Джек Марс

Список книг автора Джек Марс

    Il ritorno dell’Agente Zero

    Джек Марс

    “Uno dei migliori thriller di quest’anno”. – Books and Movie Reviews (A ogni costo) In questo esordio molto atteso di un’epica serie spy thriller dello scrittore di bestseller #1 Jack Mars, i lettori sono trascinati per tutta l’Europa in un’avventura al cardiopalma, mentre il presunto agente della CIA Kent Steele, perseguitato dai terroristi e dalla sua stessa identità, deve risolvere il mistero di chi lo vuole morto, quale sia l’obiettivo dei terroristi, quale sia la sua stessa identità e chi è la bellissima donna che continua a vedere nella propria mente. Kent Steele, 38 anni, un brillante professore di storia europea alla Columbia University, trascorre un'esistenza tranquilla in un sobborgo di New York con le sue due figlie adolescenti. Tutto cambia quando riceve una visita a tarda notte, viene rapito da tre terroristi, e si ritrova dall’altra parte dell’oceano, sotto interrogatorio, in uno scantinato di Parigi. Sono convinti che Kent sia la spia più letale che la CIA abbia mai conosciuto. Lui è convinto che abbiano preso l’uomo sbagliato. Ècosì? Circondato da una cospirazione, avversari furbi quanto lui, e con un assassino alle costole, questo perverso gioco del gatto col topo condurrà Kent su una strada pericolosa, che potrebbe riportarlo a Langley e a una shoccante rivelazione sulla sua stessa identità. IL RITORNO DELL’AGENTE ZERO è un thriller di spionaggio che non riuscirete a posare fino alla fine. “Il thriller al suo meglio.” –Midwest Book Review (A ogni costo) Inoltre è disponibile la serie thriller besteller di Jack Mars LUKE STONE (7 libri), che inizia con “A ogni costo” (Libro #1), download gratuito con più di 800 recensioni a cinque stelle!

    Por Todos los Medios Necesarios

    Джек Марс

    Cuando los yihadistas se roban residuos nucleares de un hospital sin vigilancia de la ciudad de Nueva York en el medio de la noche, la policía, en una carrera frenética contra el tiempo, llama al FBI. Luke Stone, jefe de un departamento de élite y reservado dentro del FBI, es el único hombre al que se puede recurrir. Luke se da cuenta de inmediato que el propósito de los terroristas es crear una bomba sucia, que buscan un objetivo de alto valor, y que van a atacar en el plazo de 48 horas. Se produce una persecución de gato y ratón, enfrentando a los agentes del gobierno con más experiencia del mundo y a sus más sofisticados terroristas. A medida que el Agente Stone devela una capa tras otra, pronto se da cuenta de que se está enfrentando a una vasta conspiración, y que el objetivo es de aún más alto valor de lo que podría haber imaginado –hasta llegar al Presidente de los Estados Unidos. Con Luke incriminado por el delito, su equipo amenazado y su propia familia en peligro, no podría ser más lo que está en juego. Pero como un ex comando de las fuerzas especiales, Luke ha estado en posiciones difíciles antes, y no se dará por vencido hasta que encuentre una manera de detenerlos – haciendo lo que sea necesario. Un giro sigue a otro giro a medida que un solo hombre se encuentra en contra de un ejército de obstáculos y conspiraciones, incluso empujando los límites de lo que puede manejar, y culminando en un clímax impactante. Un thriller político con acción trepidante, locaciones internacionales dramáticas y suspenso constante, POR TODOS LOS MEDIOS NECESARIOS marca el debut de una nueva serie explosiva que lo dejará pasando páginas hasta altas horas de la noche. El Libro 2 en la serie Luke Stone estará disponible en breve.

