David Crowder A.

Список книг автора David Crowder A.

    Google Earth For Dummies

    David Crowder A.

    This interesting guide covers all aspects of Google Earth, the freely downloadable application from Google that allows users to view satellite images from all points of the globe Aimed at a diverse audience, including casual users who enjoy air shots of locales as well as geographers, real estate professionals, and GPS developers Includes valuable tips on various customizations that users can add, advice on setting up scavenger hunts, and guidance on using Google Earth to benefit a business Explains modifying general options, managing the layer and placemark systems, and tackling some of the more technical aspects, such as interfacing with GPS There are more than 400,000 registered users of Google Earth and the number is still growing

    Building a Web Site For Dummies

    David Crowder A.

    Whether you’re in the preliminary stages of planning a site or you’re looking to improve the look of an existing site, this reference book covers it all. Now updated with the latest site tools, design techniques, and commerce options, this new edition of the bestseller offers a solid framework for building a Web site from scratch. Packed with all the essentials to help make your site the best it can be, this resource goes beyond just basic design and page building to show you how to incorporate both of those elements into a successful site. Veteran author David Crowder spills the secrets to planning and creating an effective site from the ground up. You’ll decipher ways to transform a bunch of seemingly random web pages into a coherent web site and you’ll discover myriad ways to make your site look and sound amazing. This updated third edition features content on designing with CSS, using the latest version of Dreamweaver, and applying Web analytics and promotion techniques. In addition, the book covers topics such as: Keeping a site fresh and exciting Designing a look that appeals to your intended audience Determining your Web page structure Incorporating color, images, graphics, music, and video Merging CSS and HTML Planning usable navigation Providing guestbooks and message boards Designing for e-commerce Getting set up with PayPal, Google Checkout, E-cash, etc. The accompanying CD-ROM provides trial versions of software that is used in the book as well as sample templates and graphics for Web building. Once you start referring to Building a Web Site For Dummies, 3rd Edition, you’ll wonder how you ever existed without this invaluable information! Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.

    Building a Web Site For Dummies

    David Crowder A.

    The bestselling guide to building a knockout Web site, newly updated An effective Web site is the key to success for every venture from class reunions to major corporations. And since Web technology changes rapidly, Building a Web Site For Dummies, 4th Edition is fully updated for the cutting-edge tools and trends. If you need to build and maintain a Web site, even if your experience is severely limited, this book makes it easy and fun. You'll learn to plan, design, create, launch, and maintain your site using the most up-to-date tools. A quality Web presence is essential in today's marketplace, and many individuals charged with creating one are unaware of the challenges This guide gives novice Web designers the tools and know-how to plan, design, and build effective Web sites Provides a nuts-and-bolts guide to site-building, including coverage of HTML, WYSIWYG construction software, CSS, and navigation plans Shows how to spruce up your site with topnotch graphics, video, and great content Guides you through getting your site online, promoting it, and even making money from it Building a Web Site For Dummies, 4th Edition is the tool every first-time Web designer needs to build a professional-looking site.