Elaine Biech

Список книг автора Elaine Biech

    The 2012 Pfeiffer Annual. Consulting

    Elaine Biech

    The Leader in Resources for Training & HR Professionals for the Past Four Decades For 40 years, The Pfeiffer Annuals have helped consultants, experts, and academics in the field to stay informed and ahead of the curve. The 2012 Pfeiffer Consulting Annual is a toolkit of ideas, methods, techniques, and models that support your work as an internal or external organizational consultant. It addresses the broad range of topics that are of most interest to professionals in the field. The materials provide accessible means of interacting with a diverse variety of systems and processes—from collaborative workflows and executive coaching to strategic planning and organizational development. This Annual presents a «Learning in the Moment» theme. It addresses today's hectic world of immediate need and urgent access and includes information on teams and groups, leadership, communication, organizations, and problem solving. Experiential Learning Activities (ELAs) cover a broad range of consulting topics. The activities are presented as ready-to-use designs for working with groups: facilitator instructions and all necessary handouts are included. ELAs showcasing the theme cover storytelling, leadership, change management, and diversity. The Inventories, Questionnaires, and Surveys section contains tools to help respondents take an objective look at themselves or their organizations and determine how a particular theory applies to their situations. Don't miss the Cultural Readiness Scale for WEB 2.0 in this section. The articles section presents the current thinking about workplace communications, leadership, and individual development. Travis L. Russ, Jean Lamkin, Mohandas Nair, Linda Raudenbush, and Leonard Goodstein have contributed must-read articles. And while the article by Jennifer Labin is a part of the theme, the topic of engagement is a part of discussions in almost every organization. Year after year, the Consulting Annual has provided thousands of professionals with up-to-date information and tools to make organizations more effective. Delve into this volume and you will understand why it is the most reliable source for practical, professional, performance-boosting tools and fresh ideas. Discover more at www.pfeiffer.com

    The Book of Road-Tested Activities

    Elaine Biech

    Enhance your toolkit with the best of the best—100+ tested and perfected activities guaranteed to succeed «A treasured collection with some never-before-seen tools and activities to increase participation and retention for your learners. . . . The 'insider's tips' feature helps even the newest trainer facilitate these activities like a pro.» —Jean Barbazette, author of The Art of Great Training Delivery «I believe in the effectiveness of training activities, the brilliance of Elaine's editorial skills, and the street smarts of my ASTD colleagues. They all come together in this brilliant book.» —Dr. Sivasailam «Thiagi» Thiagarajan, of The Thiagi Group; author of Jolts! «What a wonderful book! . . . This is a must-have reference book for every learning and development professional.» —Jack and Patti Phillips, Founders, Chairman and CEO of the ROI Institute, Inc. Workplace learning professionals are always looking for the best solution—tried-and-true activities, ones that work every time, ones that always lead participants to gain deeper insight into their leadership capabilities and potential. The Book of Road-Tested Activities gives you just what you're looking for: well-crafted games and activities that have been put to the test in real training situations and proven effective. To create this edited collection, training legend Elaine Biech painstakingly selected the very best—more than 100 activities that ASTD training professionals have taken to the finish line with excellent results. Divided between activities geared toward specific workshop topics and multi-purpose training tools and techniques, the book covers: Training topics—communication, listening, customer service and sales, creativity and innovation, teamwork, leadership, and more Tools and techniques—icebreakers, openings, reviews, and online learning, plus unique tools that will add a new twist to your own techniques With both new, innovative activities and classic, dependable ones enhanced with creative variations, Elaine Biech's The Book of Road-Tested Activities provides you with an array of tried-and-true training tools for every occasion and purpose. They'll help you achieve your own stellar track record of successful training and satisfied customers.

