Джакомо Пуччини

Список книг автора Джакомо Пуччини

    Избранные песни. Для голоса и фортепиано. Ноты

    Джакомо Пуччини

    Песни для голоса и фортепиано Джакомо Пуччини (1858–1924) составляют небольшую, но интересную область его творчества. Многие мелодии из камерно-вокального наследия композитор в дальнейшем использовал в операх. В сборник вошли 11 песен Пуччини на слова итальянских поэтов. Издание адресовано студентам музыкальных училищ и творческих вузов, профессиональным исполнителям, любителям вокальной музыки.

    La Boheme

    Джакомо Пуччини

    OperaUpClose’s electric new English translation of La Bohème charts the ups and downs of a group of idealistic graduates as they bicker, party, try to make ends meet and follow their dreams. Having wowed audiences at The Cock Tavern Theatre in Kilburn in a record-breaking, sell-out six-month run, as well as an acclaimed transfer at Soho Theatre, this contemporary re-telling of La Bohème won Best Off-West End Production at the Whatsonstage.com Awards, and the Olivier Award for Best New Opera Production.

    La Bohème in Full Score

    Джакомо Пуччини

    "La Bohème is perhaps Puccini's most nearly perfect opera." — Hughes, Famous Puccini Operas.It has long been one of the world's most beloved musical works — an instantly enchanting blend of charm, warmth, gaiety, and pathos, brought to vibrant life by Puccini's sparkling, lighthearted score. La Bohème, based on Henri Murger's novel Scènes de la Vie de Bohème, was first performed at the Teatro Regio, Turin, in 1896. It soon became a staple of the operatic repertoire and has remained so ever since. Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians notes that «Puccini's music reflects the alternate gaiety and pathos of Murger's novel with a truth and sincerity to which no name but that of genius can be applied.»Now musicians, opera enthusiasts, and all music lovers can enjoy the full score of this wonderful masterpiece in a sturdy, attractive volume. Reprinted complete and unabridged from an authoritative Italian edition, with English translations of the lists of characters and instruments and a new table of contents, this edition offers an inexpensive, high-quality score ideal for reading and study. It is a valuable aid to the full enjoyment of a unique and lasting musical landmark.