Bruce Hopkins R.

Список книг автора Bruce Hopkins R.

    The Law of Fundraising, 2016 Supplement

    Bruce Hopkins R.

    The latest developments in fundraising law, with expert insight and practical tools The Law of Fundraising is the classic guide on the subject, written by two of the US authorities on the law of tax-exempt organizations. This 2016 Supplement is the first update to the comprehensive fifth edition, detailing the latest developments in the law governing fundraising. New coverage includes proposed regulations concerning an exception to the charitable gift substantiation rules, IRS rulings concerning fundraising organizations, additional information about online fundraising and Form 990 filing requirements in the states, and tax reform proposals. Federal and state laws are examined in detail, with an emphasis on administrative, tax, and constitutional law, and the roles of fundraising professionals themselves are discussed in relation to compliance issues, prospective laws, and regulatory trends. The companion website features a host of practical tools including tables, appendices, IRS examination guidelines, checklists, sample forms, and more, bringing clarification to the practical aspects of fundraising law. State and federal fundraising regulations are becoming increasingly complex, and at times, seemingly contradictory. This helpful guide simplifies the maze, providing expert insight and the most current guidelines. Get up to date on state and federal fundraising laws Understand the nuances of Internet, political, and international fundraising Explore the legal responsibilities of fundraising professionals Access cases, IRS rulings, and sample forms for practical reference Fundraising is critical for nonprofit organizations, but navigating the twists, turns, and dead ends of fundraising regulations is complicated enough that important aspects are easily overlooked—with potentially disastrous consequences. Lawyers and nonprofit professionals alike will find the clarity and answers they seek alongside world-class insight in The Law of Fundraising, Fifth Edition, 2016 Supplement.

    Charitable Giving 2015 Supplement

    Bruce Hopkins R.

    The definitive, accessible reference on charitable giving tax law Charitable Giving 5th Edition is the leading guide to the law, rules, and regulations governing charitable giving, completely revised, revamped, and updated to align with the latest developments in the industry. Written by Bruce R. Hopkins, the most respected name in the field, this book provides plain-English explanations and in-depth coverage, complete with detailed documentation, citations, and references. This updated edition contains new information on many aspects of giving law, including the extensive litigation concerning gifts of conservation easements and updates on the several special rules for unique types of giving, as well as updates on federal estate tax law, and case law on substantiation and appraisal requirements. Reader will find a summary of recent developments concerning recordkeeping, donor-advised funds, and much more. The companion website provides tables, appendices, IRS guidelines, and other related documents to help readers get organized and remain compliant amidst the rapid changes. Charitable giving law is constantly evolving, and remaining compliant can feel like trying to hit a moving target. This book is designed to keep lawyers, managers, and development directors in tax-exempt organizations up to date on the relevant regulations, with a deep understanding of how the regulations are actually applied. Understand the federal tax laws surrounding charitable giving Learn how recent legislation impacts specific taxes and documentation Examine the new regulations proposed by the Department of Treasury Gain access to tools that help ensure compliance More than a simple codification reference, this book provides explanation and interpretation from one of the foremost minds in the field. For those needing a charitable giving guide, Charitable Giving 5th Edition is a comprehensive, authoritative examination, and widely recognized as a classic reference.

    Hopkins' Nonprofit Law Dictionary

    Bruce Hopkins R.

