Jillian Hart

Список книг автора Jillian Hart

    Rocky Mountain Man

    Jillian Hart

    Indulge your fantasies of delicious Regency Rakes, fierce Viking warriors and rugged Highlanders. Be swept away into a world of intense passion, lavish settings and romance that burns brightly through the centuriesWho was this solitary man? Duncan Hennessey had chosen the wild isolation of the Rocky Mountains. Mistrusting and stubborn, he was better off alone. But this cynical man couldn’t leave a lady in danger, even if it meant risking his own life! Wounded, there was no way he could prevent Betsy from nursing him back to health… Sheltered, innocent Betsy couldn’t have been more different from Duncan. Her sweet nature and sunny smiles made him wild with irritation – and maybe something more!But a man as tough as the mountain granite wouldn’t let a slip of a girl get to him…surely?

    Last Chance Bride

    Jillian Hart

    Last Chance At Love… The lonely bearer of a shameful secret, Libby Hodges needed to make a new start – in Montana Territory as Jacob Stone's mail-order bride and mother to his little girl. Hoping to meet a loving husband, she found instead a man shattered by by loss and wary of affection.Libby could read in his gentle gray eyes a desperate plea for the tenderness they both craved. But how could she claim the heart of a man who'd vowed never to give it away again, or tell her prospective groom that she carried another man's child?

    High Plains Wife

    Jillian Hart

    Montana's Wide Open Plains Were As Empty As Her Newlywed Heart.Rancher Nick Gray, once Mariah's girlhood crush, wanted a mother to tend his children, not a wife to warm his bed. Still, she'd made that bed; now Mariah had to lie in it. Yet could she bear to lie in it alone?He Was Finished With Romance!Nick Gray just needed someone to manage his life. So who better than avowed spinster Mariah Scott? Surely she'd appreciate an uncomplicated marriage of convenience. But now that they were married, could he? Because his new wife was turning out to be much more than he had ever bargained for…!

    A Love Worth Waiting For

    Jillian Hart

    Jaded jet-setter Noah Ashton arrived in Montana with the sole purpose of making sure his beloved grandmother was not marrying a man out to steal her fortune.However, when he experienced a life-threatening crisis, the last person he expected to lean on was Julie Renton, the granddaughter of his grandmother's suitor. The small-town schoolteacher not only staunchly defended her grandfather's honor, but also opened this world-weary tycoon's eyes to the Lord's most precious blessings.A handsome and chivalrous Noah was everything Julie had ever dreamed of in a man. But even while she lavished him with sweet solace to see him through the hardships ahead, she sensed he had the power to shatter her fragile heart. It took a miracle from above to convince Julie she'd finally found a love worth fighting for.

    The Sweetest Gift

    Jillian Hart

    When he'd first popped through the shrubbery, nurse Kirby McKaslin had found her new neighbor brazen and obnoxious. So she was more than surprised to find Sam Gardner volunteering to pilot an early-morning medical emergency flight…and fixing her fence, making her cocoa when she couldn't sleep, even cooking dinner.But when Sam took Kirby's hand in his, she wasn't surprised to find herself falling for him….Then he gently removed his hand, and closed his wounded heart to her. After he'd shown her that faith and kindness could exist in a man, could Kirby convince him that despite his past, love wasn't gone for him–forever?

    Heaven Sent

    Jillian Hart

    Matthew Sheridan was the answer to her prayer…At least, to the one Hope Ashton had offered when she found herself stranded alone on a blustery Montana night. Contrary to her matchmaking Nanna's belief, Hope didn't long to land a husband – and her old pal wasn't looking for a wife. But that didn't stop Hope from secretly wondering what if…?What could a widowed country cowboy possibly have in common with a millionaire's sophisticated daughter? Absolutely nothing – save the desire to stay single. But Matthew was a lonely, red-blooded man. He was also proud papa to a determined trio of toddlers who yearned for a mommy – and they'd set their sights on Hope….

    The Horseman

    Jillian Hart

    19th Century American West. Dillon Hennessey was a man like no other… Strong yet caring, determined yet kind. But he was still a man, Katelyn Green reminded herself, and therefore not to be trusted. Hadn't her own husband abandoned her in her hour of need? And yet the whispers in her soul promised happiness with this man who'd gentled horses…and her heart!Katelyn Green had lost a child, and Dillon knew it ate away at her very core. He would help her if he could, if he had the words and ways. But would his tenderness be enough to win a woman who'd been robbed of her faith in love?

    Sweet Blessings

    Jillian Hart

    After Heath Murdock chivalrously shielded Amy McKaslin from harm, the grateful single mom rolled out the welcome mat at her bustling family diner.Although something in the wistful waitress and her son called out to Heath, it would take much more than this radiant beauty's soothing cups of java and quiet companionship to cure what ailed the grief-ravaged drifter. Yet as the bighearted McKaslin clan and the close-knit Christian community rallied around him, Heath felt a tender awakening in his soul. Could the sweetest blessing of all be standing right before him?

    Precious Blessings

    Jillian Hart

    Lawman Jack Munroe didn't want to see the truth about his troubled little girl, especially when she was caught shoplifting in Katherine McKaslin's Christian bookstore. Being a single father was hard on a man's faith and patience, and he didn't need the all-perfect Katherine telling him how to impose discipline.Yet, he began to see the positive effects Katherine had on his daughter…and on him. Jack hadn't been looking for a relationship, but this strong and beautiful woman made him wonder if God wanted him to risk a second chance at love.