    Primary Threat

    Джек Марс

    “One of the best thrillers I have read this year.” –-Books and Movie Reviews (re Any Means Necessary) In PRIMARY THREAT (The Forging of Luke Stone—Book #3), a ground-breaking action thriller by #1 bestseller Jack Mars, elite Delta Force veteran Luke Stone, 29, leads the FBI’s Special Response Team as they respond to a hostage situation on an oil rig in the remote Arctic. Yet what at first seems like a simple terrorist event may, it turns out, be much more. With a Russian master plan unfolding rapidly in the Arctic, Luke may have arrived at the precipice of the next world war. And Luke Stone may just be the only man standing in its way. PRIMARY THREAT is a standalone, un-putdownable military thriller, a wild action ride that will leave you turning pages late into the night. The precursor to the #1 bestselling LUKE STONE THRILLER SERIES, this series takes us back to how it all began, a riveting series by bestseller Jack Mars, dubbed “one of the best thriller authors” out there. “Thriller writing at its best.” –-Midwest Book Review (re Any Means Necessary) Also available is Jack Mars’ #1 bestselling LUKE STONE THRILLER series (7 books), which begins with Any Means Necessary (Book #1), a free download with over 800 five star reviews!

    Assassin Zero

    Джек Марс

    “You will not sleep until you are finished with AGENT ZERO. A superb job creating a set of characters who are fully developed and very much enjoyable. The description of the action scenes transport us into a reality that is almost like sitting in a movie theater with surround sound and 3D (it would make an incredible Hollywood movie). I can hardly wait for the sequel.” –-Roberto Mattos, Books and Movie Reviews When a mysterious ultrasonic weapon attack may be the preamble to something greater, Agent Zero sets off on a global manhunt to stop the ultimate devastation before it is too late. Agent Zero, trying to come up for air on the heels of the President’s impeachment and Sarah’s close brush with danger, wants to retire from the service and try to get his family back together. But fate has other choices for him. With the safety of the world at stake, Zero knows he must follow the call to duty. Yet his memories are shifting, and with it, new secrets are flooding back. Tormented, at his low point, Agent Zero may be able to save the world—but he may not be able to escape from himself. ASSASSIN ZERO (Book #7) is an un-putdownable espionage thriller that will keep you turning pages late into the night. Book #8 in the AGENT ZERO series will be available soon. “Thriller writing at its best.” –-Midwest Book Review (re Any Means Necessary) “One of the best thrillers I have read this year.” –-Books and Movie Reviews (re Any Means Necessary) Also available is Jack Mars’ #1 bestselling LUKE STONE THRILLER series (7 books), which begins with Any Means Necessary (Book #1), a free download with over 800 five star reviews!

    Recall Zero

    Джек Марс

    “You will not sleep until you are finished with AGENT ZERO. A superb job creating a set of characters who are fully developed and very much enjoyable. The description of the action scenes transport us into a reality that is almost like sitting in a movie theater with surround sound and 3D (it would make an incredible Hollywood movie). I can hardly wait for the sequel.” –-Roberto Mattos, Books and Movie Reviews In RECALL ZERO (Book #6), the President’s translator is the only one privy to a secret conversation that can change the world. She is targeted for assassination and hunted down, and Agent Zero, called back into the line of duty, may just be the only one who can save her. Agent Zero, trying to get his life back in order and to win back the trust of his girls, vows not to return to service. But when he is needed to save the life of this defenseless translator, he can’t say no. Yet the translator, he realizes, is as intriguing as the secrets she keeps, and Zero, on the run with her, just might be falling for her. What secret is she keeping? Why are the most powerful organizations in the world trying to kill her for it? And will Zero be able to save her in time? RECALL ZERO (Book #6) is an un-putdownable espionage thriller that will keep you turning pages late into the night. Book #7 in the AGENT ZERO series will be available soon. “Thriller writing at its best.” –-Midwest Book Review (re Any Means Necessary) “One of the best thrillers I have read this year.” –-Books and Movie Reviews (re Any Means Necessary) Also available is Jack Mars’ #1 bestselling LUKE STONE THRILLER series (7 books), which begins with Any Means Necessary (Book #1), a free download with over 800 five star reviews!