    A focused, invaluable guide to nonprofit legal terminology and definitions The Bruce R. Hopkins Nonprofit Law Dictionary is a thorough professional reference for the terminology and definitions surrounding the law of tax-exempt organizations. Author Bruce R. Hopkins, the country's leading expert in nonprofit law, draws upon 45 years of practice to deliver a true dictionary reference for attorneys specializing in nonprofit law and tax law. The book's terminology and definitions are derived from constantly changing statutes, government agency regulations and rulings, court opinions, and government forms and instructions, with citations provided where appropriate. Modeled after a conventional dictionary, this book offers quick navigation to the information of interest, and points you toward the other Hopkins guides that provide more in-depth information should you require it. The devil is in the details, and nowhere is that statement truer than in the legal profession. Incorrect interpretation of a single phrase can cause consequences for both client and attorney, and verbiage may be intentionally vague with unexpectedly broad or narrow definitions. This guide gives you the most commonly accepted interpretations of terminology related specifically to nonprofit law, so you can feel confident in the quality of service you provide to your clients. Stay up to date on the latest in nonprofit law Confirm the accepted definitions of legal terms and phrases Learn where to turn for deeper guidance on specific topics Gain expert insight into obscure and complex definitions Stop spending time wading through textbooks and case law, only to wonder whether or not the information you eventually found applies to nonprofit law in the same way. Focused specifically on the law as it applies to the nonprofit sector, the Bruce R. Hopkins Nonprofit Law Dictionary is an indispensable reference that gives you the information you need quickly and easily.

    The Law of Tax-Exempt Healthcare Organizations 2017 Cumulative Supplement

    Bruce Hopkins R.

    2017's must-have reference for nonprofit healthcare organizations The Law of Tax-Exempt Healthcare Organizations is a one-stop reference for organizations and their advisors, providing accessible explanations of the complex legal framework surrounding tax-exempt status, healthcare organizations, and other pertinent regulations. This new supplement has been updated to reflect the latest changes to federal law, IRS forms, requirements, and related tax procedures, with extensive citations to facilitate further research if needed. Coverage includes healthcare reform, the Affordable Care Act, activities of tax-exempt organizations, political campaign activity, charitable reforms, intermediate sanctions, and more, including the fiduciary duty of directors on the governing body of nonprofit organizations. Organized for easy navigation and quick reference, this book is also valuable as a learning resource for nonprofit professionals seeking to make more informed decisions for their organizations. The laws and regulations surrounding both health care and the nonprofit world are continuously evolving; when the two fields merge in a single organization, they create a legal area that is continuously in flux. This book provides up-to-the-minute guidance on all relevant aspects of federal law to ensure the clear understanding that streamlines compliance. Get up to date on the latest changes to federal law Delve into the complex rules regarding tax-exempt status Ensure compliance with practical guidance and tools Examine the impact of the Affordable Care Act, charitable reforms, new restrictions, and more By compiling all legal and tax-related information specific to tax-exempt health care organizations into a single volume, this book dramatically reduces research time and eliminates the need to wade through legal libraries to locate specific information—it's all here. The Law of Tax-Exempt Healthcare Organizations is the must-have reference with the latest information and down-to-earth explanations.

    The Law of Tax-Exempt Healthcare Organizations 2016 Supplement

    Bruce Hopkins R.

    Get up to date on 2016 healthcare law and newly relevant issues The Law of Tax-Exempt Healthcare Organizations 2016 Supplement provides complete and comprehensive practitioner updates and analysis in a single volume. Tackling complex legal issues with plain-English explanations and the appropriate citations, this guide is a must-have resource for organizations and their advisors. This new supplement to the Fourth Edition has been fully updated with the latest IRS guidance and requirements, and expanded with additional coverage of relevant topics. The new discussion includes healthcare reform and the Affordable Care Act, the fiduciary duty of directors on the governing body of nonprofit organizations, executive compensation, activities of tax-exempt organizations that appear more commercial than charitable, political campaign activity, charitable reforms, restrictions on supporting organizations, intermediate sanctions, and much more. The companion website provides extensive appendices for further reference, as well as helpful downloadable tables that facilitate a more efficient approach to practice. Healthcare law is a complex field, and keeping up with the frequent changes to federal law is itself a full time job. This book eliminates the need for extended research time by collecting all of the newest and relevant guidelines into one place. Get up to date on the latest IRS forms, guidance, and procedures Interpret complex legal issues correctly and appropriately Reference relevant federal guidelines quickly and easily Access extensive appendices and tables to streamline application As the field evolves and new issues arise, practitioners need a working knowledge of the legal implications behind organizational activities, structure, practices, and more. This most recent annual supplement to The Law of Tax-Exempt Healthcare Organizations is a must-have resource for anyone in the field.

