Steve Martin W.

Список книг автора Steve Martin W.

    Heavy Hitter Sales Wisdom. Proven Sales Warfare Strategies, Secrets of Persuasion, and Common-Sense Tips for Success

    Steve Martin W.

    Praise for Heavy Hitter Sales Wisdom «Steve Martin takes a much-needed look at how successful executives read verbal and nonverbal messages, which allows them to quickly understand the subtext of their customers' minds. The best part is that the author shares effective strategies that put more fun into selling and more money into salespeople's pockets.» —Gerhard Gschwandtner Founder and Publisher, Selling Power magazine «Steve Martin's interesting examination of great leaders in history and the parallels he draws between waging a war and waging a sales campaign should be required reading for enterprise salespeople.» —Jay Fulcher, Chief Executive Officer, Agile Software «This powerful book provides real-world strategies you can use to increase sales immediately!» —Brian Tracy, President, Brian Tracy International, author, Getting Rich Your Own Way «Heavy Hitter Sales Wisdom goes beyond the traditional description of sales cycles to the heart of selling. It's about the emotional connection with the customer, but also the attack and destruction of the competition.» —Olivier Helleboid, Vice President, Software Operations, Hewlett-Packard «Heavy Hitter Sales Wisdom provides field sales generals and sales soldiers with tons of strategy, persuasion techniques, and common-sense approaches to winning the hearts and minds of prospects. This book will add new weapons to your arsenal.» —Tim Kelliher, Senior Vice President, Sales, DHL Global Mail

    Heavy Hitter Selling. How Successful Salespeople Use Language and Intuition to Persuade Customers to Buy

    Steve Martin W.

    What separates ordinary salespeople from Heavy Hitters? The best salespeople are those «Heavy Hitters» who are able to use human nature, language, and intuition to build trusting relationships with customers and persuade them to buy. Based on his proven and effective sales program, author Steve Martin's Heavy Hitter Selling explains how you too can achieve and maintain that high level of sales success. Using real-world case studies, examples, and exercises, Martin provides the psychological, physical, and language-based tactics you need to turn yourself into a Heavy Hitter. Inside, you'll find proven guidance and expert tips on: Understanding how people think and communicate Finding the right words at the right time Predicting a customer's behavior and influencing his thoughts Building customer rapport and understanding their motivations Persuading both the customer's rational mind and his emotional subconscious side «Like other sales books published recently, this one stresses the importance of human behavior. But unlike the others, it puts an emphasis on language. Salespeople could well benefit by exploring scientific models of language. Practical exercises make the book useful for everyone.» —Harvard Business School Review «This well-written, insightful book will give you ideas and strategies you can use to influence and persuade customers in any market.» —Brian Tracy, author, Million Dollar Habits «Traditional selling focuses on product, price, and competition and misses the most important reason people buy-people and emotion. Heavy Hitter Selling offers a different perspective that is valuable in understanding how to win.» —Jay Fulcher, President and COO, Agile Software «Heavy Hitter Selling is different-[a book that] will help you make lots of money.» —Gerald D. Cohen, CEO, Information Builders, Inc.