    File Zero

    Джек Марс

    “You will not sleep until you are finished with AGENT ZERO. A superb job creating a set of characters who are fully developed and very much enjoyable. The description of the action scenes transport us into a reality that is almost like sitting in a movie theater with surround sound and 3D (it would make an incredible Hollywood movie). I can hardly wait for the sequel.” –-Roberto Mattos, Books and Movie Reviews In FILE ZERO (Book #5), Agent Zero’s memory finally comes flooding back—and with it, shocking revelations about the CIA’s secret plot to spark a war and to take his life. Disavowed and on the run, can he stop them in time? When an incident in the Strait of Hormuz threatens to mushroom into an all-out war, Agent Zero’s memory comes rushing back, and with it, a chance to uncover the plot that caused his memory loss to begin with. Discredited, with few friends left, Zero is on his own as he tries to stop the CIA while also saving his targeted family. Yet as he digs deeper, another, more nefarious, plot comes to surface, one which will require him to trust no one, and to risk it all to save the country he loves. FILE ZERO (Book #5) is an un-putdownable espionage thriller that will keep you turning pages late into the night. Book #6 in the AGENT ZERO series is now also available. “Thriller writing at its best.” –-Midwest Book Review (re Any Means Necessary) “One of the best thrillers I have read this year.” –-Books and Movie Reviews (re Any Means Necessary) Also available is Jack Mars’ #1 bestselling LUKE STONE THRILLER series (7 books), which begins with Any Means Necessary (Book #1), a free download with over 800 five star reviews!


    Джек Марс

    「今年我看過嘅最好看嘅驚險小說,情節巧妙,從一開始就扣人心弦。作者匠心獨運地塑造出了一系列形象豐滿令人喜愛嘅角色。我都等不及要知道結果會怎麼樣了。」來源於《書籍和影視評論》,Roberto Mattos(針對《不擇手段》這本書)紐約市嘅一家防衛鬆散嘅醫院裡嘅核廢料在一天夜裡被一群伊斯蘭對戰分子盜走了,在和時間嘅瘋狂賽跑過程中警察打通了FBI嘅電話。FBI里嘅一支秘密精英特工隊伍嘅隊長盧克·斯通是他們唯一可以求助嘅人。盧克立刻意識到那些恐怖分子嘅目的是造臟彈,意識到他們會尋找高價值嘅目標在48小時內發動襲擊。一場貓追老鼠嘅遊戲隨之上演,這個世界上最機智嘅政府特工和最頂尖嘅恐怖分子之間嘅對決隨之展開。當斯通特工把案情一層層剝開,他很快意識到他面對嘅是一塊巨大嘅陰謀,意識到這場陰謀嘅目標嘅價值超乎他嘅想象 – – 一路直指美國總統。自己遭到誣陷,隊伍受到威脅,家人身陷危險,情勢無比危急。但是作為前部隊特種突擊隊員,盧克曾多次身陷絕境,在不惜一切代價阻止他們之前他絕不會放棄。他遇上了一個又一個困難和陰謀,案情甚至超出了他嘅掌控能力,劇情隨之發生了一個又一個轉折,在這些轉折中故事被推向了高潮。以國際為背景設定,懸念不斷、驚心動魄嘅政治驚險小說《不擇手段》是一系列將讓你挑燈夜讀、欲罷不能嘅震撼驚險小說嘅第一部。盧克·斯通系列小說第2部現在也已上市!


    Джек Марс

    今年我看过的最好看的惊险小说,情节巧妙,从一开始就扣人心弦。作者匠心独运地塑造出了一系列形象丰满令人喜爱的角色。我都等不及要知道结果会怎么样了。来源于《书籍和影视评论》,Roberto Mattos(针对《不择手段》这本书)纽约市的一家防卫松散的医院里的核废料在一天夜里被一群伊斯兰对战分子盗走了,在和时间的疯狂赛跑过程中警察打通了FBI的电话。FBI里的一支秘密精英特工队伍的队长卢克·斯通是他们唯一可以求助的人。卢克立刻意识到那些恐怖分子的目的是造脏弹,意识到他们会寻找高价值的目标在48小时内发动袭击。一场猫追老鼠的游戏随之上演,这个世界上最机智的政府特工和最顶尖的恐怖分子之间的对决随之展开。当斯通特工把案情一层层剥开,他很快意识到他面对的是一块巨大的阴谋,意识到这场阴谋的目标的价值超乎他的想象 – – 一路直指美国总统。自己遭到诬陷,队伍受到威胁,家人身陷危险,情势无比危急。但是作为前部队特种突击队员,卢克曾多次身陷绝境,在不惜一切代价阻止他们之前他绝不会放弃。他遇上了一个又一个困难和阴谋,案情甚至超出了他的掌控能力,剧情随之发生了一个又一个转折,在这些转折中故事被推向了高潮。以国际为背景设定,悬念不断、惊心动魄的政治惊险小说《不择手段》是一系列将让你挑灯夜读、欲罢不能的震撼惊险小说的第一部。卢克·斯通系列小说第2部现在也已上市!

