God has his own plan for everything.It doesn’t matter if you believe, the Divine is present.God has his own plan for everything. There is no need to talk about the soul. She is made of light, she just knows. Why would she do that? We cultivate our mind throughout life so that it becomes like a soul. Only everyone’s mind is like this: I want myself, not a crown, but money, I’m in charge!
Tienes un libro inusual en tus manos. Tal vez después de leerlo, su conciencia cambiará tanto que usted se percibirá a sí mismo y al mundo que lo rodea de manera muy diferente. Ella interesará a todos los buscadores de la verdad que desean sinceramente conocer el mundo y a sí mismos en este mundo. Gran parte del libro está ocupado por diálogos. Si tienes la sensación de que no estás fuera de este mundo, este libro es para TI.
You are holding an unusual book in your hands. Perhaps after reading it, your consciousness will change so much that you will perceive yourself and the world around you in a completely different way. It will interest all seekers of truth who sincerely want to know the world and themselves in this world. A significant part of the book is occupied by dialogues. If you have a feeling that you are not from this world, this book is for you.