
Список книг автора Aristophanes

    Lysistrata (Translated with Annotations by The Athenian Society)


    Greek playwright, Aristophanes, lived during the 5th and 4th century BC and is considered one of the principal authors of the Greek classical period. Of the nearly thirty plays he wrote during his career, eleven are extant. Amongst the most famous of these is “Lysistrata,” a comedy which focuses on the women of Greece whose husbands have left for the Peloponnesian War. The women do not care about the conflict as much as they care about missing their husbands. Its titular character, Lysistrata, insists that men rarely listen to women’s reasoning and exclude their opinions on matters of state. In retaliation she convinces the women of Greece to organize a strike, refusing to have sex with their husbands until both sides agree to cease fighting. The irony of this is that the men become more upset with their wives than they do with their enemies of war. Notable for its positive portrayal of women’s rationality in a male-dominated society, “Lysistrata” stands as one the most popular and frequently performed plays from classical antiquity. This edition is translated and annotated by the Athenian Society and includes a biographical afterword.

    Lysistrata and Other Plays (Translated with Annotations by The Athenian Society)


    Greek playwright, Aristophanes, lived during the 5th and 4th century BC and is considered one of the principal authors of the Greek classical period. Of the nearly thirty plays he wrote during his career, eleven are extant. Amongst the most famous of these is “Lysistrata,” a comedy which focuses on the women of Greece whose husbands have left for the Peloponnesian War. The women do not care about the conflict as much as they care about missing their husbands. Its titular character, Lysistrata, insists that men rarely listen to women’s reasoning and exclude their opinions on matters of state. In retaliation she convinces the women of Greece to organize a strike, refusing to have sex with their husbands until both sides agree to cease fighting. The irony of this is that the men become more upset with their wives than they do with their enemies of war. Notable for its positive portrayal of women’s rationality in a male-dominated society, “Lysistrata” stands as one the most popular and frequently performed plays from classical antiquity. Also included in this collection are two additional Aristophanes plays, “The Acharnians” and “The Clouds”. This edition is translated with annotations by the Athenian Society and includes a biographical afterword.

    The Frogs and Other Plays


    Aristophanes, often referred to as “The Father of Comedy”, is an ancient Greek poet and playwright who is credited with helping to create the art of satire and irony. Of the over forty plays Aristophanes wrote during his lifetime only eleven survive to this day of which five are collected together here in this volume.“The Wasps” is a play which satirizes the Athenian general Cleon, a popular contemporary demagogue, and the Athenian courts which empower him. “The Thesmophoriazusae” depicts a gathering of women at an annual festival as they plan to enact their revenge upon Euripides for his unflattering depiction of their sex. “The Frogs” relates the journey of the god Dionysus to the underworld, who wishes to improve the state of Athenian tragedy by bringing Euripides back from the dead. In “The Clouds” we find a lampoon of contemporary Athenian intellectuals, most notably Socrates. Lastly in “Plutus”, Aristophanes employs the god of wealth, Plutus, to satirize the political economics of Athenian society. This edition follows the prose translations of The Athenian Society and includes a biographical afterword.

    The Birds and Other Plays


    Aristophanes, often referred to as “The Father of Comedy”, is an ancient Greek poet and playwright who is credited with helping to create the art of satire and irony. Of the over forty plays Aristophanes wrote during his lifetime only eleven survive to this day of which six are collected together here in this volume. In “The Acharnians”, there is the story of Dikaiopolis, an Athenian who brokers a private peace treaty with the Spartans. “The Knights” satirizes Athenian society and politics during the Peloponnesian War. In “Peace” we find a joyous anticipation by the Athenian people of an end to the Peloponnesian War, staged just days before the actual end to the war. With “The Birds”, Aristophanes relates a fantastical tale of a magical city in the sky. “Lysistrata” concerns the comic account of Athenian women to bring about an end to the Peloponnesian War by withholding sex from their husbands. And finally in “The Ecclesiazusae” there is the tale of Athenian women seizing control of the government and establishing a society of fiscal and sexual equality. This edition follows the prose translations of The Athenian Society and includes a biographical afterword.

