(Против пассионарности Л.Н. Гумилева). Каковы реальный источник и движущая сила развития человека, земной цивилизации в целом и сообществ, составляющих ее, которые придают всему существующему соответствующую динамику? Этот вопрос до сих пор стоит на повестке дня, поскольку удовлетворительного ответа до сих пор не найдено, хотя различных гипотез и теорий произведено достаточно. Наша попытка решить проблему и доказательства представлены ниже. Отметим также, что данные из гл. 4.2. помогут каждому читателю определиться в собственной сущности.
What does with the person the power and what are the fruits of efforts of the person in power? Who actually uncompromisingly counteracts the authorities and whether a complete victory of one of the parties is possible? What is the primary source of the development of society? Is not it curious to take a look at all this from the highest bell tower, if thou is not too lazy to climb up on it!?
Что делает власть с человеком, и каковы плоды усилий человека во власти? Кто всегда бескомпромиссно противодействует власть предержащим и возможна ли полная победа одной из сторон? Что на самом деле движет социальное развитие? Не любопытно ли взглянуть на всё это с самой высокой колокольни, если не лень залезть на нее!?
Whose will take in opposition of Russia and the USA? Weak Russia nowadays or the strong America? Is it possible to actually the victory any of the parties at this stage of development of a civilization? Why only Russians do not wish in their mass humbly to accept the consumerist values of the West and in what the Russian idea should consist?
Everyone wants to be the free and happy, but does not know as. Tips proceeding from all directions, – generally are an ordinary cheating. It is impossible to speak about what you do not know. And who knows, what, actually, such is liberty and happiness? Therefore at first it is necessary to define the affiliation of liberty and to find out hers mission. While it is clear only that liberty, what you did not have an idea about it, you will not achieve without continuous conscious searching of paths of elimination of everything that is a hindrance and searching of paths of release from all superfluous. After all with the weight on a neck it is difficult to be happy and tender. In a problem of liberty, life and consciousness the psychology got confused and the philosophy still was not defined. I hope you will be interested to know about completely new approach to this problem, which has not been resolved till this moment.
Такого явления как интеллигенция нет нигде, кроме России. В остальных странах культурный слой нации носит наименование интеллектуалов. Почему так случилось только в России, какими свойствами обладает интеллигенция, кто к ней относится и какова ее роль в общественной жизни страны вкратце рассмотрено ниже – и довольно обидно для интеллигенции, но по фактам – справедливо.
Amusing, absurd and hopeless sarcastic-absurdist design, in which there is a wish to look every day.
Since Kant's time, it is known that the logical proof of the presence or absence of such an otherworldly being as God is impossible. However, it is quite possible to demonstrate necessity not soulless course of the universal machine, but development and life of some consciousness not in one hypostasis-expression, uniting and leading everything on the basis of holography,quite perhaps by the opposite.
Happiness is the anticipation of execution of the cherished desire, which ends with fulfillment. Laughter is the reverse side of crying because tears is not enough on all.
Certainly, the main thing in Creation is just what is capable to be separated from it, evaluate it and itself, to move forward together. A person arose in itself or not? What is really his mission and whether there is this mission, per se? The riddle of emergence of the subject, which is so different from everything else in the thoughts, feelings and actions, as well as the problem of his disappearance isn't allowed in the frames of the known – evolutionary or religious – ideas, but it is well allowed by the approaches, described below.