Trish Wylie

Список книг автора Trish Wylie

    Her Unexpected Baby

    Trish Wylie

    Adam Donovan' s good looks and charm may win over every other woman in the world, but divorced mother Dana Taylor is immune. Or so she thinks, until the night Adam poses as her date…and the pretence is so real that they become close. Now she' s thrilled to discover she' s pregnant! But she' s also wary. She' s been through one difficult marriage, and has had enough emotional trauma to last a lifetime. What will it take for her to believe Adam is different–that he can bring her the happiness she deserves?

    Project: Parenthood

    Trish Wylie

    She hid from love, but it found her anyway…Teagan Delaney has made sure that she's too busy for love…too busy to get hurt! But when she has to become stand-in mom to her sister's tiny kids and enlists the help of her gorgeous neighbor, Brendan McNamara, the rules Teagan has lived by begin to crumble…Brendan has already proved with ease that he's perfect father material, and, as his newfound family quickly nestles its way into his heart, he has to show Teagan that they can be the perfect family, too.

    The Wedding Surprise

    Trish Wylie

    Desperate to save her father's business, Caitlin Rourke enters a reality-TV contest with one thing on her mind: the prize money! To win she has to convince her family and friends that she's marrying a stranger.As she gets to know her gorgeous fake fiancé, Aiden Flynn, she gets increasingly torn between helping her family and keeping her feelings for Aiden a secret. As their wedding day looms and the cameras roll, there's another surprise in store for Caitlin–her on-screen fiancé could become her off-screen husband!

    The Bridal Bet

    Trish Wylie

    Ryan Callaghan and Molly O'Brien have been best friends forever. But a childhood game turns serious when Ryan dares Molly to pretend they're dating–and she accepts!Ryan's quick to point out that pretend couples have to do a lot of very real kissing. And, as old friends become brand-new lovers, Molly realizes that the stakes for this bet are far higher than she had first thought….

    Rescued: Mother-To-Be

    Trish Wylie

    Feeling her baby's first kick was supposed to be a joyous moment for Colleen McKenna. When life dealt her the hardest blow, Colleen knew that she would have to summon up all her courage to cope with her pregnancy alone.Now gorgeous millionaire Eamonn's kindness is testing her fierce independence. And having Eamonn Murphy's hand on her bump, feeling each tiny kick with her, makes every moment more special than the last….

    O'Reilly's Bride

    Trish Wylie

    Trish Wylie's novels sparkle with lyrical Irish warmth!Sean O'Reilly had become so close to his colleague and friend Maggie Sullivan that he was beginning to imagine their friendship could lead to more. Only now, bizarrely, she's backed off–and, even more strangely, she's started looking for love on the Internet! Well, if he can't beat them, he'll have to join them….Maggie can't let herself get close to Sean. Not now. Not when she's discovered something that will break all his dreams of happy-ever-after. But she has no idea how much she has hurt Sean–nor how much she has just fueled his determination to make her his…by any means necessary!

    Bride Of The Emerald Isle

    Trish Wylie

    On the Irish Isle of Valentia wisps of cloud hang low in the air, and a rugged figure appears through the hazy mist–the man that Keelin O'Donnell has been searching for without ever realizing it. Garrett Kincaid can help beautiful stranger Keelin unlock the secrets of her past. But he can't give her his heart–he knows Keelin's life lies elsewhere.Except the essence of the Emerald Isle is capturing Keelin, drawing her in and giving her the courage to claim a future. A future that belongs to this man.

    Velniop taisykles!

    Trish Wylie

    Nustatyti ribas… Advokatė Olivija Branigan ne kartą yra susidūrusi su kietaširdžiais klientais, tačiau Bleiką Kleitoną galima pavadinti tikru emocijų valdymo profesionalu. Jis nė nemirktelėjo sužinojęs, kad iš tėvo, su kuriuo nebendravo metų metus, paveldėjo milžinišką pinigų sumą. Bleikui nereikia nešvarių pinigų. Vienintelis dalykas patraukęs jo dėmesį – dalykiška, bet itin dailiai atrodanti advokatė, kuri įteikė jam naujuosius nuosavybės dokumentus. Pasimatymai su klientais neįtraukti į Olivijos Sėkmingo bendradarbiavimo taisykles ir tikrai neatitinka jos griežto požiūrio į lengvabūdiškus santykius. Bet argi taisyklės nebuvo sukurtos tam, kad jas laužytų?

    Aukštakulnių suviliotas

    Trish Wylie

    Tinklaraštininkės išpažintis Dievinu uniformuotus vyrus! Argi ne kiekviena mergina svajoja apie šalia gyvenantį gražuolį iš specialiųjų pajėgų? Tik, žinoma, ne apie Danielį Braniganą – vyresnįjį geriausios draugės brolį, kurio ego per visą Teksasą, o nutrūktgalviškumas neišmatuojamas. Mes pažadiname pačias blogiausias vienas kito savybes, labai švelniai sakant. Ypač dabar, kai žinome vienas kito paslaptis… Todėl ne, damos, tokioms fantazijoms aš nepasiduosiu. Bent jau toks mano planas. Ar minėjau, kad jis buvęs jūrų pėstininkas? O jie iššūkių tikrai nebijo…

    Gundantis prisilietimas

    Trish Wylie

    "Roana Eliot, paplūdimy sutikusi nuogą nepažįstamąjį, ima priekaištauti už neteisėtą įsiveržimą į privačias valdas. Tačiau, vos spėjus prabilti, galvą užplūsta svaigios mintys, kurios verčia merginos širdį daužytis! Keistasis paklydėlis yra Adamas Brajantas, Brajantų dinastijos paveldėtojas. Ištisą dešimtmetį blaškęsis po pasaulį, jis sugrįžo atsiimti to, kas jam teisėtai priklauso… Roana pasiryžusi atsispirti vyro kerams, bet pagunda tiesiog yra per didelė."