Horatio Alger Jr.

Список книг автора Horatio Alger Jr.

    Ragged Dick

    Horatio Alger Jr.

    This is a typical rags-to-riches story about a young boy growing to success through honorable behavior and hard work. The prominent personage is Ragged Dick, a fourteen-year-old bootblack who earns a living by cleaning shoes, and his only joy is smoking and occasional drinking. Yet, his main virtue is prudence. He won't steal at any occasion and dreams to succeed by earnest work. However, good strangers notice his determination to live a better life and help him either by paying an excellent salary to rent a room or offering him a job and clothing. Eventually, Dick quits drinking and smoking and grows into an honorable young gentleman. Hence, he calls himself Richard Hunter, Esq.

    Ragged Dick

    Horatio Alger Jr.

    “Ragged Dick is a well-told story of street-life in New York, that will, we should judge, be well received by the boy-readers, for whom it is intended. The Hero is a boot-black, who, by sharpness, industry, and honesty, makes his way in the world, and is, perhaps, somewhat more immaculate in character and manners than could naturally have been expected from his origin and training. We find in this, as in many books for boys, a certain monotony in the inculcation of the principle that honesty is the best policy, a proposition that, as far as mere temporal success is concerned, we believe to be only partially true. However, the book is very readable, and we should consider it a much more valuable addition to the Sunday-school library than the tales of inebriates and treatises on the nature of sin, that so often find place there.”—Putnam’s Magazine, July, 1868.

    Tom Temple's Career

    Horatio Alger Jr.

    Horatio Alger Jr. (1832-1899) was a prolific 19th-century American writer, best known for his many young adult novels about impoverished boys and their rise from humble backgrounds to lives of middle-class security and comfort through hard work, determination, courage, and honesty. His writings were characterized by the «rags-to-riches» narrative, which had a formative effect on America during the Gilded Age.

    Bob Burton

    Horatio Alger Jr.

    Andy Gordon

    Horatio Alger Jr.

    Digging for Gold

    Horatio Alger Jr.