Flirting with danger!Ten years ago Drew Castlemain fled England, disowned by his family and branded a traitor. So returning to escort his new ward Elyse Salforde to her fiancé is not only frustrating, it’s downright dangerous!Drew is honour-bound to protect Elyse, but when he discovers she is beautiful, intelligent and far too spirited for her own good, that’s easier said than done! Drew is in no position to offer her anything, but when every touch is forbidden – and yet oh, so delicious – he won’t be able to fight temptation for long…
CAPTIVATED BY THE DARK RIDER…Embittered by injustice, Ross Durden leads a double life: gentleman farmer by day, roguish highwayman by night. He has sworn to right the wrongs of the past, but danger lurks around every corner – not least when he sets eyes on the beautiful daughter of his sworn enemy.Celebrated actress Charity Weston is no stranger to disguises herself. But when a darkly daring masked man steals a kiss she is drawn into a web of intrigue even she could never have imagined.
You will say ‘I do!’The Scarlet GownImpoverished Lucy Halbrook is to play fake fiancée to Lord Ralph Aversane, who has arranged a Midsummer’s Eve event on his estate. Lucy will act as hostess, while Ralph unravels the dark and dangerous mystery surrounding the death of his late wife. Lucy is the key and may also be able to unlock his guarded heart!Lady Beneath the VeilWhen Gideon Albury lifts his new bride’s veil he can’t believe his eyes – the woman before him is not the blonde beauty he’s been courting! Dominique Rainault is at the altar facing a very angry groom only because of her scheming cousin’s blackmail. Determined to seek a rapid annulment the married couple must keep their distance, but one stolen kiss may prove their undoing!
Beneath the Major’s ScarsWhen a tainted beauty…After being shamelessly seduced by a married man, Zelah Pentewan’s reputation is in tatters. Determined to rise above the gossip-mongers, Zelah knows she must rely on no one but herself.Meets a formidable beast!But her independence takes a knock when a terrifying stranger must come to her aid. Major Dominic Coale’s formidable manner is notorious, but Zelah shows no signs of fear. She doesn’t cower at his touch as she begins to get a glimpse of the man behind the scars….Behind the Rake’s Wicked Wager'So what do you say to the wager, Miss Prentess? A diamond worth thousands against a night with me?'No London beauty has managed to tame the incorrigible Jasper Coale, though many have lost their reputations trying. In sedate Bath on a family errand, the viscount expects to find little in terms of entertainment – certainly no female company to tempt him…Miss Susannah Prentess’s discreet card parties in Royal Crescent offer a welcome distraction. And the glint in Susannah’s hazel eyes tells Jasper he’s met his match, at last. But is she game enough to accept the most outrageous wager of all?
Wicked Captain, Wayward Wife When young widow Evelina Wylder comes face to face with her dashing captain husband – very much alive – she’s shocked, overjoyed…and furious! So, whatever his explanation for his outrageous deception, she’ll keep Nick firmly out of their marriage bed no matter his choice of seduction… The Earl’s Runaway BridesWhen Felicity’s husband, dashing Major Nathan Carraway, disappeared into war-torn Spain she discovered a dark secret behind their whirlwind marriage and fled to England… Five years on, Felicity takes the hand of a dangerously handsome dance partner…her commanding husband – back to claim his runaway bride!
The bets are on, who will win?The Chaperon's Seduction by Sarah MalloryWidowed Lady Phyllida Tatham is no longer the shy, plain creature she once was, and she’s determined to protect her beautiful stepdaughter. But Richard Arrandale seems more interested in seducing her. Who will come out on top in this winner-takes-all game?Temptation of a Governess by Sarah MalloryAlex Arrandale is used to getting what he wants. So when he visits Diana Grensham and asks her to vacate his property, he is stunned when she refuses! Soon they’re engaged in a battle of wills and Diana finds herself tempted to make a few demands of her own!
To Catch a Husband…Impoverished husband-hunter Kitty Wythenshawe knows what she must achieve by the end of her London Season – a marriage to a wealthy gentleman that will save her family. But, when she kisses landowner Daniel Blackwood, his fortune is suddenly the last thing on her mind…The Wicked BaronBaron Luke Ainslowe may be an infamous master of seduction, but Carlotta Durini refuses to become his next conquest. She lost her heart to Luke once before and now believes herself impervious to him…but what if the scandalous Baron refuses to take no for an answer?
"Keturių knygų serija „Maištingieji Arandeilai“. Ketvirta knyga. „Aš sugrįšiu įrodyti savo nekaltumą…“ Prieš dešimt metų Volfgangas Arandeilas buvo rastas stovintis prie mirusios žmonos kūno. Jis buvo priverstas bėgti ir ilgai gyveno slapstydamasis. Dabar, netikėtai sužinojęs, kad turi vaiką, Volfgangas pasiryžęs sugrįžti ir įrodyti savo nekaltumą. Pastoriaus dukrą Greisę Dankomb suintriguoja paslaptingas nepažįstamasis, kuris vieną naktį pasibeldžia į duris ieškodamas prieglobsčio. Akivaizdu, kad Volfas turi daug ką slėpti, bet šis vyras traukia Greisę kaip niekas kitas. Nepaisydama jokių pasekmių mergina yra pasiruošusi apginti šį visuomenės atstumtą vyrą!
Keturių knygų serija „Maištingieji Arandeilai“. Trečia knyga. „Tikras nuotykis pabėgti iš namų slapta įsimylėjus.“ Kadaise ledi Kasandra Vitnė paliko jai pažįstamą pasaulį dėl meilės. Dabar ji – nusivylusi našlė, jos iliuzijos žlugo, o ji pati įstrigo Prancūzijoje. Ledi Vitnė tetrokšta vieno – sugrįžti į Angliją, maldauti šeimos atleidimo ir amžiams pamiršti vyrus. Tačiau Kasandros pasiryžimas niekada nebeįsimylėti vyro netrukus išbandomas. Dezertyras Raulis Dulevantas pasisiūlo ją palydėti kelionėje. Šis vyras atrodo erzinantis, tačiau taip pat ir garbingas, drąsus ir pavojingai patrauklus! Galbūt Raulis gali suteikti Kasandrai tai, ko ji ieško nuo pat tos dienos, kai pabėgo iš namų…
"Keturių knygų serija „Maištingieji Arandeilai“. Antra knyga „Tai bus mūšis, madam.“ Aleksas Arandeilas, Davenporto grafas, pratęs gauti tai, ko nori. Tačiau, aplankęs Dianą Grenšam, savo globotinių guvernantę, ir paprašęs išvykti iš jo dvaro, lieka nemaloniai nustebintas – ji atsisako. Diana pasiryžusi nenusileisti Alekso reikalavimams. Ji visą gyvenimą tikėjo, kad yra neverta meilės ir niekam tikusi, bet įsitraukusi į ginčą su Aleksu ima vis labiau pasitikėti savimi. Netrukus ji ir pati iškels kelias sąlygas!"