Jessica Bird

Список книг автора Jessica Bird

    The Billionaire Next Door

    Jessica Bird

    Take-no-prisoners deal-maker Sean O'Banyon ate Wall Street financiers for lunch. So why was he losing sleep over a fresh-scrubbed nurse in old jeans and a too-big T-shirt? Maybe it was those warm green eyes. Or the way she blushed when he got personal. There was no denying the serious chemistry between them. But sooner or later Lizzie would learn his deep, dark secrets: First, he had trust issues.And second–he'd rather not go into the whole family thing. He didn't do relationships…but amazingly, Lizzie made him want one anyway.

    From the First Kiss

    Jessica Bird

    From that first look to this first kiss… All Alex could see was her long, thick, gorgeous hair. Pale smooth skin. Lips that were naturally tinted pink. Eyes that were green like sea grass. He stopped himself. His best friend Reese might be dead. But in Alex’s mind, Cassandra was still very much the man’s wife. She was out of bounds.Cassandra. The forbidden woman Alex had yearned for from the first moment he’d laid eyes on her. But she’d been married to his best friend. Now she was rebuilding his family’s bed-and-breakfast…and just might, in the process, be rebuilding his anguished heart.

    A Man in a Million

    Jessica Bird

    “Have you met Madeline Maguire?” Sure have, Spike thought. I saw her last night in my dreams. As far as sexy bad boy Spike Moriarty was concerned, Madeline Maguire defined female perfection. When they’d met, she’d walked up and asked to see his tattoos as if she wasn’t the most gorgeous thing on the planet. He – a tough guy who’d make grown men run – had just about passed out.Their connection was definitely two-way…it had to be. But could he ever be the man in a million she was looking for? Surely not with the things he’d done and seen. Still, for as long as she’d let him, he’d give her whatever she wanted, whatever she needed…

    Beauty and the Black Sheep

    Jessica Bird

    THE FORCE OF THOSE EYES HIT FRANKIE MOOREHOUSE LIKE A GUST OF WIND But she quickly reminded herself that she had dinner to get ready, the staff of White Caps B&B (such as it was) to motivate. She didn't have the luxury of staring into a stranger's face. Although, jeez, what a face it was. And wasn't it just her luck that the owner of that face, Nate Walker–with his rebel attitude and distaste for authority–was the chef her restaurant desperately needed, and he was staying for the summer….And…it was a bit too tempting to let this breath of fresh air sweep her off her feet. Because all work and no play had been Frankie's motto for much too long!

    When You Walked In

    Jessica Bird

    Vienišas tarp milijonų

    Jessica Bird

    Šonas Obanjenas šluote šluoja Volstrito finansininkus sau iš kelio. Jis jau įprato būti medžiojamas verslo pasaulio ryklių, siekiančių pasinaudoti jo profesiniais gebėjimais. Įprato būti ir ilgakojų gražuolių taikiniu – prabangius kostiumus vilkintys piniguočiai vilioja ir jaudina. Mirus tėvui Šonas yra priverstas vykti į gimtąjį miestą sutvarkyti palikimo reikalų. O drauge visiems laikams atsikratys visko, kas primena vaikystę. Atidaręs nekenčiamų namų duris jis išvysta senais džinsais ir apsmukusiais sportiniais marškinėliais vilkinčią merginą. Šono nepasitikėjimą kitais nejučiomis pakeičia netramdomas noras paskęsti žaliose jos akyse. Lizė priima jį neklausinėdama ir nekeldama jokių reikalavimų, tačiau anksčiau ar vėliau Šonui teks pasakyti, kas jis yra iš tikrųjų.