The obvious solution: A marriage of convenience! Part of Sisters of Scandal: Temperance Lattimar is too scandalous for a Season, until finally she’s sponsored by Lady Sayleford. The whole charade feels wrong when she doesn’t want a husband, but Temper feels awful when MP and aristocrat Gifford Newell is appointed to “protect” her at society events. With her past, she knows she’s not an ideal wife…but then a marriage of convenience to the earl becomes the only option!
After five Seasons… She was still on the shelf! Part of The Cinderella Spinsters. Miss Emma Henley knows she’s neither pretty nor rich enough to land a husband. Instead she’s thrown her passion into good causes. But this Season she’s tempted by a flirtation with Lord Theo. The dashing rake is just as determined to stay unwed as she is. It’s scandalous… But if she’s never to marry perhaps he can show her the pleasures of the marriage bed!
Power, privilege and the daring pursuit of passion! Lady Margaret Roberts has sworn off passion…that is, until she meets Giles Hadley. Reluctant viscount Giles is prepared to indulge in an illicit affair. But he must beware, for spirited Maggie awakens in him something even more forbidden – the desire to claim her as his wife! • Faith, Duchess of Ashedon, is saved from attack by an unlikely figure from her past. But David Tanner Smith is no longer the penniless orphan Faith once knew, and with one spine-tingling kiss, their old friendship is transformed to an explosive mix of illicit encounters and forbidden desire…
Eemal ühiskonna luuravate pilkude eest… Olles kaotanud armastatud abikaasa, on nutikas leedi Margaret Roberts loobunud kire jahtimisest… seda hetkeni, mil ta kohtub Giles Hadleyga. Perekonnast valusalt võõrdunud tõrges vikont Giles Hadley teab liigagi hästi, millise hävingu toob endaga kaasa õnnetu abielu. Seega, kuni ta valmistub nautima salajast armusuhet, peab ta olema valvas, sest tulihingeline Maggie äratab temas midagi veelgi keelatumat – soovi ta endale naiseks võtta!
Naine pigem põleks mehe juuresolekul, kui piinleks tema puudumisel. Faith Wellingford Evers, krahvinna Ashedon, on väsinud ühiskonna lõpututest kuulujuttudest tema vigade ja ta kadunud abikaasa truudusetuse kohta. Üheks õhtuks põgenedes satub ta lurjuste rünnaku ohvriks, kuid tema päästjaks osutub ebatõenäoline inimene minevikust! Olles tõusnud rahatust orvust parlamendiliikmeks, pole David Tanner Smith enam see vaikne poiss, keda Faith kunagi tundis. Esimese selgroogu kõditava suudlusega muutub nende vana sõprus ning selle asemele tuleb plahvatusohtlik segu keelatud kohtumisi ja iha… Eelmine: Keelatud ööd vikondiga. Esimene raamat