Susan Carlisle

Список книг автора Susan Carlisle

    Heart Surgeon, Hero...Husband?

    Susan Carlisle

    Rescued by the brooding heart surgeon Discovering her tiny son desperately needs a new heart terrifies Hannah Quinn – especially when she realises ex-flame Scott McIntyre is the skilled surgeon in charge of the transplant.Entrusting her baby to Scott’s miracle-working hands is one thing, but whether Hannah’s own heart will survive Scott’s devastating charm intact is quite another…

    The Doctor's Redemption

    Susan Carlisle

    A love worth staying for…Dr Mark Clayborn never wanted to return to Alabama, but his father’s recent ill health has him back and facing his demons. Yet from the darkness shines a beacon of light: Laura Jo Akins, and he’s hoping she tastes as sweet as he imagines her to be!For so long Laura Jo’s only focus has been her daughter, but, despite her reluctance, gorgeous Mark incites feelings she had thought herself immune to… Could Laura Jo be the one to give Mark the courage to stay – and discover the love he deserves?

    The Rebel Doc Who Stole Her Heart

    Susan Carlisle

    The Rebel Doc Who Stole Her HeartProtected by her ice queen façade, heart surgeon Michelle is always in control. Then maverick anaesthesiologist Ty sweeps in and ruffles her well-groomed feathers! He isher complete opposite, but even Michelle isn’t immune to his charms – especially when she sees the real Ty. She knows that he’ll be leaving soon, but can she stop her heart from leaving with him…?

    Hot-Shot Doc Comes to Town

    Susan Carlisle

    A collision course with desire…When city doc Taylor Stiles swaps speeding tickets for community medicine it brings back bad memories. The only silver lining? Delectable doctor Shelby Wayne! But Shelby deserves a home and family – something Taylor’s sworn he’ll never have…One look at the badboy doc and Shelby wants to send him straight back! Taylor is the last thing she needs – but everything she wants!

    Saugus uostas

    Susan Carlisle

    Paaiškėjus, kad jos sūneliui būtina persodinti širdį, Haną Kvin apima siaubas. Negana to, operuos Skotas Makintairas. Prisiminimai apie aistringą naktį, kadaise praleistą su šiuo vyru, vėl iškyla į paviršių. Patikėti savo vaiką Skotui ir stebuklingoms jo rankoms yra viena, bet atsispirti jo žavesiui – visai kas kita…