He is one of the most beloved athletes in history and one of the most gifted men ever to step onto a tennis court – but from early childhood Andre Agassi hated the game.Coaxed to swing a racket while still in the crib, forced to hit hundreds of balls a day while still in grade school, Agassi resented the constant pressure even as he drove himself, an inner conflict that would define him. In his beautiful, haunting autobiography, Agassi tells the story of a life framed by conflict.Agassi makes us feel his panic as an undersized seven-year-old, practicing all day under the obsessive gaze of his violent father. We see him at thirteen, banished to a tennis camp. A lonely, scared, ninth-grade dropout, he rebels in ways that will soon make him a 1980s icon. By the time he turns pro at sixteen, his new look promises to change tennis forever, as does his lightning fast return.Yet, despite raw talent, he struggles. We feel his confusion as he loses to the world's best, his greater confusion as he starts to win. After stumbling in three Grand Slam finals, Agassi shocks the world, and himself, by capturing the 1992 Wimbledon title. Overnight he becomes a fan favourite and a media target.Agassi brings a near-photographic memory to every pivotal match, and every public relationship. Alongside vivid portraits of tennis rivals, Agassi gives unstinting accounts of his relationships. He reveals the depression that shatters his confidence, and the mistake that nearly costs him everything. Finally, he recounts his spectacular resurrection and his march to become the oldest man ever ranked number one.In clear, taut prose, Agassi evokes his loyal brother, his wise coach, his gentle trainer, all the people who help him regain his balance and find love at last with Stefanie Graf.With its breakneck tempo and raw candor, Open will be read and cherished for years. A treat for ardent fans, it will also captivate readers who know nothing about tennis. Like Agassi's game, it sets a new standard for grace, style, speed and power.Note that this ebook edition does not include illustrations that first appeared in the print version.
Enam kui suurepärane mälestusteraamat ja ajalehe New York Times müügihitt profitennisest – „Avatult“ on kaasakiskuv lugu ühe märkimisväärse mehe sama märkimisväärsest elust. Andre Agassi tulevik oli kindlaks määratud juba enne seda, kui ta võrevoodist välja kasvas. Agassi, keda oli tennisetšempioniks lihvinud nõudlik ja tujukas isa, võitis 22aastaselt oma esimese kaheksast suure slämmi auhinnast, mis tõi endaga kaasa rikkuse, kuulsuse ja tennisemaailma kõrgeimad auavaldused. Kuid nagu Agassi käesolevas raamatus paljastab, oli ta väljaspool tenniseväljakut õnnetu, segaduses ning oma suurte saavutustega pidevalt rahulolematu. Ta kirjutab siiralt varajasest edust ning ebamugavast suhtest sellega, abielust filminäitleja Brooke Shieldsiga, kasvavast huvist heategevuse vastu, jutustab lugejale haaravalt, äärmiselt detailselt parematest ja halvematest aegadest oma säravas karjääris.