Robert Carlson C.

Список книг автора Robert Carlson C.

    Invest Like a Fox... Not Like a Hedgehog. How You Can Earn Higher Returns With Less Risk

    Robert Carlson C.

    Proven techniques for leading-instead of following-fast-changing markets Investors, no matter what strategy they are using, can be placed into two categories. Single-minded, inflexible hedgehogs lock into one strategy and stick with it through thick and thin. Dynamic, adaptable foxes, on the other hand, are alert for changes, learn from experience, embrace new ideas, and make the most of new trends and technologies. The key lies in being flexible and realizing that markets are dynamic. Invest Like a Fox . . . Not Like a Hedgehog shows investors how being a hedgehog can reduce returns while increasing the risk of a portfolio, and how acquiring the cunning and adaptability of the fox will improve returns while reducing risk. It reveals the shortcomings of popular but hedgehog-like investment strategies and shows how a fox-like investor adjusts to new market realities. Readers learn how to use the renowned Bayesian Theory of Probability and other guideposts from outside the world of finance to adjust their strategies and react to new information.

    The New Rules of Retirement. Strategies for a Secure Future

    Robert Carlson C.

    Create the retirement you desire with proven financial strategies The New Rules of Retirement throws away the rules of thumb, clichés, and obsolete ideas. It provides a proven, updated approach to retiring successfully in today's world. In this new second edition based on independent, objective research, retirement expert Robert C. Carlson uses proven, profitable techniques to coordinate all the factors that lead to financial security and independence. You'll learn how much you really need to save for retirement, how to invest that nest egg before and during retirement, and how to establish a wise and sustainable spending strategy. Carlson will explain how to overcome the threats to lifetime financial security, such as longer life expectancy, low investment returns, higher taxes, and more. Importantly, you'll learn how to plan for the wildcards of retirement planning: health care and long-term care expenses. This edition covers changes in key areas such as annuities, IRA management, estate planning, and income taxes. You'll learn how to merge these insights into your plan to enhance financial security and to provide for loved ones in the future. Retirement no longer means being put out to pasture. Today's retirees are traveling the world, attending classes, developing new skills, starting businesses, mastering neglected hobbies, and more—well into their golden years. This guide helps ensure you have the financial independence to pursue the retirement you want through smart planning and effective financial strategies. Know and overcome the threats to retiree financial security Learn the right way to estimate retirement spending Develop a sustainable spending strategy Invest your nest egg to make it last Plan for potential long-term health care Leave a legacy for loved ones The retirement is now a new phase of life, not a winding down. It's a time to live your best life and do things you couldn't before. But all the financial aspects of retirement have changed. To maintain financial security and create the retirement you desire, you need to be on top of the changes. The New Rules of Retirement provides the latest, proven strategies that help put the shine in your golden years.