Louisa May Alcott

Список книг автора Louisa May Alcott

    Lulu's Library Series, Volume 3

    Louisa May Alcott

    This is a collection of stories by Louisa May Alcott, the famous authoress of classics like 'Little Women.' Included are 'Recollections Of My Childhood', 'A Christmas Turkey, And How It Came', 'The Silver Party', 'The Blind Lark', 'Music And Macaroni', 'The Little Red Purse' and many more.

    Jo's Boys And How They Turned Out

    Louisa May Alcott

    It was simply impossible to hide any longer the melancholy fact that Miss Alcott's ' Little Men ' were growing up; they have refused to remain the charming boys they were when we read about them in said book. Like other boys of the same generation, they were fast becoming men, and we shall soon lose sight of them in the crowded ranks of mature life. It is very pleasant, therefore, to have another glimpse of them in 'Jo's Boys and How They Turned Out.' Of course everybody who knew 'Little Men' felt that with such a training and such surroundings they could not but turn out well, but everybody will rejoice to read the record of their growth and progress toward manhood. Their later story will be read by the same readers who were fascinated by the earlier record of their mingled sobriety and mischief, for the very good reason that these readers have grown up with the boys themselves. Miss Alcott has not lost her skill, and she makes her older boys quite as interesting and charming as the younger boys were. Altogether, her last volume, like its predecessors, is pre-eminently natural, healthful, and fascinating. It is one of the books for young people that long remained current at the bookstores.

    Little Women

    Louisa May Alcott

    The Complete Little Women: Little Women, Good Wives, Little Men, Jo's Boys

    Louisa May Alcott

    Little Women or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy is a novel by American author Louisa May Alcott (1832–1888). Written and published in two parts in 1868 and 1869, the novel follows the lives of four sisters – Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy March – and is loosely based on the author's childhood experiences with her three sisters. The first part of the book was an immediate commercial and critical success and prompted the composition of the book's second part, also a huge success. Both parts were first published as a single volume in 1880. The book is an unquestioned American classic.

    Kleine Frauen, Band 3: Kleine Männer

    Louisa May Alcott

    Keine unserer Leserinnen und keiner unserer Leser dürfte weder die beiden ersten Bände der «Kleinen Frauen», noch die warmherzige, kluge, aber manchmal auch grässliche Jo vergessen haben. Sie hat unsere Zuneigung gewonnen, und Miss Alcott hat gut daran getan, sie zum Hauptakteur des dritten Teils zu machen. «Kleine Frauen» ist tatsächlich fast perfekt geschrieben, und der große Erfolg, den das Buch erreicht hat, ist nicht nur ein Triumph guter Literatur über schlechte, sondern auch ein Beweis dafür, dass es Bücher gibt, in denen kleine Leser noch ihre Ideale und Gefährten finden können. Der zweite Teil dieses großartigen Werkes endete mit Meg, die sich ihren Pflichten als Mutter einer Familie widmete, Amy, die Laurie geheiratet hat, und Jo, die mit Professor Bär glücklich ist, aber immer noch überlegt, wie sie der Welt von Nützen sein könnte. «Kleine Männer» bringt uns zurück in die Leben all dieser jungen Frauen und führt uns außerdem ein in die Schule von Plumfield, wo mittlerweile etwas ein Dutzend von «Jos Jungs» wohnen. Der Leser nimmt teil an den lustigen Erfahrungen aber auch den täglichen Sorgen dieser Jungs, die bald von ein paar Mädchen unterstützt werden, die Jo ebenfalls aufgenommen hat … Wer die ersten beiden Bände «verschlungen» hat, wird kaum an diesem dritten Band vorbeikommen und wissen wollen, welche Wendungen das Glück der Kinder der Familie March genommen hat.

    Little Women. Vier Schwestern halten zusammen

    Louisa May Alcott

    ›Litte Women‹ gilt in den USA als einer der erfolgreichsten und beliebtesten Klassiker und hat Autorinnen wie Simone de Beauvoir, Elena Ferrante, Doris Lessing, Zadie Smith und J. K. Rowling in ihrem Schreiben beeinflusst. Nicht nur für sie, sondern auch für Millionen anderer junger Frauen galt die Protagonistin Jo, die sich den vorgegebenen Geschlechterrollen widersetzt und ihren Traum, Autorin zu werden, verfolgt, als Vorbild. ›Little Women‹ erzählt die Geschichte von gleich vier beeindruckenden jungen Frauen, die alle ihren eigenen Weg finden – und ist dabei erstaunlich aktuell.

    Little Women

    Louisa May Alcott

    HarperCollins is proud to present a range of best-loved, essential classics.'Wouldn't it be fun if all the castles in the air which we make could come true and we could live in them?'A heart-warming tale of love, sisterhood and hardship during the New England Civil War, Little Women tells the story of the lovable March family. Meg, Beth, Jo and Amy try to support their mother at home while their father is away at war and enter into various scrapes and adventures as they do so. Alcott beautifully interweaves bad times and good as her characters struggle with the trials and tribulations of growing up and their relationships with one another.

    Chłopcy Jo

    Louisa May Alcott

    Hospital Sketches

    Louisa May Alcott

    Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) was the daughter of famous transcendentalist, Bronson Alcott, but achieved notoriety herself as a writer of novels, letters and short stories. Growing up under the influence of such minds as Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau, Alcott took an early interest in writing, completing her first book in 1849. When she turned thirty, the Civil War was in full swing, and she left for Georgetown to serve as a nurse at the Union Hospital. Within six weeks Alcott contracted typhoid fever, the effects from which she would never fully recover. She spent her recovery time collecting, editing and fictionalizing the letters she had written to her family which described her experiences as a war nurse. These «Hospital Sketches», which brought Alcott instant popularity, relate the appalling conditions of the hospitals in graphic detail as well as her conversations with various injured soldiers.

    Little Men

    Louisa May Alcott

    Considered the second book in the «Little Women» trilogy, «Little Men» is Louisa May Alcott's classic novel that tells the story of Jo Bhaer who along with her husband, Professor Bhaer runs the Plumfield Estate School. The novel details the lives of the two and the children that attend the school. In the tradition of «Little Women», the experiences of the youngsters exemplify important life lessons as they learn to grow into proper young gentleman and ladies.