timely, hazard and risk assessments; ensure open and frank communications; learn and advance the culture. This important guide also reviews leadership standards within the organizational structure, warning signs of cultural degradation and remedies, as well as the importance of using diverse methods over time to assess culture. This vital resource: Provides an overview for understanding an organization's working culture Offers guidance on why a good culture is essential for safe, cost-effective, and high quality operations Includes down-to-earth advice for recognizing, assessing, strengthening and sustaining a good process safety culture Contains illustrative examples and cases studies, and references to literature, codes, and standards Written for corporate, business and line managers, engineers, and process safety professionals interested in excellent performance for their organization, Essential Practices for Developing, Strengthening and Implementing Process Safety Culture is the go-to reference for implementing and keeping in place a culture of safety.
CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety)
An essential guide for recognizing and responding to normalization of deviance to help organizations improve their process safety performance This book provides an introduction and offers approaches for finding and addressing normalization of deviation both in operational and organizational activities. It addresses the initial and long-term effects of normalization of deviations as seen in reduced efficiencies, reduced product quality, extended batch run time, and near miss process safety incidents which can lead to loss of containment of hazardous materials and energies. Recognizing and Responding to Normalization of Deviance addresses how to recognize and respond to the normalization of deviation that can, and almost certainly will, occur in any ongoing operations that involves humans. The book’s primary focus is on reducing the incidence of normalization of deviation and the associated increased risk exposure due to its effects when operating chemical or petrochemical manufacturing facilities. It contains an introduction to the concept and offers approaches for finding and addressing normalization of deviation when it presents itself in both operational and organizational activities. Contains guidance to assist facilities in recognizing and addressing the phenomenon of normalization of deviation Provides techniques for addressing normalized deviations and techniques to eliminate waste in all manufacturing processes Describes methods for identifying normalized deviation as well as where to find deviations Includes techniques to reduce operational normalization of deviance and to reduce organizational normalization of deviance Aimed at process safety professionals and consultants applying process safety risk reduction efforts in manufacturing areas, Recognizing and Responding to Normalization of Deviance is an important book for any organization that has seen its process safety performance deteriorate over time.
CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety)
There is much industry guidance on implementing engineering projects and a similar amount of guidance on Process Safety Management (PSM). However, there is a gap in transferring the key deliverables from the engineering group to the operations group, where PSM is implemented. This book provides the engineering and process safety deliverables for each project phase along with the impacts to the project budget, timeline and the safety and operability of the delivered equipment.