    The Law of Tax-Exempt Healthcare Organizations

    Bruce Hopkins R.

    A completely revised and expanded one-volume legal resource for tax-exempt healthcare organizations A complete and up-to-date legal resource for tax-exempt healthcare organizations and their advisors, this Fourth Edition, equips you with a comprehensive, one-volume source of detailed information on federal law covering tax-exempt healthcare organizations. The Fourth Edition of this practical, down-to-earth book tackles complex legal issues by providing you with plain-English explanations and the appropriate legal citations for further research. Revised with new discussions on healthcare reform, the Affordable Care Act, IRS initiatives, executive compensation, commercial activity by tax-exempt organizations, political campaign activity, charitable reforms, governance, restrictions on supporting organizations, intermediate sanctions, and much more Provides detailed documentation and citations, including references to regulations, rulings, cases, and tax literature Includes an exhaustive index allowing for quick and easy reference Offers annual supplements to keep readers apprised of the latest developments affecting tax-exempt healthcare organizations Written by leading experts in the fields of healthcare and nonprofit law, this comprehensive and vital resource has been completely revised and updated to present a clear view of complicated legal and tax issues.

    The Law of Fundraising, 2017 Cumulative Supplement

    Bruce Hopkins R.

    Untangle the web of fundraising regulations, with the latest updates for 2017 The Law of Fundraising is the definitive reference by the field's most respected authority, and the only book to tackle the increasingly complex maze of federal and state fundraising regulations. Updated to cover the latest changes to fundraising law for 2017, this book includes new coverage of donor-advised funds, international fundraising, and the IRS's charitable spending initiative alongside updates on Form 990, political fundraising, and more. Both state and federal regulations are covered with an emphasis on administrative, tax, and constitutional law, alongside expert discussion on compliance issues, trends, and upcoming legislation. Accessible language aids in conceptual understanding, while extensive tables of cases, IRS rulings and pronouncements, checklists, and sample forms facilitate correct application. The companion website features additional tables, appendices, IRS guidelines, and other useful documents, providing attorneys, accountants, and nonprofit professionals with a rich toolkit for ensuring compliance. With all topics pertaining to finance under increasing federal scrutiny, laws surrounding fundraising are becoming increasingly difficult to parse. Mistakes can impact the nonprofit's bottom line, so keeping up-to-date is crucial; this book provides a comprehensive reference to the latest developments, along with expert forecasting of what is to come. Understand the latest state and federal laws surrounding fundraising activities Learn how the law governs Internet fundraising and other emerging issues Get up to date on the new rules surrounding donor-advised funds and international fundraising Examine prospective laws, regulatory trends, and how new rules impact fundraising professionals Fundraising is critical to the nonprofit's ability to carry out their mission, yet the regulatory tangle at both the state and federal level can be a nightmare to navigate. The Law of Fundraising streamlines compliance with the latest legal developments and invaluable tools for application.

    The Tax Law of Charitable Giving, 2017 Supplement

    Bruce Hopkins R.

    The classic reference for charitable gift regulations, updated for 2017 The Tax Law of Charitable Giving is the leading guide to the law, rules, and regulations governing charitable giving. Author Bruce R. Hopkins is the most respected authority in the field; in this book, he provides a comprehensive update on the latest changes to the law, new Treasury Department regulations, and much more to help lawyers, managers, and development directors in tax-exempt organizations stay up-to-date on all regulations pertaining to charitable gifts. This 2017 update includes coverage of updated estate tax law, new substantiation requirements, appraisal requirements, recordkeeping, donor-advised funds, and the new healthcare tax on investment income of trusts, with detailed documentation, citations, and references to regulations, rulings, cases, and tax literature included. The companion website provides additional tables, appendices, IRS guidelines, and other useful documents to help nonprofits make fully informed decisions about their fund-development programs. As quickly as tax law evolves, it remains the nonprofit's responsibility to stay up-to-date and compliant with all relevant regulations. This book provides a definitive reference for the latest changes, new laws, and upcoming legislation to provide an accessible one-stop reference. Examine the latest changes to the laws surrounding charitable giving Learn how the new healthcare tax affects pooled income funds Understand the Treasury Department's new regulations for reporting, appraisal, and more Access reference tables, IRS guidelines, and other useful documents Charitable gifts are the cornerstone of the nonprofit organization's support, and American taxpayers give more than any other group worldwide. The rules surrounding these gifts are complex, but compliance is critical to the health of the organization. The Tax Law of Charitable Giving provides an authoritative reference for all aspects of the law, with the most up-to-date information available anywhere.

