Nicolette ist jung und schön – aber in der besseren Südstaaten-Gesellschaft ist sie ein Niemand. Dennoch verliebt sich Montgomery DeLande in sie, Erbe einer der mächtigsten Familie Louisianas. Zunächst scheint das Glück vollkommen. Sie schenkt ihm drei Kinder, und er verwöhnt sie über alle Maßen. Doch irgendwann entdeckt Nicolette die dunkle Seite ihres Mannes, die tiefen Abgründe seiner Seele. Vom aufmerksamen Liebhaber verwandelt er sich in einen grausamen Sadisten. Als selbst das Leben ihrer Kinder bedroht ist, weiß Nicolette, daß sie kämpfen muß. Auf Leben und Tod …
Four little girls–each blond, each on the verge of adolescence–stolen from their families.Their bodies discovered months later in shallow graves, surrounded by trinkets they never owned, clutching a scrap of paper bearing a cryptic verse. As a forensic nurse in rural South Carolina, Ashlee Davenport Chadwick acts as both caregiver and cop, gathering evidence from anyone who arrives in the local E.R. as the result of a crime. It's a tough job, both physically and emotionally draining, but deeply satisfying.Then a child's red shoe is discovered on Davenport property. The evidence leads Ashlee to the body of a missing girl and her work suddenly invades every aspect of her life. As an expert and a witness, she must call upon all her resources. And when the killer's eye turns to her, she becomes intimately involved with a crime that tests her mind and her spirit…and the price of failure will be another child's life.
The kayak trip was supposed to be a honeymoon. But when Nell and Joe Stevens are caught in a flash flood, Nell is swept under, trapped and loses consciousness. When she awakes, safe on shore, she finds a note from Joe, explaining that he has gone for help. He never returns. The search that follows raises more questions than it answers. About the family he never mentioned, who arrive in Nell's sleepy hometown. The enormous inheritance. And worse, the question whispered by the locals: is Nell responsible?Always hoping for Joe's return, Nell tries to put the rumors behind her. But as years slip past, Nell craves answers. She takes to the river again in search of the truth and finds that jealousy, desperation and deception can pull you under faster than churning water–and you may never resurface.
Neli väikest tüdrukut, kõik blondid, kõik varases teismeeas, on röövitud oma perede juurest. Nende elutud kehad leitakse mitu kuud hiljem kusagile kalmistule maetuna, kaasas asjad, mida neil varem ei olnud, peos paberitükk mõistatusliku salmiga. Ashlee Davenport Chadwick tegutseb Lõuna-Carolina maapiirkonnas kohtuekspertiisi assistendina, seega osaliselt meditsiiniõe, osaliselt kriminalistina. Tema tööks on võtta proove kõigilt, kes satuvad kuriteo ohvritena kohalikku kiirabiosakonda. See on raske töö, mis kurnab nii füüsiliselt kui emotsionaalselt, kuid pakub samas sügavat rahuldust. Davenporti farmi maadelt leitakse punane lapseking. See juhib Ashlee ühe kadunud tüdruku laibani ja äkitselt täidab töö kogu ta elu. Eksperdi ja tunnistajana peab ta mängu panema kõik oma oskused ja teadmised. Kui mõrvar hakkab tema vastu huvi tundma, satub ta olukorda, mis paneb proovile kogu ta oskuse ja vaimujõu… sest ebaõnnestumine tähendaks veel ühe lapse elu…