H. P. Lovecraft

Список книг автора H. P. Lovecraft

    La llamada de Cthulhu

    H. P. Lovecraft

    Una historia de terror verdadero y uno de los monstruos más renombrados en la literatura obscura, ambos creados por un autor de culto del terror. La llamada de Cthulhu cuenta una historia que avanza misteriosa y obscura, teniendo acentos de locura, horror y muerte sembrados por todo el relato, creando el camino que poco a poco lo llevará a usted hacia la descripción del terrible Cthulhu y su tenebrosa morada.

    7 best short stories by H. P. Lovecraft

    H. P. Lovecraft

    Welcome to the 7 Best Short Stories book series, were we present to you the best works of remarkable authors.
    This edition is dedicated to american author H. P. Lovecraft. Lovecraft created a new brand of horror, discarding ghosts and witches and instead unleashing nightmarish fiends to whom mankind is a hapless tiny spot of dwindling sanity in a malevolent universe. This selection chosen by the critic August Nemo, reveals the mesmerizing narrative style of the visionary american writer.
    H.P. Lovecraft has influenced many great writers and creative minds like Stephen King, Guillermo del Toro, Clive Barker, John Carpenter, Mike Mignola, Ridley Scott, H. R. Giger, Joyce Carol Oates, Michel Houellebecq, August Derleth, Robert E. Howard, Robert Bloch, Fritz Leiber, Ramsey Campbell, Bentley Little, Joe R. Lansdale, Alan Moore, Junji Ito, F. Paul Wilson, Brian Lumley, Caitlín R. Kiernan, William S. Burroughs, Neil Gaiman and Jorge Luis Borges.
    Works selected for this book:
    – The Call of Cthulhu; – The Outsider; – Pickman's Model; – The Statement of Randolph Carter; – The Colour out of Space; – The Dunwich Horror; – The Music of Erich Zann. Bonus content: Notes on Writing Weird Fiction.
    If you appreciate good literature, be sure to check out the other Tacet Books titles!

    What the Moon Brings

    H. P. Lovecraft

    A surreal dreamscape in which the narrator wanders through his garden in the moonlight and sees strange and bizarre things.

    The White Ship

    H. P. Lovecraft

    A lighthouse keeper engages upon a peculiar fantasy in which a robed, bearded man is piloting a mystical white ship which appears when the moon is full, walking out across the water on a bridge of moonbeams to join him, and together they explore a mystical chain of islands unlike anything that can be found on Earth.

    The Very Old Folk

    H. P. Lovecraft

    In a dream, the countryside is, every year, ravaged by terrible hill people who kidnap citizens and perform cruel rituals at a Sabbath.

    The Unnammable

    H. P. Lovecraft

    An entity haunts a dilapidated house near a cemetery, and because it cannot be perceived by the five senses, it earns itself the term unnamable.

    The Tree

    H. P. Lovecraft

    On a mountain which was a chosen haunt for the Greek God Pan is an olive grove, and a fearful, human-like olive tree within it.

    The Transition of Juan Romero

    H. P. Lovecraft

    A very deep chasm in uncovered in a mine, too deep for any sounding lines to hit bottom. Two men venture inside the mine, drawn against their will by a mysterious rhythmical throbbing in the ground.

    The Tomb

    H. P. Lovecraft

    A self-confessed day-dreamer has an unhealthy obsession with a tomb.

    The Terrible Old Man

    H. P. Lovecraft

    Three men attempt to rob a strange elderly man who possesses a bizarre collections of stones and carries on conversations with bottles.