Deb Marlowe

Список книг автора Deb Marlowe

    Cinderella in the Regency Ballroom: Her Cinderella Season / Tall, Dark and Disreputable

    Deb Marlowe

    Her Cinderella SeasonA chance meeting with wildly handsome Mr Jack Alden changes Miss Lily Beecham’s life forever. Freed from dowdy gowns and worthy reading, Lily charms Society and begins to break through Jack’s cool demeanour. But, unless wicked Mr Alden can save her, at the end of the Season Lily must return to bleak normality…Tall, Dark and DisreputablePortia Tofton has always yearned for brooding Mateo Cardea. His dark good looks filled her girlish dreams–dreams that were cruelly shattered when Mateo rejected her hand in marriage. Now her home has been gambled away and Portia has no choice but to trust this man who once betrayed her…

    Regency Rebels: Scandalous Lord, Rebellious Miss / An Improper Aristocrat

    Deb Marlowe

    Hearts and reputations at stake…Reformed rake Charles Alden, Viscount Dayle, is intent on redeeming his misspent youth. But then he meets Sophie Westby, the last woman who should attract his interest. Yet she comforts his battered spirit and tempts him with her exotic beauty. But can this lord risk another scandal? Can an improper aristocrat become a gentleman?The scandalous Earl of Treyford has no time for the pretty niceties of the ton. He has returned to England to aid an “ageing” spinster facing an undefined danger. But Miss Latimer’s dark and sultry beauty, her fascinating mix of knowledge and innocence, arouse far more than his protective instincts. Two classic and delightful Regency tales!

    Nerami siela

    Deb Marlowe

    Ji privalo sudaryti sandorį su pačiu velniu Porša Tofton visada troško Matėjo Kardėjos. Niūrus gražuolis užpildė mergaitiškas svajones. Tačiau svajonėms buvo lemta skausmingai sudužti, kai Matėjas atsisakė ją vesti. Dabar Poršos namai pralošti, o Matėjas – vienintelis vyras, į kurį ji gali kreiptis pagalbos. Šįsyk Porša jam gali pasiūlyti tai, ko vyras negalės atsisakyti. Kad išsaugotų Toftonų nuosavybę, mergina pasiruošusi sudaryti sandorį net ir su pačiu velniu!