    The Law of Tax-Exempt Organizations + Website, 2017 Cumulative Supplement

    Bruce Hopkins R.

    The gold-standard guide to nonprofit law, updated for 2017 The Law of Tax-Exempt Organizations + Website is the definitive reference for leaders and lawyers of tax-exempt organizations. Written by the field's most respected authority, this book provides comprehensive coverage of all currently relevant regulations to help you make informed decisions about the future of your organization. This new 2017 cumulative supplement includes important updates and revisions with respect to tax regulations and court opinions, including expanded discussion on the private benefit doctrine and unrelated business activity, governance, donor-advised funds, and supporting organizations. Accessible language and extensive tabular information allow for easy navigation and quick reference, while the companion website features additional resources that provide additional depth on specific topics. Tax laws are continuously evolving, and the statutes and regulations for tax-exempt organizations change more quickly than most. This book compiles all of the latest pertinent statutes, regulations, rulings, and court opinions into a single reference that no nonprofit should be without. Get up to date on the latest changes to tax regulations for exempt organizations Learn the new and expanded rules for supporting organizations Review recent IRS rulings, Treasury Department regulations, and court opinions Find answers to the emerging issues surrounding the commerciality doctrine governance, unrelated business, constitutional law issues, and much more Failure to keep pace with changing tax law can easily result in costly penalties; in the non-profit world, each and every dollar is precious—by staying up to date on tax-exempt regulations, you not only avoid penalties, but you may discover new developments that actually benefit your bottom line. The Law of Tax-Exempt Organizations + Website provides the information you need, and the expert guidance to help you take advantage of every opportunity.

    The Law of Tax-Exempt Organizations + Website, Eleventh Edition, 2016 Supplement

    Bruce Hopkins R.

    The updated definitive reference for nonprofit tax law The Law of Tax-Exempt Organizations is the classic reference for non-profit tax law, written by the most respected name in the field. Author Bruce R. Hopkins provides comprehensive and authoritative coverage of the taxation of exempt organizations to help both lawyers and managers make better-informed decisions regarding the actions and future of their organizations. This supplement includes the latest rulings, regulations, court opinions, and much more, including expanded discussion of the private benefit doctrine, integration of Treasury Department regulations, new rules for supporting organizations and donor-advised funds, and detailed guidance on nonprofit governance and nonprofit regional healthcare cooperatives. Written in plain English to facilitate quick and easy reference, this book is a vital part of any nonprofit's reference library. The laws pertaining to nonprofit organizations are constantly evolving, and keeping up to date with the changes may mean the difference between meeting organizational objectives or incurring costly penalties. Supplemented annually to provide a one-stop collection of pertinent updates, this book is an invaluable reference for all aspects of nonprofit law. Get up to date on the latest IRS rulings, regulatory changes, and court opinions Understand the legal guidelines relevant to your organization Become better-equipped to make short- and long-term strategy decisions Stay current on laws pertaining to governance, fund raising, business activities, and more This Eleventh Edition is an important revision and expansion to the definitive one-volume reference, and this supplement extends the utility by providing comprehensive coverage of changes and new developments. As both laws and organizations evolve, The Law of Tax-Exempt Organizations is the definitive guide to nonprofit taxation and regulation.