    Агент Зеро

    Джек Марс

    Один из лучших триллеров за этот год, – издание Books and Movie Reviews (о книге Все средства хороши) . В этом долгожданном дебюте лучшего автора в жанре шпионских триллеров, Джека Марса, читатель погрузится в мир агента ЦРУ, Кента Стила, который, путешествуя по Европе, преследуемый террористами, самим ЦРУ и собственными проблемами, включая прекрасную девушку, не выходящую у него из головы, должен будет разгадать тайну того, кем является он сам, кто за ним охотится и какова их основная цель. 38-летний Рид Лоусон, блестящий профессор истории Европы в Колумбийском университете спокойно живет в пригороде Нью-Йорка с двумя дочерьми-подростками. Вся его жизнь резко переворачивается верх ногами, когда однажды ночью раздается стук в дверь и он обнаруживает в своем доме троих террористов, а затем просыпается в подвале Парижа, где его пытают. Они убеждены, что Рид – самый сильный шпион из всех, кого когда-либо нанимало ЦРУ. Он же убежден, что они взяли не того. Так ли это?С тайным сговором за спиной, не менее умными противниками, чем он сам, и киллером на хвосте, жестокая игра в кошки-мышки выводит Рида на опасный путь, который поможет ему понять, кто он есть, и, судя по всему, вернет его в Лэнгли. АГЕНТ ЗЕРО – шпионский триллер, который заставит вас листать страницы до поздней ночи. Триллер, из которого выжато все, – издание Midwest Book Review (о книге Все средства хороши) . Книга № 1 (Все средства хороши) из серии-бестселлера Джека Марса о Люке Стоуне (7 книг) набрала более 800 наилучших отзывов, доступна для бесплатного скачивания!

    Görev Yemini

    Джек Марс

    Bu sene okuduğum en iyi gerilimdi. Hikaye oldukça akıllıca yazılmış ve en başından beri okuyucuyu kendine bağlıyor. Yazar gelişmiş ve eğlenceli karakterler yaratmakta harika bir iş çıkarmış. Devamını okumak için sabırsızlanıyorum. Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (re Her Yol Mübah) Biyolojik önlem laboratuvarlarından birinden biyolojik bir madde çalınır. Silah haline getirilmiş bir maddedir ve milyonlarca insanın hayatına mal olabilir. Umutsuzca görünen ulusal bir av başlar, çok geç olmadan teröristler yakalanmalıdır. Luke Stone FBI’ın seçkin departmanlarından birinin başıdır, kendi ailesi tehlike altında olmasına rağmen, bu işlerden uzaklaşmaya yemin etmesine rağmen, görev yeminini henüz yapmış başkanın çağrılarına sırtını dönemez. İşler şok edici bir yıkıma doğru gitmektedir, işin ucu başkana ve ailesine kadar uzanmış hayatlarını tehdit etmektedir. Başkan Hanım’ın gücü sınanmıştır, yeni rolünü üstlenirken en yakın danışmanlarını bile şoke edici bir gelişim göstermiştir. Yeni başkanın yanında olmak istemeyen danışmanlar Luke’u devre dışı bırakmak istemektedir ve böylece Luke’un takımı kendini tehlike içinde bulmuş, kendi kıt imkanlarıyla bir şeyler yapmaya çalışmıştır. İşler artık kişisel seviyededir. Ama Luke Stone teröristler ya da kendisi ölene kadar asla işin peşini bırakmaz. Luke, teröristlerin en büyük hedefinin onun sandığından bile çok daha değerli – ve çok daha korkutucu – olduğunu anlar. Ancak, kıyametten birkaç gün önce çoktan harekete geçilmiştir ve muhtemelen o bile işleri değiştiremeyecektir. GÖREV YEMİNİ, Luke Stone serisinin 2. kitabı, duraksız aksiyonuyla bir politik bir gerilim romanı, uluslararası olaylar zinciri, beklenmedik olaylarla gecenin geç saatlerine kadar sayfalarını heyecanla çevireceğiniz bir kitap. Luke Stone’un 3. kitabı da artık kitapçılarda.