When the Greek Claims his heir…Greek billionaire Dimitri Petronides has one rule: duty over passion–especially for the women in his bed and this includes his latest mistress, the beautiful Xandra Fortune. But when Dimitri ends their affair, announcing his engagement to a more suitable woman, Xandra's parting shot before leaving turns his world upside down.Having disappeared without a trace, it's taken four months for Dimitri to track her down and now he's found her, he's not going to let her–or the baby she's carrying–out of his sight!Alexandra left the painful life of Xandra Fortune far behind, but the moment Dimitri appears, it comes crashing back. Knowing he'll use their searing attraction against her, she must resist, because this time more is at stake than just her heart…
Step into a world of sophistication and glamour, where sinfully seductive heroes await you in luxurious international locations.The Sheikh’s wedding night…without the wedding… Angele has longed for her betrothal to Crown Prince Zahir to be consummated within wedlock. She naively hoped her promised husband would wait for her, as she would him – but compromising paparazzi photos have dashed those youthful dreams…She cannot become Zahir’s wife out of duty and endure a loveless union; she must let him go free…but on one condition. Will the proud Sheikh agree to give her the wedding night she has long dreamed of without taking her hand in marriage?
Dares she defy the terms of her marriage?Ariston Spiridakou had one reason and one reason only for marrying Chloe: he needed a biddable bride to provide the requisite heir. Yet three years later Chloe’s status as good Greek wife is a distant memory – and her defiance has had her cast out of Ariston’s life…Infuriatingly, Chloe now finds herself at Ariston’s mercy – but his help comes with a wicked price: the unyielding condition that he won’t even consider her request until she’s shared his bed…and is expecting his baby!‘Lucy Monroe does it again, great dialogue and lots of angst. One of the best writers of romance.’ – Stacey, 39, Australia
Stovėdamas prie mylimos žmonos kapo Valentinas Grisafis, garsių Sicilijos vynuogynų savininkas, pasižadėjo niekada nebevesti. Amerikietei skulptorei Fetei jau pabodo būti slaptąja Valentino meiluže. Ypač dabar, kai likimas suteikė dar vieną šansą tapti motina. Iki visiškos laimės tetrūksta ją mylinčio vyro. Bet tas, kurį Fetė myli, nė neketina siūlyti jai rankos ir širdies.
Nepaliesta… ir nupirkta už šimtą tūkstančių dolerių! Išstumta i sceną, neįprastų gabumų turinti maža mergaitė Kasandra diena po dienos keri publiką savo pasirodymais… Mirus tėvams, Kesė užsisklendžia savo pasaulyje. Tik kartą per metus ji dalijasi aistra muzikai, siūlydama fortepijono pamokas labdaros aukcionui… Aukcione jos pamokos nuperkamos už šimtą tūkstančių dolerių! Taip į jos gyvenimą įsiveržia arogantiškas graikų magnatas Neo Stamosas.