Nicola Marsh

Список книг автора Nicola Marsh

    Princess Australia

    Nicola Marsh

    Natasha Telford is an everyday, hardworking Australian girl.Dante Andretti is gorgeous, charmingand a prince! They couldn't be more different. But Dante needs Natasha's help. For a little while he wants to be Dante the man – not Dante the prince.Natasha is just the ordinary girl to show him around town. And maybe she has what it takes to be his extraordinary princess?

    Impossibly Pregnant

    Nicola Marsh

    Found: His Family

    Nicola Marsh

    A successful businesswoman and single mom, Aimee has everything she wants in life–especially her little boy. But Toby is sick, and Aimee now needs the one person she thought she'd never see again–Toby's father, Jed.When Jed left Aimee five years ago he thought he was doing the right thing. But he hadn't realized Aimee was pregnant–or how much it would hurt when he walked away. Now that Jed has found his family he's determined to make up for lost time. He wants to prove to Aimee that he can be the father Toby needs and the husband she deserves.

    Her Deal with the Devil

    Nicola Marsh

    Better the devil she knows…? Patrick Fourde was once famed for the trail of broken hearts and rumpled bedsheets he left behind him. Now the fashion house CEO is determined to make his name known for the right reasons. First challenge?Getting Sapphire Seaborn, Melbourne’s Queen of Jewellery, onside. Sapphie has sacrificed everything for her jewellery business and very nearly lost it all. She hates that to rescue it she needs to work alongside her nemesis – Patrick!It was supposed to be business only, but Sapphie quickly realises that when you make a deal with a devil this scorching someone’s going to get burnt…‘Sizzling throughout with an ending to melt your heart!’ – Marg, 31, Mother

    Vintažo karalienė

    Nicola Marsh

    Mados keičiasi, bet tikra meilė nepavaldi laikui. Čeisas Eteridžas organizuoja svarbiausią renginį savo karjeroje – sesers mergvakarį. Paprastai jis nepasiduoda spaudimui, bet šįkart iš pusiausvyros išveda vakarėlio rengėja – karščiausia jo kada nors regėta mergina su vintažine suknele. Nepasitikėjimą savimi Lola Lombard mėgina paslėpti nepriekaištingomis garbanomis ir raudonais lūpų dažais. Čeisas supranta: jis vienintelis gali įtikinti Lolą, kad po žavingais retro drabužiais slepiasi graži ir protinga moteris. Tačiau ar praeitis nesužlugdys romantiškų ateities planų?

    Saloje su buvusiuoju

    Nicola Marsh

    Kristi dienoraštis: pirma šou „Išbandymas“ diena Man nusišypsojo laimė dalyvauti nuostabiame realybės šou – išsigelbėti iš sudužusio laivo ir patekti į idilišką negyvenamą salą. Tik štai manasis Penktadienis pasirodė esąs Džeredas Malounas – vaikinas, kadaise sudaužęs man širdį! Aišku, viskas bus gerai. Juk ničnieko jam nebejaučiu. Moterys prie televizoriaus ekranų turbūt alpsta dėl įdegusio gražuoliuko, o man jis – tik pasipūtęs raumenų kalnas! Stebima kamerų einu prie jūros pasimatyti su Džeredu. Tikiuosi, kad atrodau gražiai!