A secret baby…When Sydney girl Stella Lassiter discovers that she's pregnant, she travels to the Outback seeking her ex-boyfriend for help, only to bump into the one man she's hoping to avoid–Callum Roper.…a whirlwind wedding!A year ago Callum had been drawn to Stella at a party, but quickly realized she was off-limits. Now, however, he is determined to make her unborn baby part of his family. And marriage seems the perfect solution…
Erin has agreed to take her little boy to the Outback to meet his father–her ex-husband– whom she hasn't seen for five years.Seeing Luke again, Erin's not sure how she's supposed to act around the man she once loved so deeply. The memories of their marriage come flooding back…the happy times, and the reasons that tore them apart. But now Luke is determined she stay. Can Erin find the courage to give their marriage a second chance–and let them become a family again?
With just four days to go unti Tessa's big day, Isaac Masters has come home!The soul mate she always dreamed would be her husband, Isaac is now more attractive than ever. And when he stands in for her self-centered fiancé at the wedding rehearsal, Tessa knows she is marrying the wrong man.Now she faces the biggest decision a bride-to-be can make. Should she go ahead with her marriage? Or does she dare stop the wedding in the hope that Isaac has a proposal of his own?
Betrayed by her cheating boyfriend, Emily seeks refuge in her cousin’s city apartment.Only to be greeted instead by his friend Jude. Crime writer Jude’s as mysterious as the novels he writes and Emily can’t help but be intrigued. Yet Jude knows he can’t let Emily fall for him, as he may not be able to offer her the lifetime together that they both deserve…
Byrne Drummondi kujutis kinnitus Fiona mõtetesse alates esimesest korrast, kui naine teda Gundawarras nägi. Stoiline laiaõlgne karjapidaja, löödud katastroofist, mille oli põhjustanud Fiona vend… Byrne´il on kuhjaga põhjust Fiona McLareni vihkamiseks. Naise hooletu vend hävitas ta perekonna. Kuid Fiona puudutus on esimene, mis teda üle aastate erutab.
Sudie, atogrąžų salos rojau… Apsimainiusi namais Molė Kuper iš Ramiojo vandenyno salos patenka į išskirtinį Londono Čelsio rajoną. Ji svajoja pagyventi Britanijoje… ir susipažinti su tobulu anglų džentelmenu! Sveikas, Londone! Patrikui Naitui atviri Molės laiškai atrodo keistai patrauklūs. Buvęs bankininkas tikisi, kad apsimainęs būstu Londone su idilišku Molės nameliu galės parašyti pirmąjį romaną. Deja, viskas klojasi ne taip, kaip planuota… Ką daryti supratus, kad tavo geidžiamas žmogus yra kitame pusrutulyje – gyvena tavo namuose ir miega tavo lovoje?..