Advanced Life Support Group

Список книг автора Advanced Life Support Group

    Advanced Paediatric Life Support. The Practical Approach

    Advanced Life Support Group

    This international bestselling book on acute paediatric care is the coursebook for the Advanced Life Support Group’s Advanced Paediatric Life Support (APLS). It uses their practical approach, a tried and tested method of treating children during the crucial first few hours of a life threatening condition. Advanced Paediatric Life Support is used in emergency and paediatric departments, by physicians, nurses and allied health professionals, and its clear layout and straightforward style make it a highly practical tool both for training and in the event of an emergency. The fifth edition includes major new features bringing it right up to date, including: The latest International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) 2010 Guidelines A discussion on the importance of human factors A new and improved design including full colour photographs and diagrams With this book at hand, paediatric and emergency staff can be confident in having comprehensive and authoritative guidance on the first principles of recognising life threatening conditions through to all the procedures necessary to save a child’s life.

    Acute Medical Emergencies. The Practical Approach

    Advanced Life Support Group

    Acute Medical Emergencies is based on the popular Advanced Life Support Group course MedicALS (Medical Advanced Life Support) and is an invaluable resource for all doctors dealing with medical emergencies. This comprehensive guide deals with the medical aspects of diagnosis and treatment of acute emergencies. Its structured approach teaches the novice how to assess and recognise a patient in an acute condition, and how to interpret vital symptoms such as breathlessness and chest or abdominal pain. There are separate sections on interpretation of investigations, and procedures for managing the emergency. It covers procedures for acute emergencies occurring anywhere – on hospital wards or beyond. The clarity of the text, including simple line illustrations, ensure its tried and tested procedures provide clear, concise advice on recognition and management of medical emergencies.

    Major Incident Medical Management and Support. The Practical Approach at the Scene

    Advanced Life Support Group

    Major Incident Medical Management and Support (MIMMS) is the coursebook for the Advanced Life Support Group’s internationally taught training for health care professionals responding to major incidents. The practical approach employed in MIMMS has proved an invaluable aid to both civilian and military doctors, nurses and paramedics working in disaster management worldwide. The third edition has been fully revised to make MIMMS appropriate for the 21st century, with greater emphasis on human factors, a more structured approach to medical management, and new chapters on: Hazardous materials Incidents involving large numbers of children Management of a major incident with multiple burn casualties Mass gatherings Natural disasters There are also revised appendices covering responsibility for the dead, radio use, and voice procedures, and what to do beyond the immediate situation. Covering all eventualities in medical management during major incidents, MIMMS provides a comprehensive and practical guide for all who are involved in this aspect of emergency medicine.