Jeff Cogswell

Список книг автора Jeff Cogswell

    Designing Highly Useable Software

    Jeff Cogswell

    Learn What Usability Really Is, Why to Strive for It, and How to Achieve It «Highly useable» software is easy to use. It does what you expect it to. And it does it well. It's not easy to build but as this book demonstrates, it's well worth the effort. Highly useable software is highly successful software—and everyone wins. Inside, an accomplished programmer who has made usability his business systematically explores the world of programming, showing you how every aspect of the work is implicated in the usability of the final product. This is not just an «issues» book, however, but systematic, real-world instructions for developing applications that are better in every way. As you'll learn, there's no such thing as «intuitive» software. Instead, there are just the factors that make it highly useable: simplicity, consistency, the recognition of accepted conventions, and the foregrounding of the user's perspective. With these principles under your belt, you'll quickly discover dozens of ways to make your applications more useable: Making windows and dialog boxes easy to comprehend and use Designing software that is time- and resource-efficient Making your software easy to navigate Reducing the complexity of reports and other presentations of data Understanding how the wrong programming decisions can limit usability Ensuring smooth starts and stops Capitalizing on the usability advantages of object-oriented programming Understanding how usability affects your product's financial success Using the testing process to improve usability Promoting usability in training, installation, and online help Making management decisions that will benefit software usability Some chapters are written primarily for programmers, one primarily for managers. Most are for everyone, and all are filled with illuminating, usually amusing examples drawn from both inside and outside the technical world. A helpful appendix provides information on standards, usability groups, and sources for more information.

    Developing Visual Studio .NET Macros and Add-Ins

    Jeff Cogswell

    Takes developers step-by-step through the process of customizing Visual Studio to allow easier and faster incorporation of specialized subroutines, UI elements, and other components Shows how to customize the development environment for macros and add-ins created in any .NET-hosted language from Visual Studio to Perl, Delphi, COBOL, and Eiffel Supplies readers with the only print documentation available on all the Macro IDE menu commands Companion Web site includes all the source code and executables for the book

    C++ All-in-One For Dummies

    Jeff Cogswell

    Get ahead of the C++ curve to stay in the game C++ is the workhorse of programming languages and remains one of the most widely used programming languages today. It's cross-platform, multi-functional, and updates are typically open-source. The language itself is object-oriented, offering you the utmost control over data usage, interface, and resource allocation. If your job involves data, C++ proficiency makes you indispensable. C++ All-in-One For Dummies, 3rd Edition is your number-one handbook to C++ mastery. Author John Paul Mueller is a recognized authority in the computer industry, and your ultimate guide to C++. Mueller takes you through all things C++, including information relevant to the 2014 update. Learn how to work with objects and classes Conquer advanced programming and troubleshooting Discover how lambda expressions can make your code more concise and readable See Standard Library features, such as dynamic arrays, in action Online resources include source code from examples in the book as well as a C++ GNU compiler. If you need to learn C++, this is the fastest, most effective way to do it. C++ All-in-One For Dummies, 3rd Edition will get you up and running quickly, so you can get to work producing code faster and better than ever.