Miranda Carter needs to jump-start her love life. Or make that jump sexy Colin Jacobs. Her best buddy is the perfect man, but the studious prof needs some…encouragement. Like one uninhibited night in her bedroom–lingerie, toys and all!Colin is aching the next day, and the amnesia he's got from the bump on his head isn't helping. He and Miranda had a fantasy evening–uh, didn't they? So why can't he recall undressing such a sexy woman, or kissing every inch of her delectable body?So he'll just have to show up for a second night, and a third…and hope that this time it will be unforgettable for both of them.
Only a very wicked woman would stop for a hitchhiking cowboy.But Lauren Baker is no good girl–not anymore. Playing it safe never got her anywhere, except alone and broke. So when sexy Brett Wallace asks for a ride to a nearby hotel, she knows it's time to get naughty. Betrayed by both his bride and best man, Brett's bad day turns much better when a gorgeous stranger offers to warm his bed for the night.The mind-blowing sex makes The morning after, instead of a «thank-you, ma'am» from Brett, Lauren gets an invitation to his ranch…for as long as it's mutually satisfying. And that's a proposition no self- respecting bad girl could refuse….
Superheroine Risa Remington once had the power to read thoughts and emotions with a stroke of her fingertips.Until a lab accident changed everything. Now Risa has to learn to live in the real world–virgin territory for a girl who's never experienced life, love or sex. CIA agent Daniel MacAlister has orders to babysit gorgeous Risa. She can't fall into the wrong hands–she knows too much.But when Risa falls into his bed one night–soft, warm and naked–he's forced to go on alert. Because his mere sexual touch seems to have triggered her superpowers. And if she finds out what's really on his mind, it's game over. Literally.
Opposites ignite…Champion stock car driver Brody Palmer's bad-boy reputation has forced him into early retirement. What no one knows is that his «retirement» is actually a publicity stunt. All Brody has to do is clean up his act and settle down. Unfortunately, every single woman with a pulse is now gunning to become the new Mrs. Palmer.Hannah Morgan needs to shake things up, and Brody is the best way to do just that. So they strike a deal–a fake relationship…with all of the sexy strings included! Brody gets his improved image, and Hannah gets a whole lot more of Brody's unpredictable wildness. Hot days, hotter nights–it's the perfect plan! Provided, of course, they don't do something to wreck it, like fall for each other…
The proof of her desire…Mathematician Della Clark just met the most gorgeous man on a plane. According to her calculations, the odds of meeting Mr. Perfectly Hot are approximately 1 in 285,000. Gabe Ross is an unexpected variable. Handsome, smart and unusually interested? Yes, Della has definitely improved her odds…Except that Gabe Ross isn't his real name. He works for the Department of Homeland Security, and Della is a part–a very distracting one–of an investigation into a critical security breach. Gabe tells himself that their affair is vital for the investigation. That he can remain objective. But mostly, he lies to himself…to hide the fact that he may be falling for the right woman at the wrong time.
Meilė netinkamu laiku Matematikė Dela Klark lėktuve ką tik susipažino su nuostabiu vyru. Remiantis jos apskaičiavimais, tikimybė sutikti poną Tobulybę yra labai menka – maždaug 1 iš 285 000. Bet Geibas Rosas toks nenuspėjamas. Jis patrauklus, protingas ir neįtikėtinai ja susidomėjęs. Dela nė nenutuokia, kad Geibas Rosas nėra tikrasis jo vardas. Iš tiesų jis dirba Saugumo departamente, o Dela jo vykdomos užduoties dalis. Ir dar labai blaškanti. Geibas mėgina save įtikinti, kad jų romanas tik pasitarnaus tyrimui, o jis sugebės išlikti objektyvus. Bet jis meluoja pats sau, nenorėdamas pripažinti, kad įsimylėjo tinkamą moterį netinkamu laiku…
Jungtinių Valstijų maršalei Džoanai Vaijat tenka nelengva užduotis: apsaugoti liudininkų apsaugos programoje dalyvaujantį vyrą, kuris nė nežino, kad yra saugomas. Įsidarbinusi padavėja Beno Kalahano pakelės užeigoje ji tikisi niekieno netrukdoma stebėti vyrą. Deja, kyla sunkumų. Kankinantis noras atsidurti buvusio karinio jūrų laivyno karininko lovoje – ne pati didžiausia problema. Daug blogiau, kad šis vyras nepripažįsta tapęs taikiniu. Benas jau yra išgyvenęs ne vieną rizikingą situaciją, neketina jis jaudintis ir dabar. Nors… seksualioji padavėja jį išties jaudina. Aišku, dabar ne pats geriausias metas veltis į kokius nors santykius. Tačiau atsispirti abipusei traukai nėra taip paprasta.