Elisabeth Dellinger

Список книг автора Elisabeth Dellinger

    The Ten Roads to Riches. The Ways the Wealthy Got There (And How You Can Too!)

    Elisabeth Dellinger

    Profiles of some of America's richest people and how they got that way—and how you can too! While we can't promise that this book will elevate you to the ranks of the super-rich, we can say that within its pages you'll discover everything you need to know about how, exactly, many of America's most famous (and infamous) millionaires and billionaires acquired their fortunes. The big surprise is that all of the super-wealthy it profiles got where they are today by taking one of just ten possible roads—including starting a business, buying real estate, investing wisely, and marrying extremely well. Whether you aspire to shameful wealth or just a demure fortune, bestselling author and self-made billionaire, Ken Fisher, will show you how to walk in the footsteps of tycoons—all the way to the financial success you dream of and deserve. Packed with amusing anecdotes of individuals who have traveled (or tumbled) down each road to wealth Extracts valuable lessons on how you, too, can achieve serious wealth, and, just as importantly, hold onto it Provides powerful tools for determining what you need to do to position yourself for success and «Guideposts» and «Warning Signs» to help keep you safely on your road to success Second Edition features more profiles and instructive examples than were found in the bestselling first edition

    Beat the Crowd. How You Can Out-Invest the Herd by Thinking Differently

    Elisabeth Dellinger

    Train your brain to be a real contrarian and outsmart the crowd Beat the Crowd is the real contrarian’s guide to investing, with comprehensive explanations of how a true contrarian investor thinks and acts – and why it works more often than not. Bestselling author Ken Fisher breaks down the myths and cuts through the noise to present a clear, unvarnished view of timeless market realities, and the ways in which a contrarian approach to investing will outsmart the herd. In true Ken Fisher style, the book explains why the crowd often goes astray—and how you can stay on track. Contrarians understand how headlines really affect the market and which noise and fads they should tune out. Beat the Crowd is a primer to the contrarian strategy, teaching readers simple tricks to think differently and get it right more often than not. Discover the limits of forecasting and how far ahead you should look Learn why political controversy matter less the louder it gets Resurrect long-forgotten, timeless tricks and truths in markets Find out how the contrarian approach makes you right more often than wrong A successful investment strategy requires information, preparation, a little bit of brainpower, and a larger bit of luck. Pursuit of the mythical perfect strategy frequently lands folks in a cacophony of talking heads and twenty-four hour noise, but Beat the Crowd cuts through the mental clutter and collects the pristine pieces of actual value into a tactical approach based on going against the grain.