Joshua Rosenbaum

Список книг автора Joshua Rosenbaum

    Investieren wie die Profis

    Joshua Rosenbaum

    Aktien oder nicht? Immer mehr erkennen: Diese Frage stellt sich in Nullzins-Zeiten nicht. Doch dann stellen sich gleich die nächsten Fragen, die sich nicht so leicht beantworten lassen: Wie gehe ich systematisch an die Aktienauswahl heran? Wie soll ich aus Tausenden Aktien die für mich passenden herausfiltern? «Investieren wie die Profis» hat Antworten. Anhand von realen Beispielen und Modellen von Wall-Street-Profis zeigen die Autoren Schritt für Schritt, wie man qualitativ hochwertige Aktien auswählt und gleichzeitig sein Portfolio mit den besten Praktiken des Risikomanagements schützt. Ihr Stock-Picking-System ist schlüssig und für jedermann nachvollziehbar. So wird das Investment in Aktien transparent, Hemmschwellen werden abgebaut, dem Anlage­erfolg steht nichts mehr im Wege.

    The Little Book of Investing Like the Pros

    Joshua Rosenbaum

    As you have probably noticed, there are quite a few investing books out there. Many of them were written by some of the world's greatest investors. So, why should you read our book? Stock investing is more prevalent than ever, whether directly or indirectly through brokerage accounts, exchange-traded funds, mutual funds, or retirement plans. Despite this, the vast majority of individual investors have no training on how to pick stocks. And, until now, there hasn't been a truly accessible, easy-to-understand resource available to help them. The Little Book of Investing Like the Pros was written to fill this void. We believe the simplicity and accessibility of our stock picking framework is truly unique. Using real-world examples and actual Wall Street models used by the pros, we teach you how to pick stocks in a highly accessible, step-by-step manner. Our goal is straightforward—to impart the skills necessary for finding high-quality stocks while protecting your portfolio with risk management best practices. Our practical approach is designed to help demystify the investing process, which can be intimidating. This training will help set you apart from others who are largely flying blind. Pilots require extensive training before receiving a license. Doctors must graduate medical school, followed by a multi-year residency. Even those providing professional investment advice require certification. But, anyone can buy a stock without any training whatsoever. While buying stocks on a hunch and a prayer may not endanger your life, it can certainly put your finances at risk.

    Investment Banking

    Joshua Rosenbaum

    Investment Banking, UNIVERSITY EDITION is a highly accessible and authoritative book written by investment bankers that explains how to perform the valuation work at the core of the financial world. This body of work builds on Rosenbaum and Pearl’s combined 30+ years of experience on a multitude of transactions, as well as input received from numerous investment bankers, investment professionals at private equity firms and hedge funds, attorneys, corporate executives, peer authors, and university professors. This book fills a noticeable gap in contemporary finance literature, which tends to focus on theory rather than practical application. It focuses on the primary valuation methodologies currently used on Wall Street—comparable companies, precedent transactions, DCF, and LBO analysis—as well as M&A analysis. The ability to perform these methodologies is especially critical for those students aspiring to gain full-time positions at investment banks, private equity firms, or hedge funds. This is the book Rosenbaum and Pearl wish had existed when we were trying to break into Wall Street. Written to reflect today’s dynamic market conditions, Investment Banking, UNIVERSITY EDITION skillfully: Introduces students to the primary valuation methodologies currently used on Wall Street Uses a step-by-step how-to approach for each methodology and builds a chronological knowledge base Defines key terms, financial concepts, and processes throughout Provides a comprehensive overview of the fundamentals of LBOs and an organized M&A sale process Presents new coverage of M&A buy-side analytical tools—which includes both qualitative aspects, such as buyer motivations and strategies, along with technical financial and valuation assessment tools Includes a comprehensive merger consequences analysis, including accretion/(dilution) and balance sheet effects Contains challenging end-of-chapter questions to reinforce concepts covered A perfect guide for those seeking to learn the fundamentals of valuation, M&A , and corporate finance used in investment banking and professional investing, this UNIVERSITY EDITION—which includes an instructor’s companion site—is an essential asset. It provides students with an invaluable education as well as a much-needed edge for gaining entry to the ultra-competitive world of professional finance.

    Investment Banking Workbook

    Joshua Rosenbaum

    Investment Banking WORKBOOK is the ideal complement to Investment Banking, Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts, and Mergers & Acquisitions, Second Edition, enabling you to truly master and refine the core skills at the center of the world of finance. This comprehensive study guide provides an invaluable opportunity to explore your understanding of the strategies and techniques covered in the main text, before putting them to work in real-world situations. The WORKBOOK—which parallels the main book chapter by chapter—contains over 400 problem-solving exercises and multiple-choice questions. Topics reviewed include: Valuation and its various forms of analysis, including comparable companies, precedent transactions and discounted cash flow analysis Leveraged buyouts—from the fundamentals of LBO economics and structure to detailed modeling and valuation M&A sell-side tools and techniques, including an overview of an organized M&A sale process M&A buy-side strategy and analysis, including a comprehensive merger consequences analysis that includes accretion/(dilution) and balance sheet effects The lessons found within will help you successfully navigate the dynamic world of investment banking and professional investing. Investment Banking WORKBOOK will enable you to take your learning to the next level in terms of understanding and applying the critical financial tools necessary to be an effective finance professional.