Peter L. Bernstein

Список книг автора Peter L. Bernstein

    Jumalatega võidu. Tähelepanuväärne lugu riskist

    Peter L. Bernstein

    Business Weeki, New York Times Businessi ja USA Today bestseller. Riskijuhtimise võimekus ning koos sellega kasvav isu võtta üha uusi riske ja teha tulevikku vaatavaid valikuid on majandussüsteemi lahutamatuks osaks. Kuid mitte ainult – riskijuhtimine saadab meid ka paljude teiste otsuste langetamisel alates rahvatervise kaitsest ja perekonna planeerimisest kuni kindlustusmaksete tasumise ning turvavöö kinnitamiseni. „Jumalatega võidu“ selgitab, kuidas tulevik oleviku teenistusse panna, kuidas riski mõista, seda mõõta ja selle tagajärgi kaaluda. Risk kätkeb endas psühholoogia, matemaatika, statistika ja ajaloo kõige sügavamaid tahke. Bernstein püstitab raamatus mitmeid igavikulisi küsimusi: näiteks mil määral peaksime lootma, et minevikumustrid meile räägivad, mida tulevik toob? Mis loeb rohkem: kas faktid või subjektiivne usk? Üks asi on koostada matemaatiline mudel, mis näib selgitavat kõike. Seistes aga silmitsi igapäevaelu katsumustega, võib faktide mitmetähenduslikkus või südametukse jõud selle mudeli lihtsalt minema pühkida. Sõna „risk“ tuleb itaaliakeelsest sõnast risicare ehk „julgema“, viidates sellele, et risk on pigem valikuvõimalus, mitte saatus. Arvude keeles rääkivad täringud ning ruletiratas, aktsia- ja võlakirjaturg on ideaalseks laboriks, kus riski olemust lähemalt uurida.

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    Peter L. Bernstein

    Capital Ideas Evolving

    Peter L. Bernstein

    "A lot has happened in the financial markets since 1992, when Peter Bernstein wrote his seminal Capital Ideas. Happily, Peter has taken up his facile pen again to describe these changes, a virtual revolution in the practice of investing that relies heavily on complex mathematics, derivatives, hedging, and hyperactive trading. This fine and eminently readable book is unlikely to be surpassed as the definitive chronicle of a truly historic era." —John C. Bogle, founder of The Vanguard Group and author, The Little Book of Common Sense Investing «Just as Dante could not have understood or survived the perils of the Inferno without Virgil to guide him, investors today need Peter Bernstein to help find their way across dark and shifting ground. No one alive understands Wall Street's intellectual history better, and that makes Bernstein our best and wisest guide to the future. He is the only person who could have written this book; thank goodness he did.» —Jason Zweig, Investing Columnist, Money magazine «Another must-read from Peter Bernstein! This well-written and thought-provoking book provides valuable insights on how key finance theories have evolved from their ivory tower formulation to profitable application by portfolio managers. This book will certainly be read with keen interest by, and undoubtedly influence, a wide range of participants in international finance.» —Dr. Mohamed A. El-Erian, President and CEO of Harvard Management Company, Deputy Treasurer of Harvard University, and member of the faculty of the Harvard Business School «Reading Capital Ideas Evolving is an experience not to be missed. Peter Bernstein's knowledge of the principal characters-the giants in the development of investment theory and practice-brings this subject to life.» —Linda B. Strumpf, Vice President and Chief Investment Officer, The Ford Foundation «With great clarity, Peter Bernstein introduces us to the insights of investment giants, and explains how they transformed financial theory into portfolio practice. This is not just a tale of money and models; it is a fascinating and contemporary story about people and the power of their ideas.» —Elroy Dimson, BGI Professor of Investment Management, London Business School «Capital Ideas Evolving provides us with a unique appreciation for the pervasive impact that the theory of modern finance has had on the development of our capital markets. Peter Bernstein once again has produced a masterpiece that is must reading for practitioners, educators and students of finance.» —André F. Perold, Professor of Finance, Harvard Business School

    A Primer on Money, Banking, and Gold (Peter L. Bernstein's Finance Classics)

    Peter L. Bernstein

    One of the foremost financial writers of his generation, Peter Bernstein has the unique ability to synthesize intellectual history and economics with the theory and practice of investment management. Now, with classic titles such as Economist on Wall Street, A Primer on Money, Banking, and Gold, and The Price of Prosperity—which have forewords by financial luminaries and new introductions by the author—you can enjoy some of the best of Bernstein in his earlier Wall Street days. With the proliferation of financial instruments, new areas of instability, and innovative capital market strategies, many economists and investors have lost sight of the fundamentals of the financial system—its strengths as well as its weaknesses. A Primer on Money, Banking, and Gold takes you back to the beginning and sorts out all the pieces. Peter Bernstein skillfully addresses how and why commercial banks lend and invest, where money comes from, how it moves from hand to hand, and the critical role of interest rates. He explores the Federal Reserve System and the consequences of the Fed's actions on the overall economy. But this book is not just about the past. Bernstein's novel perspective on gold and the dollar is critical for today's decision makers, as he provides extensive views on the future of money, banking, and gold in the world economy. This illuminating story about the heart of our economic system is essential reading at a time when developments in finance are more important than ever.

    The Power of Gold. The History of an Obsession

    Peter L. Bernstein

    The need for realism in reform of its monetary system is what makes Bernstein’s story of the Power of Gold so timely. It is a compelling reminder that maintaining a fixed price for gold and fixed exchange rates were difficult even in a simpler financial environment….Peter Bernstein was reluctant to project the story of gold into the future. But to me his message was clear. Yes, gold will be with us, valued not only for its intrinsic qualities but as a last refuge and store of value in turbulent times. But its days as money, as a means of payment and a fixed unit of account are gone. —From the New Foreword by Paul Volcker This bestselling book reveals a record of human nature in the ubiquity of gold with a new foreword by Paul Volcker In this exciting book, the late Peter L. Bernstein tells the story of history's most coveted, celebrated, and inglorious asset: gold. From the ancient fascinations of Moses and Midas through the modern convulsions caused by the gold standard and its aftermath, gold has led many of its most eager and proud possessors to a bad end. And while the same cycle of obsession and desperation may reverberate in today's fast-moving, electronically-driven markets, the role of gold in shaping human history is the striking feature of this tumultuous tale. Such is the power of gold. Whether it is Egyptian pharaohs with depraved tastes, the luxury-mad survivors of the Black Death, the Chinese inventor of paper money, the pirates on the Spanish Main, or the hardnosed believers in the international gold standard, gold has been the supreme possession. It has been an icon for greed and an emblem of rectitude, as well as a vehicle for vanity and a badge of power that has shaped the destiny of humanity through the ages. Discusses the beginnings of gold as something with magical, religious, and artistic qualities and follows its trail as we progress to the invention of coinage, the transformation of gold into money, and the gold standard Other bestselling books by the late Peter Bernstein: Against the Gods, Capital Ideas, and Capital Ideas Evolving Contemplates gold from the diverse perspectives of monarchs and moneyers, potentates and politicians, men of legendary wealth and others of more plebeian beginnings Far more than a tale of romantic myths, daring explorations, and the history of money and power struggles, The Power of Gold suggests that the true significance of this infamous element may lie in the timeless passions it continues to evoke, and what this reveals about ourselves.