Stunning repackage of the story of a woman trapped in the wrong time. Abandoned by her twentieth century lover, she plots a terrible revenge on him and his family.Adam Craig is fourteen when he meets Brid near an isolated Celtic stone in the wild Scottish Highlands – he is fascinated by her exotic, gypsy-like dress and strange attitudes. They become friends, and, in time, passionate lovers. She leads him, unsuspecting, into the sixth century, where she has mastered the ancient mysteries and dangerous magic of the Druids.In her obsession with Adam, Brid is seen as a traitor by her people, only escaping death by following Adam to Edinburgh, when he leaves home to study medicine.As the years pass he makes new friends and finds new love. But Brid is consumed by jealousy and haunts him like an evil shadow, until, fifty years on, Adam’s granddaughter helps him discover the secret that will free them from the terror of Brid’s curse.
In her second volume of short stories, which follows the hugely successful 'Encounters', Barbara Erskine has created a compelling world of love, betrayal, suspense and grief.A biographer investigating a tragic death hears voices from the past drawing her towards the truth…A nineteenth century parson’s daughter is caught up in the excitement and romance of a smuggling intrigue…A young boy from a deprived background finds his own haven in the wastelands of the inner city…Contemporary, historical, spooky, and humorous – there are over thirty delightful stories, each one guaranteed to capture the reader’s imagination, and all demonstrating Barbara Erskine’s unique powers as a storyteller.
A story spanning centuries. A long awaited revenge.In London, journalist Jo Clifford plans to debunk the belief in past-lives in a hard-hitting magazine piece. But her scepticism is shaken when a hypnotist forces her to relive the experiences of Matilda, Lady of Hay, a noblewoman during the reign of King John.She learns of Matilda's unhappy marriage, her love for the handsome Richard de Clare, and the brutal death threats handed out by King John, before it becomes clear that Jo’s past and present are inevitably entwined. She realises that eight hundred years on, Matilda’s story of secret passion and unspeakable treachery is about to repeat itself…Barbara Erskine’s iconic debut novel still delights generations of readers thirty years after its first publication.
A story spanning centuries. A long awaited revenge.In London, journalist Jo Clifford plans to debunk the belief in past-lives in a hard-hitting magazine piece. But her scepticism is shaken when a hypnotist forces her to relive the experiences of Matilda, Lady of Hay, a noblewoman during the reign of King John.She learns of Matilda's unhappy marriage, her love for the handsome Richard de Clare, and the brutal death threats handed out by King John, before it becomes clear that Jo’s past and present are inevitably entwined. She realises that eight hundred years on, Matilda’s story of secret passion and unspeakable treachery is about to repeat itself…Barbara Erskine’s iconic debut novel still delights generations of readers thirty years after its first publication.
The Sunday Times Top Ten bestseller.Two women, centuries apart. Linked in a place haunted by its history . . .Separated by more than six hundred years of history, two women are drawn together by Sleeper’s Castle, a house steeped in memory and magic. This is an epic tale of forbidden love, cruel revenge and a war that time can’t forget.Grieving and lost, Miranda has moved to Hay to escape, and slowly she feels herself coming to life in the solitude of the mountains. But her vivid dreams at Sleeper’s Castle introduce her to Catrin, a young women whose gift for foretelling the future embroiled her in a bloody revolt against English rule – many centuries ago.An unbreakable connection is forged across history. Catrin is reaching out . . . and only Miranda can help. But time is running out…Sunday Times bestselling author Barbara Erskine returns to Hay in the year that marks the 30th anniversary of her sensational debut bestseller, Lady of Hay.
“Fööniksi lapse” teise raamatu sündmused algavad aastal 1244. 26-aastaseks saanud Eleyne, põletusarmid näol ja haavad hinges, püüab Alexanderi kaotamise valust üle saada ja edasi elada. Kaunis naine on julma ajastu ja meeste tujude mängukann, kelle tahtest ei olene midagi. Või siiski? Eleyne jääb ilma paljudest armastatud lähedastest. Nägemused, mis ilmutavad end üha sagedamini ja selgemini, ei aita õudusi ära hoida. Mitte miski ei suuda saatust väärata. Eleyne ootab kogu elu Einioni ettekuulutuse täitumist, kuigi usk, et tema järeltulijast saab alguse võimas kuningatesugu, hakkab kahanema.
Aastal 1218 sünnib otsekui tulest ebatavaline printsess, kelle müstilised võimed ja murdumatu vaim muudavad ajaloo käiku. Tulest sündinuna suudab ta tulest näha tulevikku, ent tuli toob talle ka kannatusi. Iidsest Walesi soost hoidja Rhonweni kasvandik Eleyne õpib kummardama iidseid jumalaid ja ta asub toetama keltide võitlust Inglismaa röövelliku kuninga vastu. Paraku napib tal jõudu ja tahet, et õppida tundma ja valitsema oma erakordseid ja üleloomulikke võimeid. Suutmatus nägemusi tõlgendada läheb maksma võimaluse ära hoida eesootavaid hirmsaid õnnetusi. Kui Eleyne jääb ilma kuningas Alexanderi armastusest ja on sunnitud jätkama kooselu sadistliku abikaasa Robertiga, näib, et jumalad on talle lõplikult selja pööranud ja teadmamees Einioni ennustusel, et Eleyne'ist saab kuningate vereliini ema, pole määratud täituda.