    The 2012 Pfeiffer Annual. Training

    Elaine Biech

    The Leader in Resources for Training & HR Professionals for the Past Four Decades For 40 years, The Pfeiffer Annuals have helped professionals in the workplace learning and performance field to stay ahead of their organizations' needs. The 2012 Pfeiffer Training Annual is no exception. It offers a hands-on guide to the latest thinking and approaches to training and development. To address the more-need-less-time dilemma, the Annual presents a «Learning in the Moment» theme, with valuable information on such practical topics as teamwork, communication, leadership, and emotional intelligence. ELAs are presented as complete, ready-to-use training designs. This year we are honored to have ELAs from training leaders you have come to depend on: Julie O'Mara, M.K. Key, Dennis Gilbert, Lou Russell, and Robert Alan Black. In the Instruments section Jean Barbazette shares an instructor skills survey that you will want to put to use immediately. Use the articles section for your own professional development or as a lecture resource within your training sessions. Must-haves in this section include articles by Homer Johnson, Zane Berge, and Gary Wise. The highlight of this Annual is Dr. Donald Kirkpatrick's article about how the Four Levels of Evaluation came about. You will be intrigued to learn how evaluation fits with the theme, identifying more than a dozen ways to evaluate learning in the moment. With the depth and breadth of resources, Annual content is entirely new each year, ensuring a steady stream of contemporary knowledge and tools. Use the Annual to stay on top of developments within the profession, dip into the content for a contribution that targets a specific performance need or to develop a complete program, and learn how others in the field are tackling the ever-increasing challenges of developing a capable, productive workforce. Discover more at www.pfeiffer.com

    Training For Dummies

    Elaine Biech

    Millions of Americans have to train others as part of their jobs. Whether you’re an employee training your co-workers on a new process or skill, a volunteer asked to train new volunteers, a chef training your staff, or a paramedic giving CPR training, it’s just as important to know how to teach others as it is to know what you’re talking about. It doesn’t matter how much you know about your subject if you can’t share it with others. Fortunately, Training For Dummies offers all the nuts and bolts of training for anyone who has to educate others on any subject and in any field. It covers all the modern, interactive instructional methods and dynamic training approaches available and helps you get trainees inspired, involved, and enthused. Training For Dummies will help you: Keep it interesting so trainees learn more eagerly Master the jargon of training Use audio and visual aids effectively Prepare for the training certification process Evaluate your results and improve your tactics Elaine Biech, President and Managing Principal of Ebb Associates, Inc., and known as “the trainer’s trainer” shows you all the tips and tricks of the trade. Based on her long experience as a trainer and her work for clients such as the IRS and many Fortune 500 companies, Biech helps you discover: Tips, techniques, and tidbits for enhancing your training sessions Methods that improve trainee participation Alternatives to the traditional lecture method Tactics for gauging and managing group dynamics Strategies for addressing problems in the classroom Hints for understanding and adapting to different learning styles Helpful resources and other extra material you can put to immediate use No matter what you do for a living, there will probably come a time when you have to teach others what you know. Training For Dummies cuts through the complicated jargon to present the basics of teaching and learning in straightforward, plain English so you can share your specialized knowledge with those who need it.

    Training and Development For Dummies

    Elaine Biech

    Develop and deliver a robust employee training and development program Training and Development For Dummies gives you the tools you need to develop a strong and effective training and development program. Covering the latest in talent development, this informative guide addresses classroom, virtual, and blended learning to open up your options and help you design the program that's right for your company. You'll explore the different modes of formal learning, including social learning, m-learning, and MOOCs, and delve into the benefits and implementation of self-directed and informal learning. The discussion covers mentoring and coaching, rotational and stretch assignments, and how to align talent development with the company's needs. You'll learn how to assess employee skills, design and deliver training, and evaluate each step of the process to achieve the goals of both the employee and the organization. Most employees have some weaknesses in their skill sets. A robust training program allows you to strengthen those skills, and a development program brings all employees up to the highest possible level of productivity and success. This book helps you create consistency in your company by developing and delivering the exact training and development program your people need. Develop a strong training and development program Foster a supportive and innovative work environment Learn about social learning, m-learning, and MOOCs Assess and evaluate your staff more effectively A great training and development program boosts performance, productivity, job satisfaction, and quality of services, while reducing costs and supervision. Investing in your employees gives an excellent ROI, as talent development is a primary driver behind both motivation and loyalty. Training and Development For Dummies shows you how to reap these benefits, with step by step guidance and essential expert insight.