Süüdimatu kunstikaupmees. Erakordsete annetega ettevõtja. Masaisõdalane ja eksiteele sattunud ravitsejamees. Ja noorpaar, kellel on kõik põhjused kätte maksta.
Erinevad inimsaatused põimuvad Stockholmi külmas veebruarikuus. Draama keskpunktis on kaks impressionistlikku kunstiteost. Aga kes need maalis? Kes on nende omanik? Ja mis on paavstil selle kõigega tegemist?
„AS Kättemaks On Magus” on humoristlik armastusavaldus vabale kunstile ja rõõmuga jutustatud lugu.
Jonas Jonasson on ajakirjanik ja ärimees, kes oma vanast elust ära tüdines ning otsustas selle asemel kirjanikuks hakata. „AS Kättemaks On Magus” on tema viies romaan. Esimest nelja on kiitnud niihästi retsensendid kui ka lugejad üle kogu maailma ja neid on tõlgitud neljakümne kuude keelde.
SUNDAY TIMES NO 1 FICTION BESTSELLERFROM THE AUTHOR OF THE HUNDRED-YEAR-OLD MAN WHO CLIMBED OUT OF THE WINDOW AND DISAPPEAREDJust because the world ignores you, doesn’t mean you can’t save it . . . Nombeko Mayeki was never meant to be a hero. Born in a Soweto shack, she seemed destined for a short, hard life. But now she is on the run from the world ‘s most ruthless secret service, with three Chinese sisters, twins who are officially one person and an elderly potato farmer. Oh, and the fate of the King of Sweden – and the world – rests on her shoulders.As uproariously funny as Jonas Jonasson’s bestselling debut, this is an entrancing tale of luck, love and international relations.‘A comic delight of love, luck and mathematics’ Daily Express‘It’s “feel-good” set to stun level’ Guardian‘As unlikely and funny as The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared’Observer
The bestselling novel from the author of The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and The Girl Who Saved the King of SwedenIT’S NEVER TOO LATE TO START AGAIN. AND AGAIN.It’s always awkward when five thousand kronor goes missing. When it happens at a certain grotty hotel in south Stockholm, it’s particularly awkward because the money belongs to the hitman currently staying in room seven. Per Persson, the hotel receptionist, just wants to mind his own business, and preferably not get murdered. Johanna Kjellander, temporarily resident in room eight, is a priest without a vocation, and, as of last week, without a parish. But right now she has two things at her disposal: an envelope containing five thousand kronor, and an excellent idea . . .Featuring one violent killer, two shrewd business brains and many crates of Moldovan red wine, Hitman Anders and the Meaning of It All is an outrageously zany story with as many laughs as Jonasson’s multimillion-copy bestseller The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared.‘Enormous fun’The Times‘A thrilling ride’Financial Times
A madcap new novel from the one-of-a-kind author of The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and The Girl Who Saved the King of SwedenIT’S NEVER TOO LATE TO START AGAIN. AND AGAIN.It’s always awkward when five thousand kronor goes missing. When it happens at a certain grotty hotel in south Stockholm, it’s particularly awkward because the money belongs to the hitman currently staying in room seven. Per Persson, the hotel receptionist, just wants to mind his own business, and preferably not get murdered. Johanna Kjellander, temporarily resident in room eight, is a priest without a vocation, and, as of last week, without a parish. But right now she has two things at her disposal: an envelope containing five thousand kronor, and an excellent idea . . .Featuring one violent killer, two shrewd business brains and many crates of Moldovan red wine, Hitman Anders and the Meaning of It All is an outrageously zany story with as many laughs as Jonasson’s multimillion-copy bestseller The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared.
It all begins with a hot air balloon trip and three bottles of champagne. Allan and Julius are ready for some spectacular views, but they’re not expecting to land in the sea and be rescued by a North Korean ship, and they could never have imagined that the captain of the ship would be harbouring a suitcase full of contraband uranium, on a nuclear weapons mission for Kim Jong-un …Soon Allan and Julius are at the centre of a complex diplomatic crisis involving world figures from the Swedish foreign minister to Angela Merkel and President Trump. Things are about to get very complicated …
Allan istub koos sõber Juliusega Bali saarel paradiisirannal. Tal on peaaegu sama igav nagu aasta tagasi, kui ta päev enne oma sajandat sünnipäeva hooldekodust akna kaudu ära põgenes. Tulemas on järgmine sünnipäev. Julius otsustab Allani tähtsat päeva tähistada õhupallisõiduga. Allan leiab, et kaasa tuleks varuda ka jooki puhuks, kui neid peaks ootamatult tabama tuulevaikus. Neid ei taba aga tuulevaikus, vaid korralikumat sorti torm. Tuul ja asjaolud viivad sõbrad pikale reisile läbi hullunud maailma. Selle keskpunktis on tuumavõidurelvastumine, maailma liidrite vaheline kukepoks, inimlik lollus ja salakavalus. Nende teele jäävad Kim Jong-un, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Angela Merkel ja Rootsi välisminister, kes ei jõua ära imestada, kas see, mis toimub, juhtub ikka päriselt. „Saja ühe aastane, kes mõtles, et ta mõtleb liiga palju” on iseseisev järg Jonas Jonassoni menuromaanile saja-aastasest Allan Karlssonist. Kirjanik lahkab taas inimkonna puudusi ja teeb seda oma kordumatu stiili, huumori ja soojusega. Esimest raamatut Allan Karlssonist pealkirjaga „Saja-aastane, kes hüppas aknast välja ja kadus” on müüdud 45 riigis kokku üle kümne miljoni eksemplari.