    The Knights


    In many respects 'The Knights' may be reckoned the great Comedian's masterpiece, the direct personal attack on the then all-powerful Cleon, with its scathing satire and tremendous invective, being one of the most vigorous and startling things in literature. Already in 'The Acharnians' he had threatened to «cut up Cleon the Tanner into shoe-leather for the Knights,» and he now proceeds to carry his menace into execution, «concentrating the whole force of his wit in the most unscrupulous and merciless fashion against his personal enemy.»—From the introduction to ‘The Knights’ of Aristophanes.

    The Frogs


    Aristophanes, the greatest of comic writers in Greek and in the opinion of many, in any language, is the only one of the Attic comedians any of whose works has survived in complete form He was born in Athens about the middle of the fifth century B C, and had his first comedy produced when he was so young that his name was withheld on account of his youth. He is credited with over forty plays, eleven of which survive, along with the names and fragments of some twenty-six others. His satire deal with political, religious, and literary topics, and with all its humor and fancy is evidently the outcome of profound conviction and a genuine patriotism. The Attic comedy was produced at the festivals of Dionysus, which were marked by great license, and to this, rather than to the individual taste of the poet, must be ascribed the undoubted coarseness of many of the jests. Aristophanes seems, indeed, to have been regarded by his contemporaries as a man of noble character. He died shortly after the production of his «Plutus,» in 388 B. C. «The Frogs» was produced the year after the death of Euripides, and laments the decay of Greek tragedy which Aristophanes attributed to that writer. It is an admirable example of the brilliance of his style, and of that mingling of wit and poetry with rollicking humor and keen satirical point which is his chief characteristic. Here, as elsewhere, he stands for tradition against innovation of all kinds, whether in politics, religion, or art. The hostility to Euripides displayed here and in several other plays, like his attacks on Socrates, is a result of this attitude of conservatism. The present play is notable also as a piece of elaborate if not over-serious literary criticism from the pen of a great poet.

    The Birds


    Aristophanes's «The Birds» is one of the great dramatic comedies from all of classical antiquity. It is the story of Euelpides and Pisthetaerus, two old Athenians, who are disgusted with the litigiousness, wrangling and sycophancy of their countrymen, and resolve upon quitting Attica. Having heard of the fame of Epops (the hoopoe), sometime called Tereus, and now King of the Birds, they determine, under the direction of a raven and a jackdaw, to seek from him and his subject birds a city free from all care and strife.

    The Complete Plays


    This comprehensive compilation of Aristophanes' texts, «The Complete Plays of Aristophanes» contains eleven unique stories all penned by the famously witty Greek playwright. His works are also important because they are some of the last remaining forms of Old Comedy in existence. The plays are filled with all kinds of satire, ranging from politics and sex to the humorous portrayals of popular Greek figures. «The Clouds» depicts the philosopher Socrates as a sneaky old man with a penchant for stirring up discontent and mischief. In «Lysistrata,» the women of Greece refuse to give their husbands sex unless they re-think their stance in the Peloponnesian War. «The Frogs» shows that the Greek god Dionysus bumbling around the Underworld because he misses the older and more tragic plays over the newer tongue-in-cheek ones. Aristophanes appreciated the more tragic plays, but he refused to let himself take them too seriously. He believed that the audiences needed something more in their lives than solemn tales about the Greek gods, so he made them laugh with his sarcastic and sardonic humor. He was also influential in that he revised the role of the classic Greek chorus; most choruses were only present in the tragedies; however, he doubled the number of chorus singers and made them the voice of humorous reason amidst the comical confusion. As such, Aristophanes is remembered and praised by critics and audiences alike.



    Clouds by Aristophanes. Translated by W. J. Hickie libreka classics – These are classics of literary history, reissued and made available to a wide audience. Immerse yourself in well-known and popular titles!

    The Birds


    The Birds by Aristophanes libreka classics – These are classics of literary history, reissued and made available to a wide audience. Immerse yourself in well-known and popular titles!